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Quartz Glass Sands Market Research Report | Russia Industry Analysis 2018-2023

页数: 35 表数: 28 的数字的数量: 7
报告语言: English
发布: 26.02.2024

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

价格: 390 Euro

This report studies Russia quartz glass sands market, especially focuses on top manufacturers in regional market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering

JSC Ramenskiy GOK

JSC Quartz

JSC Nebolchinskoe karieroupravlenie

JSC GOK Muraevnya


Market segment by regions, this report splits global Russian market into several Federal Districts (FO), with production, consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate of glass sands these regions, from 2018 to 2023, like

Central FO

North-Western FO

North-Caucasus FO

Privolzhskiy FO

Siberian FO


Split by raw materials, with production, market share and growth rate of each type, can be divided into

quartz sands

ground sandstone


veined quartz


Split by Forms, this report focuses on consumption, market share and growth rate of glass sands each form, can be divided into

enriched glass sands

unenriched glass sands

averaged glass sands


The report including nine parts, the first part mainly introduced the product basic information; the second parts analyzed the raw materials for glass sands production; the third part analyzed the methods of obtaining glass sands; the fourth part analyzed quality of products; the fifth part analyzed the yearly and monthly glass sands production in Russia from 2018 to 2023 total and by company; the sixth part analyzed export and import of glass sands in Russia; the seventh part analyzed glass sands domestic and export prices by producers; the eighth part analyzed consumption of glass sands in Russia by industrial sectors; the ninth part mainly analyzed base, production, financial and contact information for the largest glass sands producers in Russia and its large consumers.



1. Introduction


2. Raw materials for glass sands production


3. Methods of obtaining of glass sands


4. Quality of products


5. Glass sands production in Russia in 2018-2023

5.1 Glass sands capacity by Russian companies

5.2 Regional and commodity structure of glass sands production in Russia

5.3 Shares of the largest glass sands producers in Russia

5.4 Glass sands production by enterprises


6. Export and import of glass sands in Russia in 2018-2023


7. Review of prices for glass sands in Russia in 2018-2023

7.1 Domestic prices

7.2 Export-import prices in Russia


8. Consumption of glass sands in Russia in 2018-2023

8.1 Consumption balance

8.2. Sectoral structure of consumption


9. Major Industry Players in Russia

9.1 JSC «Ramenskiy GOK»

9.2 JSC «Quartz»

9.3 JSC «Nebolchinskoe karieroupravlenie»

9.4 JSC GOK «Muraevnya»

Table 1: The main deposits of quartz glass sand in Russia and their reserves, million tons

Table 2: The main requirements for the quality of quartz sand for the glass industry

Table 3: Brands of quartz sand, ground sandstone, quartzite and vein quartz for the glass industry

Table 4: Technical requirements for quartz sand, ground sandstone, quartzite and veined quartz

Table 5: The capacity for the production of glass Moscow region sands in Russia, kt per year

Table 6: Glass sands production in Russia by federal districts in 2018-2023, kt

Table 7: Glass sands production in Russia by enterprises in 2018-2023, kt

Table 8: The volume of exports and imports of glass sands in the Russia in 2018-2023, kt

Table 9: Russia import of glass sands by countries in 2018-2023, kt

Table 10: Russian export of glass sands by countries in 2018-2023, kt

Table 11: Domestic Russian prices for glass sands in 2016-2023, rubles / t

Table 12: The main indicators of glass sands market in Russia in 2018-2023, kt

Table 13: JSC «Quartz Sands» Basic Information List

Table 14: The average chemical composition of enriched quartz sands produced by JSC "Quartz Sands"

Table 15: The largest recipients of glass sands JSC «Quartz Sands» in 2018-2023, kt

Table 16: Financial indicators of JSC «Quartz Sands» in 2018-2022,  million rubles.

Table 17: JSC «Quartz» Basic Information List

Table 18: Quality indicators of JSC "Quartz" products

Table 19: The largest recipients of glass sands JSC «Quartz» in 2018-2023, kt

Table 20: Financial indicators of JSC «Quartz» in 2018-2022, million rubles.

Table 21: JSC «Russian Mining Company» Basic Information List

Table 22: The largest recipients of glass sands JSC «Russian Mining Company» in 2018-2023, kt

Table 23: Financial indicators of JSC «Russian Mining Company» in 2018-2022, million rubles.

Table 24: JSC GOK «Muraevnya» Basic Information List

Table 25: Characteristic of quartz sand produced by JSC GOK "Muraevnya"

Table 26: The largest recipients of glass sands JSC GOK «Muraevnya» in 2018-2023, kt

Table 27: Financial indicators of JSC GOK «Muraevnya» in 2018-2022, million rubles.

Figure 1: The structure of stocks of quartz (glass) sands in Russia by federal districts (FO) as of 01.01.2023, %

Figure 2: Dynamics of glass sands  production in Russia in 2018-2023,  thousand tons

Figure 3: Regional structure of glass sand production in Russia in 2023

Figure 4: Shares of the largest glass sands-producing companies in Russia in 2023,%

Figure 5: Dynamics of exports and imports of glass sands in Russia in 2018-2023 by types, kt

Figure 6: Dynamics of Russian export-import prices for glass sands in 2018-2023, $/t

Figure 7: Sectoral structure of consumption of glass sands in Russia in 2023,%



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