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Products of the upper structure of the railway track in Russia and the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast

页数: 124 表数: 68 的数字的数量: 16
报告语言: Russian
发布: 15.07.2021

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

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价格: 2 500 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of a market research for the upper structure of the railway track products (VSP) in Russia and the CIS.

The market has been monitored since 2016.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for the upper structure of the railway track products (VSP) in order to understand the market situation.

The object of the research is the products of the upper structure of the railway track (turnouts, blind intersections, cross ramps, crosses, fasteners, anti-theft, bridge and transition bars).


This review is the most complete among those presented on the information market on this topic, and claims to be a reference manual replacing Rosstat data, since not all enterprises producing VSP products report on the volume of output of the investigated products. Rail transport statistics also do not reflect the real situation, since there is delivery by road.

The use of Rosstat data without additional thorough analysis can lead to the adoption of erroneous management decisions by marketing services and specialists working in the market for this type of rental.

At present, this is the only work on VSP products in the CIS on the market of marketing research.

A distinctive feature of this report is the breadth of the geographical and time frames - a detailed analysis of the production and foreign economic operations with VSP products not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries has been carried out.


This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the official statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS RF), the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics, the State Statistics Committee of the CIS, databases UNComtrade data, Infomine database. It also involved data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, websites of manufacturers and consumers of steel grinding bodies. Due to the fact that in Russia, cargo transportation by road is not subject to mandatory statistical accounting, this report provides only data on transportation carried out by rail. In conclusion, certain questions were clarified in the course of telephone interviews with participants in the Russian steel grinding balls market.

Chronological framework of the study: 2016-2020; forecast - up to 2028

Geography of research: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan - general market analysis, other CIS countries - a brief description.


Research volume: the report consists of 6 parts, contains 124 pages, including 68 tables, 16 figures, 3 appendices.

The first chapter of the report shows the volumes and directions of supplies of rails, rolled sheet, wire used for the production of VSP products in Russia in 2010-2020. The main manufacturers of rails are described, the balance of production and consumption of rails in Russia is given, average annual prices (2010-2020) are given, but the main types of purchased products are given.

The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the production of VSP products in Russia in 2010-2020. The section provides data on the volumes of output of VSP products in Russia and the CIS during this period, traces the dynamics of production, gives the regional structure of production. The chapter also examines the current state of the main manufacturers of VSP products in the Russian Federation and the CIS. Provides data on the production technology and equipment used, the range and quality of products, production volumes, plans for the development of enterprises, as well as detailed data on the volumes and directions of product supplies for 2010-2020. Also in this chapter, the situation on the market of VSP products in Ukraine and Kazakhstan is briefly considered.

The third chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of foreign trade operations of Russia and other CIS countries with VSP products in 2016-2020.

The fourth chapter examines the analysis of prices for VSP products in Russia. This section shows the prices of the main manufacturers of products on the domestic market in 2010-2020. In addition, the analysis of export-import prices for the period 2010-20210 was carried out. with a breakdown by suppliers and consumers.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the consideration of the consumption of VSP products in Russia and in the CIS countries in 2020-2020. This section shows the balance of production and consumption of these products. In addition, this chapter describes the main consuming industries, gives the geographic structure of consumption of switch products and provides a description of the largest consumers of GSP products in Russia and the CIS, plans for their development.

The final, sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast of production and consumption of VSP products in Russia and the CIS until 2028.

The appendices contain a list of the largest tenders for VSP products, SWOT analysis of the main manufacturers of switch products, as well as contact information of the main participants in the VSP materials market in the CIS.


Target audience of the study:

- VSP products market participants - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists making managerial decisions working in the VSP product market.



1. Volumes and directions of supply of raw materials for the production of track superstructure products in Russia


2. Production of track superstructure products in Russia and the CIS in 2016-2020

2.1. JSC "Murom Switch Plant" (Russia)

2.2. JSC "Novosibirsk Switch Plant" (Russia)

2.3. JSC "Kerch Metallurgical Plant" (Russia)

2.4. JSC "Dnepropetrovsk Switch Plant" (Ukraine)

2.5. LLP "Prommashkomplekt" (Kazakhstan)

2.6. Other enterprises of the CIS


3. Export-import of track superstructure products in the CIS in 2016-2020

3.1. Russia

3.2. Ukraine

3.3. Belarus

3.4. Kazakhstan

3.5. Other CIS countries


4. Price environment for track superstructure products in Russia

4.1. Analysis of open tenders and purchases in 2016-2020

4.2. Analysis of export-import prices in 2010-2020


5. Consumption of superstructure products in the CIS in 2016-2020

5.1. Russia

5.2. CIS countries


6. Forecast of the market for track superstructure products in the CIS until 2028


Appendix 1: List of the largest tenders in 2016-2020 with indication of consumers of VSP products in Russia

Appendix 2: SWOT analysis of the main manufacturers of switch products

Appendix 3: Contact information of the main participants in the VSP product market in the CIS

Table 1: Production of rails in Russia in 2010-2020, thousand tons

Table 2: Balance of production and consumption of rails in Russia in 2010-2020, thousand tons

Table 3: Shipment of rails to Russian enterprises, including to the address of JSC Russian Railways, thousand tons

Table 4: Deliveries of metal products to JSC "NSZ" by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 5: Deliveries of rails to JSC "NSZ" by railway transport

Table 6: Deliveries of rails by the main suppliers to NSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 7: Deliveries of rolled products (without rails) by the main suppliers to JSC NSZ by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 8: Supplies of ferroalloys by the main suppliers to NSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 9: Supplies of metal products to MSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 10: Deliveries of rails to MSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 11: Deliveries of rails by the main suppliers to MSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 12: Supplies of rolled products (without rails) by the main suppliers to MSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 13: Supplies of ferroalloys by main suppliers to MSZ JSC by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 14: Average annual price (excluding VAT) for rails in Russia (thousand rubles / t) and weighted average average annual dollar exchange rate in 2010-2020.

Table 15:. Average monthly prices (excluding VAT) for rails in Russia in 2010-2020, thousand rubles / t

Table 16: List prices (excluding VAT) for certain types of rails of the EVRAZ Group in 2013-2021, thousand rubles

Table 17: Forecast of prices for rails in Russia for the period up to 2028, thousand rubles / t

Table 18: Summary table of production of VSP materials in the Russian Federation in 2016-2020, units, million rubles

Table 19: Total revenue of manufacturers of materials of the RF GSP in 2016-2020, billion rubles

Table 20: Indicators of the materials production industry of the RF GSP in 2016-2020

Table 21: Main nomenclature of turnouts for 1520 mm gauge MRZ

Table 22: Shipment of MSZ products by rail to the domestic market in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 23: Regional shipments of incineration plant products by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 24: Exports * of new switch products from MSZ in 2016-2020, tons, units, thousand $

Table 25: Supplies of switch products from incineration plants to Belarus in 2016-2019, units, thousand $

Table 26: Main financial indicators of the incineration plant in 2016-2020, million rubles

Table 27: Typical turnout configuration

Table 28: The main nomenclature of turnouts for 1520 mm gauge NSZ (as of January 2021)

Table 29: Shipment of NSZ products by rail to the domestic market in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 30: Regional shipments of NSP products by rail in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 31: Exports * of new switch products by the NSZ in 2016-2020, tons, units, thousand $

Table 32: Deliveries of switch products from NSZ to Belarus in 2016-2019, units, thousand $

Table 33: Main financial indicators of the NHA in 2016-2020,

Table 34: Shipment of KMZ switch products by rail to the domestic market in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 35: Regional shipments of KMZ products by rail to the domestic market in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Table 36: Parameters of the contract for the supply of switch products to FSUE "KZD", units, thousand rubles.

Table 37: Export * of switch products KSZ / KSK / KMZ in 2016-2020, tons, units, thousand $

Table 38: Key financial indicators of KMZ in 2016-2019, RUB million

Table 39: Production of VSP materials in Ukraine in 2015-2019, thousand tons, million UAH

Table 40: Main nomenclature of turnouts for DnSZ highways

Table 41: Geographic structure of sales of DnSZ products in 2018-2019,%

Table 42: Export of DnSZ products from Ukraine in 2016-2020, tons

Table 43: Main financial indicators of DnSZ in 2016-2020, UAH million

Table 44: Volume of production of switch products Prommashkomplekt / Prommash KZ in 2016-2020, million tenge,%

Table 45: Sales volume of switch products Prommashkomplekt / Prommash KZ in 2016-2020, million tenge,%

Table 46: Main financial indicators of Prommashkomplekt / Prommash KZ in 2016-2020, million tenge,%

Table 47: Supplies of VSP materials to the EAEU countries in 2017-2020, thousand tons, $ million

Table 48: Export of new materials of the RF GSP in 2016-2020, tons, units, thousand $

Table 49: Export of used materials of the RF GSP in 2016-2020, tons, units, thousand $

Table 50: The volume of exports and the share of exports in the proceeds of Russian manufacturers of materials of the RF GSP in 2016-2020, million dollars,%

Table 51: Imports of new materials of the RF GSP in 2016-2020, tons, units, thousand $

Table 52: Export of VSP materials from Ukraine 2016-2019, t

Table 53: Imports of VSP materials by Ukraine in 2016-2019, t

Table 54: Belarusian imports of VSP materials in 2016-9 months 2020, t, thousand $

Table 55: Export of VSP materials by Belarus in 2016-9 months 2020, t, thousand $

Table 56: Kazakhstan's imports of VSP materials in 2016 - 9 months 2020, tons, thousand $

Table 57: Kazakhstan's exports of VSP materials in 2016 - 9 months 2020, tons, thousand $

Table 58: Imports of VSP materials in 2016 - 9 months 2020 other CIS countries, tons

Table 59: Purchase of turnouts for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2016, units, RUB mln, RUB mln / unit

Table 60: Terms of tenders for MSCs in 2016-2019 for the supply of switch products, units, million rubles

Table 61: Prices for 30 types of switch products of the Kerch plant in 2019 for the State Unitary Enterprise "KZD", thousand rubles / unit.

Table 62: Export prices for P50 type turnouts in 2010-2020, thousand $ per ton, thousand $ per unit

Table 63: Export prices for P65 type turnouts in 2010-2020, thousand $ per ton, thousand $ per unit

Table 64: Export prices of the Murom Switch Plant in 2019, thousand $ per ton, thousand $ per unit

Table 65: Import prices of the Russian Federation for Ukrainian switch products of the P50 type in 2010-2020, thousand $ per ton, thousand $ per unit

Table 66: Import prices of the Russian Federation for Ukrainian switch products of the P65 type in 2010-2020, thousand $ per ton, thousand $ per unit

Table 67: Balance of production and consumption of VSP materials in the Russian Federation in 2016-2020

Table 68: Forecast of production of VSP materials in the Russian Federation in 2021-2028, billion rubles

Figure 1: Production of rails in the Siberian Federal District (thousand tons) and the district's share (%) in their production in Russia in 2010-2020.

Figure 2: Average annual price (excluding VAT) for rails in Russia (thousand rubles / t) and weighted average annual dollar exchange rate in 2010-2020.

Figure 3: Average monthly prices (excluding VAT) for rails in Russia in 2010-2020, thousand rubles / t

Figure 4: Average import and export prices of new rails in Russia in 2010-2020 *, $ thousand / t

Figure 5: Dynamics of production of broad gauge turnouts in the Russian Federation in 2010-2020, units

Figure 6: Dynamics of production of broad gauge switches at incineration plants and ZTO in 2010-2020, units

Figure 7: Dynamics of production of broad gauge turnouts at the NSZ in 2010-2020, units

Figure 8: Russian export and import of new switch products in kind in 2016-2020, thousand tons

Figure 9: Russian exports and imports of new switch products in value terms in 2016-2020, $ million

Figure 10: Ukrainian exports and imports of VSP materials in physical terms in 2016-2020, thousand tons

Figure 11: Balance of imports and exports of Belarus of GSP materials in 2016-2019, thousand tons

Figure 12: Average annual export prices of the Russian Federation of P65 type switch products in 2016-2020 thousand $ / t

Figure 13: Estimated structure of consumption of switch products in the Russian Federation in 2019,%

Figure 14: Geographic structure of consumption of arrow products by federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2019,%

Figure 15: Leading regions-consumers of arrow products in 2019, thousand tons

Figure 16: Assessment of the market capacity of VSP materials in the CIS countries, million $ / year



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