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Caustic Soda (in solution and in solid form) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (18 edition)

页数: 132 表数: 53 的数字的数量: 34
报告语言: Russian
发布: 10.04.2024

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价格: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This review is the eighteenth edition of the caustic soda market research in the Russian Federation.

Market monitoring has been carried out since 2000.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian caustic soda market.

The object of study is caustic soda, both in solution and in solid form.

The work presented is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.

A distinctive feature of this study is a detailed description of the caustic soda market (solid and liquid) in Russia; in addition, in-plant consumption of caustic soda was studied in detail.

Chronological scope of the study: 1997-2023; forecast – 2024-2030

Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis.


The review consists of 6 chapters and contains 137 pages, including 53 tables, 34 figures and an appendix.

The first chapter of the review provides information about existing technologies for the production of caustic soda, their features, the raw materials required for production, their quality and supplies to caustic soda producers.

The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the production of caustic soda in the Russian Federation. This chapter provides the requirements of existing regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of caustic soda of various brands, statistics on the production of these products in 1997-2023, the regional structure of production is assessed, and the main manufacturing enterprises are described.

The third chapter analyzes foreign trade operations with caustic soda in the Russian Federation. Data on the volumes of exports and imports of the products under study are provided, the regional structure of supplies is assessed, and data on the volumes of caustic soda supplies by exporters and importers is provided.

The fourth chapter provides information on the price level for caustic soda on the domestic Russian market, and also analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for products.

In the fifth chapter of the review, the balance of production and consumption of caustic soda in Russia is given, the industrial structure of consumption of the products under study is assessed, the main consumers of caustic soda are described, and the factors determining the demand for caustic soda in the domestic market are analyzed.

The sixth chapter is devoted to the forecast for the development of production and consumption of caustic soda in Russia for the period until 2030.

The appendix provides the addresses and contact information of enterprises producing caustic soda in the Russian Federation.


Target audience of the study:

- caustic soda market participants – producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists working in the caustic soda market.





I. Caustic soda production technology and raw materials used in industry

I.1. Methods for producing caustic soda

I.2. Capacities of Russian enterprises for the production of caustic soda

I.3. Raw materials and directions of supply of raw materials


II. Production of caustic soda in the Russian Federation

II.1. Product quality

II.2. Volume of caustic soda production in the Russian Federation in 1997-2023.

II.3. Current status of the largest caustic soda producers

II.3.1. JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd)

II.3.2. LLC "RusVinyl" (Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region)

II.3.3. JSC "Sayanskkhimplast" (Sayansk, Irkutsk region)

II.3.4. JSC "Bashkir Soda Company" (Sterlitamak, Bashkortostan)

II.3.5. LLC "HaloPolymer Kirovo-Chepetsk" (Kirov region)

II.3.6. Others


III. Export-import of caustic soda in 1997-2023.

III.1. Volume and dynamics of export-import

III.2. Structure of foreign trade operations

III.2.1. Export

III.2.2. Import


IV. Review of caustic soda prices

IV.1. Domestic prices for caustic soda in the Russian Federation in 2000-2024.

IV.2. Dynamics of export-import prices for caustic soda in the Russian Federation in 2000-2023.


V. Consumption of caustic soda in Russia

V.1. Balance of caustic soda consumption in Russia in 1997-2023.

V.2. Structure of caustic soda consumption in Russia

V.3. The main consumer enterprises of caustic soda in Russia

V.3.1. In-plant consumption of caustic soda by Russian enterprises in 2023

V.3.2. Railroad supplies to the largest Russian consumer enterprises of caustic soda

V.4. Current state and development prospects of the main consumer industries of caustic soda in Russia

V.4.1. Chemical and petrochemical industry

JSC "Volzhsky Orgsintez" (Volzhsky, Volgograd region)

PJSC "KuibyshevAzot" (Tolyatti, Samara region)

LLC "LUKOIL-Saratovorgsintez" (Saratov)

V.4.2. Pulp and paper industry

Branches of JSC "Ilim Group" in Koryazhma, Ust-Ilimsk and Bratsk (Arkhangelsk, Irkutsk region)

JSC "Mondi Syktyvkar LPK" (Syktyvkar, Komi Republic)

JSC "Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill" (Novodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region)

V.4.3. Non-ferrous metallurgy

             RUSAL Company

V.4.4. Energy


VI. Forecast for the development of the Russian caustic soda market for the period up to 2030.


Appendix: Contact information of caustic soda manufacturing companies in the Russian Federation

Table 1. Capacities and current technology for the production of caustic soda at Russian enterprises (as of March 2024)

Table 2. Solid caustic soda production capacity at Russian enterprises (as of March 2024)

Table 3. Geographical distribution of table salt reserves across the territory of the Russian Federation

Table 4. Deposits of salt used as raw material by caustic soda producers in the Russian Federation

Table 5. Requirements for the quality of technical caustic soda in the Russian Federation (according to GOST R 55064-2012)

Table 6. Quality requirements for caustic soda (according to GOST 11078-78)

Table 7. Quality requirements for caustic soda (according to GOST 4328-77)

Table 8. Requirements for the quality of technical caustic soda granulated produced by JSC "Kaustik" (Volgograd) (according to STO 00203275-206-2007)

Table 9. Requirements for the quality of caustic soda technical tablets produced by JSC "Kaustik" (Volgograd) (according to STO 00203275-219-2008)

Table 10. Quality requirements for food additive E 524 sodium hydroxide produced by JSC "Kaustik" (Volgograd) (according to TU 9199-044-00203275-2009)

Table 11. Production of caustic soda (solid and liquid) by Russian enterprises in 1997-2023, thousand tons (in terms of solid matter)

Table 12. Capacity utilization of enterprises producing caustic soda in the Russian Federation in 2010, 2015, 2023, %

Table 13. Capacity (thousand tons/year) and production volumes of caustic soda (thousand tons) of the Volgograd JSC "Caustic" in 1997-2023. (based on solids)

Table 14. Largest consumer countries of caustic soda (solid and liquid) from Volgograd JSC "Caustic" in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 15. Railroad supplies to the largest Russian consumers of caustic soda (solid and liquid) produced by the Volgograd JSC "Caustic" in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 16. Structure of sales of caustic soda (solid and liquid) produced by Volgograd JSC "Caustic" in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 17. Results of financial and economic activities of JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) in 2015-2022.

Table 18. Railroad deliveries to the largest Russian consumers of caustic soda produced by RusVinyl LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 19. Largest consumer countries of caustic soda LLC "RusVinyl" in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 20. Some financial indicators of the activities of RusVinyl LLC in 2015-2022, million rubles.

Table 21. Railroad supplies to the largest Russian consumers of caustic soda produced by Sayanskhimplast JSC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 22. Some financial indicators of the activities of Sayanskhimplast JSC in 2015-2022, billion rubles.

Table 23. Railroad deliveries to the largest Russian consumers of caustic soda (solid and liquid) produced by BSK JSC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 24. Largest consumer countries of caustic soda (solid and liquid) produced by BSK JSC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 25. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC "BSK" in 2015-2021, billion rubles.

Table 26. Railroad deliveries to the largest Russian consumers of caustic soda produced by HaloPolymer Kirovo-Chepetsk LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 27. Some financial indicators of the activities of HaloPolymer Kirovo-Chepetsk LLC in 2015-2021, million rubles.

Table 28. Brand structure of NaOH export-import in 2010-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 29. Main indicators of Russian foreign trade operations with caustic soda in physical (thousand tons) and value (thousand $, $/t) terms in 2015-2023.

Table 30. The largest recipient countries of Russian caustic soda in 2008-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 31. The largest recipient countries of Russian solid caustic soda in 2016-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 32. The largest recipient countries of Russian liquid caustic soda in 2016-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 33. Export of caustic soda by Russian enterprises in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Table 34. Largest countries supplying caustic soda to Russia in 2010-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 35. Average monthly prices of Russian producers for caustic soda in 2015-2024, rub./t (excluding VAT)

Table 36. Average annual prices of Russian producers for caustic soda by federal districts in 2015-2024, rub./t (excluding VAT)

Table 37. Average annual prices of JSC "Caustic" for liquid and granular caustic in 2016-2022, rub./t (excluding VAT)

Table 38. Export prices of caustic soda (liquid and solid) of the Russian Federation by country in 2013-2023, $/t

Table 39. Export prices of caustic soda by Russian companies in 2015-2023, $/t

Table 40. Balance of caustic soda consumption in Russia in 2008-2023, thousand tons (in terms of solid matter)

Table 41. Balance of consumption of solid caustic soda in Russia in 2008-2023, thousand tons

Table 42. Structure of NaOH consumption in Russia in 2013 and 2023, thousand tons, %

Table 43. In-plant consumption of caustic by Russian manufacturing enterprises in 2023, thousand tons, %

Table 44. Railway supplies of caustic soda to the largest Russian consumers in 2021-2023, thousand tons (excluding product manufacturers)

Table 45. Industrial production indices by industry sector of the Russian Federation in 2014-2023, % compared to the previous year

Table 46. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC Volzhsky Orgsintez in 2015-2022, million rubles.

Table 47. Some financial indicators of the activities of PJSC KuibyshevAzot in 2015-2021, million rubles.

Table 48. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC LUKOIL-Saratovorgsintez in 2015-2022, million rubles.

Table 49. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC Ilim Group in 2015-2022, billion rubles.

Table 50. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC Mondi SYLPK in 2015-2022, million rubles.

Table 51. Some financial indicators of the activities of Arkhangelsk PPM JSC in 2015-2022, million rubles.

Table 52. RUSAL plants for the production of alumina and primary aluminum

Table 53. Some financial indicators of the activities of JSC RUSAL Ural in 2015-2021, billion rubles.

Figure 1. Dynamics of caustic soda production in the Russian Federation in 1997-2023, thousand tons

Figure 2. Shares of enterprises in NaOH production in Russia in 2010, 2015, 2020, 2023%

Figure 3. Regional structure of caustic soda production in the Russian Federation in 2023, %

Figure 4. Dynamics of caustic soda production (solid and liquid) at JSC "Caustic" (Volgograd) in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 5. Dynamics of production of caustic soda and PVC at RusVinyl LLC in 2014-2023, thousand tons

Figure 6. Production of the main types of commercial products of Sayanskhimplast JSC in 1997-2023, thousand tons

Figure 7. Production of the main types of commercial products of JSC "BSK" (Sterlitamak) in 1997-2023, thousand tons

Figure 8. Production of caustic soda by LLC HaloPolymer Kirovo-Chepetsk in 1997-2023, thousand tons

Figure 9. Dynamics of export-import operations with caustic soda in the Russian Federation in 1997-2023, thousand tons (in terms of solid matter)

Figure 10. Dynamics of Russian exports of caustic soda in 2007-2023, thousand tons (in terms of solids)

Figure 11. Geographical structure of Russian exports of caustic soda in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 12. Shares of enterprises in the total volume of Russian exports of caustic soda in 2023, %

Figure 13. Share of caustic soda exports in the volume of its production by Russian enterprises in 2023, %

Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian imports of caustic soda in 2007-2023, thousand tons (in terms of solids)

Figure 15. Dynamics of average Russian prices for caustic soda in 2000-2023, rub./t without VAT (100% of the main substance)

Figure 16. Dynamics of average annual prices for Russian producers of caustic soda on the domestic market in 2015-2023, thousand rubles/t excluding VAT (100% of the main substance)

Figure 17. Dynamics of export prices for caustic soda (liquid and solid) in Russia in 2000-2023, $/t

Figure 18. Dynamics of import prices for caustic soda (liquid and solid) in Russia in 2000-2023, $/t

Figure 19. Comparison of import, export and domestic prices for caustic soda in 2007-2023, $/t

Figure 20. Production, export, import and consumption of caustic soda in Russia in 1997-2023, thousand tons (in terms of solids)

Figure 21. Main areas of NaOH use in Russia by industry in 2023, %

Figure 22. Industry structure of solid caustic soda consumption in Russia in 2023, %

Figure 23. Structure of NaOH consumption in the chemical industry of the Russian Federation in 2023, %

Figure 24. Dynamics of production of main chemical products, which use caustic soda, in 2007-2023.

Figure 25. Dynamics of production of sodium sulfate and hydrosulfides at JSC Volzhsky Orgsintez in 1995-2023, thousand tons

Figure 26. Dynamics of caprolactam production at PJSC KuibyshevAzot in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 27. Structure of caprolactam production in Russia by manufacturer in 2023, %

Figure 28. Structure of production of nitrogen mineral fertilizers in Russia by manufacturer in 2023, %

Figure 29. Dynamics of production of pulp, paper and cardboard in Russia in 2000-2023, million tons

Figure 30. Shares of the main Russian manufacturers of pulp and paper products in Russia in 2022, %

Figure 31. Alumina production in the Russian Federation in 2000-2023, million tons

Figure 32. Alumina production from bauxite in the Russian Federation (by enterprise) in 2000-2022, million tons

Figure 33. Forecast for the development of production and consumption of caustic soda in Russia for the period until 2030, thousand tons

Figure 34. Forecast of changes in the structure of caustic consumption in Russia by industry by 2027-2030, %



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