Rare gases (neon, krypton, xenon) and their mixtures in Russia and Ukraine: Production, Market and Forecast (2 edition)
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This report is the 2nd edition of the Rare Gas Market Research in Russia and Ukraine.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the rare gases market.
The objects of study are rare gases (neon, krypton, xenon, their gas mixtures).
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS of the Russian Federation), data from customs statistics and railway traffic statistics of the Russian Federation, data from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, UNdata and Eurostat databases were used.
The data of industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, websites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of rare gases were also involved; the Infomine database was used; materials of specialized conferences.
The main chronological framework of the study: 2008-2022.
Research geography: Russia, Ukraine.
Scope of the study: the report consists of 8 parts, contains 89 pages, including 48 tables, 21 figures, 1 appendix.
The first chapter (introduction) gives a brief description of the industrial gases market in Russia and the role of rare gases.
The second chapter considers the requirements for the quality of various rare gases (GOSTs, TUs), and gives their main technical characteristics.
The third chapter is devoted to an overview of the equipment used for the release of rare gases, the technical characteristics of the plants used are given.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the production of rare gases - their mixtures and separated products. The structure of production in Russia and Ukraine is presented. The main companies producing rare gases in Russia and Ukraine, their range of output, estimated production volumes, and financial indicators are also considered.
The fifth chapter of the review provides data on the export-import of rare gases in Russia (2008-2022) and Ukraine (2013-2022). The dynamics of supply volumes, geographical structure, export-import structure by types of products and suppliers/consumers (RF, partly Ukraine) are presented.
The sixth chapter is devoted to an overview of selected export-import and domestic prices for various types of rare gases.
The seventh chapter characterizes the use of rare gases in Russia, shows the main areas of use, and gives the estimated structures for the use of certain types of rare gases and their consumers.
The eighth chapter provides an analysis of the state and prospects of the rare gases market in Russia.
The appendix contains the addresses and contact information of the main participants in the rare gases market in Russia and Ukraine.
Target audience of the study:
- participants in the industrial gases market - producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision makers working in the Russian industrial gases market.
1. Introduction
2. Quality requirements for rare gases and their mixtures
3. Technologies and equipment used for the production of rare gases in Russia
4. Production of rare gases in Russia and Ukraine
4.1. Structure and production volumes
4.2. The main producers of rare gases in Russia and Ukraine
Metallurgical companies of Russia
Specialized companies in Russia
Chrom LLC
Akela-N LLC
CJSC HolodGazEngineering (KHI)
Specialized companies of Ukraine
Cryoin Engineering LLC / Iceblick LLC
DP "Ingaz"
5. Export-import of rare gases in 2008-2022
5.1 Russia
5.2 Ukraine
6. Prices for rare gases in 2008-2022
7. Consumption of rare gases in Russia.
8. Status and development prospects of the rare gases market in Russia
Application. Contact information about the main participants in the rare gases market in Russia and Ukraine
Table 1: The content of rare gases in the Earth's atmosphere
Table 2: Shares of Russia and Ukraine in the supply of rare gases to the EU, USA and Japan in 2020-2022, %
Table 3: Requirements for the quality of krypton and krypton-xenon mixture (GOST 10219-77)
Table 4: Xenon quality requirements (GOST 10219-77)
Table 5: Krypton quality requirements (TU 2114-004-39791733-2002)
Table 6: Requirements for xenon quality (TU 2114-003-39791733-2002)
Table 7: Neon quality requirements (TU 2114-006-39791733-2002)
Table 8: Potential possibilities for the release of primary mixtures of rare gases at ASPs of various types, nm3/h
Table 9: Large air separation plants emitting mixtures of rare gases at Russian metallurgical enterprises
Table 10: Performance characteristics of plants for the processing of primary krypton concentrate to obtain a krypton-xenon mixture
Table 11: Installations for the separation of krypton-xenon mixtures at metallurgical enterprises in Russia and Ukraine
Table 12: Technical characteristics of the installation KS-0.4 manufactured by JSC "Cryogenmash"
Table 13: Estimated annual production of rare gases in Russia and Ukraine, thousand m3
Table 14 Main specialized companies producing rare gases in Russia and Ukraine
Table 15: Dynamics of export deliveries of mixtures of rare gases of Air Liquide LLC in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 16: Dynamics of export deliveries of Khrom LLC in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 17: Key financial indicators of Khrom LLC in 2015, 2019-2022, million rubles
Table 18: Dynamics of export deliveries of rare gases of Akela-N LLC in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 19: Main financial indicators of Akela-N LLC in 2012-2022, million rubles
Table 20: Key financial indicators of Ksemed LLC in 2013-2022, RUB mln
Table 21: Dynamics of export deliveries of rare gases of ZAO KhGI in 2011-2022, thousand m3
Table 22: Key financial indicators of CJSC KhGI in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 23: Dynamics of imports of mixtures of rare gases of Iceblick LLC / Cryoin Engineering LLC from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 24: Dynamics of imports of mixtures of rare gases of DP "Ingaz" from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 25: Directions of supplies of rare gases from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 26: Directions of deliveries of neon mixtures from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 27: Directions of supplies of krypton-xenon mixtures from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 28: Directions of krypton supplies from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 29: Directions of xenon supplies from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 30: Directions of neon supplies from Russia in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 31: Main Russian exporters of neon mixtures in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 32: Main Russian exporters of krypton-xenon mixtures in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 33: The main Russian exporters of krypton in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 34: Main Russian exporters of xenon in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 35: Main Russian exporters of neon in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 36: Main foreign importers of Russian rare gases in 2018-2022, thousand m3
Table 37: Directions of import deliveries of krypton-xenon mixtures by Russia in 2008-2022, m3
Table 38: Directions of import deliveries of xenon by Russia in 2008-2022, m3
Table 39: Directions of Russian import deliveries of neon in 2008-2022, m3
Table 40: Main Russian importers of rare gases in 2008-2022, thousand m3
Table 41: Directions of export deliveries of rare gases of Ukraine in 2013-2022, thousand m3
Table 42: Directions of import deliveries of rare gases of Ukraine in 2013-2022, thousand m3
Table 43: Export average annual prices for various types of rare gases and their mixtures in 2008-2022, USD/l
Table 44: Export average annual prices for krypton from different suppliers in 2018-2022, USD/L
Table 45: Export average annual prices for xenon from different suppliers in 2018-2022, USD/L
Table 46: Main areas of use of rare gases in Russia and consumer enterprises
Table 47: Output of various types of lamps in Russia in 2017-2021, thousand units
Table 48: Results of open tenders for the purchase of rare gases in 2016-2022
Figure 1: Estimation of the structure of industrial gases production in Russia, %
Figure 2: World structure of raw materials for the production of krypton and xenon (krypton-xenon mixture), %
Figure 3: Simplified diagram of an air separation unit with a rare gas recovery system
Figure 4: Scheme of connecting the column of primary concentration of krypton to the air separation unit
Figure 5: Schematic diagram of the Khrom-3 plant
Figure 6: Technological scheme for the extraction of helium and neon
Figure 7: Block diagram of production and supply of rare gases in Russia and Ukraine
Figure 8: Dynamics of export of rare gases of the Russian Federation in 2008-2022, thousand m3/mln USD
Figure 9: Structure of Russian exports of rare gases by products (summary for 2008-2022), %
Figure 10: Geographic structure of Russian exports of rare gases (summary for 2008-2022), %
Figure 11: Structure of krypton and xenon supplies by exporting companies (summary for 2008-2022), %
Figure 12: Dynamics of imports of rare gases in the Russian Federation in 2008-2022, m3/thousand dollars
Figure 13: Structure of Russian imports of rare gases by products (summary for 2008-2022), %
Figure 14: Export-import of rare gases in Ukraine (2013-2022), thousand m3
Figure 15: Export-import of rare gases in Ukraine (2013-2022), mln USD
Figure 16: Structure of exports of rare gases of Ukraine by products (2013-2021), %
Figure 17: Structure of imports of rare gases in Ukraine by products (2013-2021), %
Figure 18: Dynamics of export deliveries of krypton and xenon by Ukraine (2013-2021), thousand m3
Figure 19: Dynamics of export deliveries of neon by Ukraine (2013-2021), thousand m3
Figure 20: Average annual domestic prices for xenon in 2016-2022, rub/l (based on tender results)
Figure 21: Dynamics of production of double-glazed windows in Russia (2010-2021), mln m2