Dolomite in Russia and the EAEU countries: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)
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This review is the 5th edition of the dolomite market research in Russia and the EAEU countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the dolomite market, as well as its processed products in Russia and the EAEU countries.
This market has been monitored since March 2007.
The object of research is dolomite for the metallurgical and glass industries.
Chronological scope of the study: 2000-2022, forecast – 2023-2030.
Geography of the study: Russia – comprehensive detailed analysis, other EAEU countries (Kazakhstan, Belarus) – brief description.
This work is a desk study. Data from the FSGS of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, railway transportation statistics of JSC Russian Railways, the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Statistics, and the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus were used as sources of information.
Data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, as well as Internet sites of dolomite producers and consumers were used.
The study mainly examined the activities of enterprises whose main products are metallurgical dolomite and dolomite for the glass industry. Data on enterprises producing dolomite flour is also provided. Enterprises specializing in the production of dolomite-based building materials were not considered.
The report consists of 7 chapters, contains 163 pages, 34 figures, 52 tables and an appendix.
The first chapter of the report examines the raw material base of dolomite in Russia and the EAEU countries. The regional structure of the distribution of dolomite reserves in Russia, data on the reserves of the largest deposits of raw materials, as well as on dolomite reserves in other EAEU countries are presented.
The second chapter discusses the main areas of application of dolomite in industry and presents the existing classifications of dolomite products and the requirements for their quality.
The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of data on the volumes of dolomite mining and production in the EAEU countries in 2000-2022.
This section provides statistical data on the volume of dolomite production by leading enterprises, describes their current state, shows the commodity structure of production, characteristics of the products, analyzes the directions and volumes of supplies in the period 2006-2022.
The fourth chapter of the report examines Russia's foreign trade operations with dolomite products in the period 2000-2022. The dynamics of exports and imports in physical and monetary terms are presented, the regional structure of supplies is analyzed, and information on the volumes and directions of supplies of the largest exporters and importers of dolomite is provided.
The fifth chapter of the report analyzes the dynamics of export-import prices for dolomite products in Russia in 2000-2022, and also provides data on current prices on the foreign market of Russia and Belarus.
The sixth chapter of the report is devoted to an analysis of dolomite consumption in Russia. The section shows the balance of production and consumption of dolomite, and evaluates the sectoral and regional structure of consumption. Data are also provided on the volumes and directions of supplies of dolomite to metallurgy and glass industry enterprises, which are the largest consumers of dolomite products.
The seventh and final chapter of the report describes the current situation in the ferrous metallurgy and glass industry - industries that are the main consumers of dolomite, and also provides a forecast for the development of the dolomite market in Russia in 2023-2030.
The Appendix to the report provides contact information for the main producers of dolomite in Russia and the EAEU countries.
Target audience of the study:
– participants in the graphite market and its further consumption chains – producers, consumers, traders;
- Potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the Russian dolomite market.
1. Raw material base of dolomite in the countries of Russia and the EAEU
1.1. Raw material base of Russia
1.2. Dolomite raw material base of other EAEU countries
2. Areas of application and quality requirements for dolomite products
2.1. Areas of application of dolomite
2.2. Requirements for the quality of dolomite for metallurgy
2.3. Quality requirements for dolomite for the glass industry
3. Extraction of dolomite and production of dolomite products
3.1. Mining and production of dolomite in Russia (2001-2022)
3.2. Current status of leading dolomite producing enterprises in Russia
JSC "Dolomit" (Lipetsk region)
PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (Chelyabinsk region)
JSC "Kovrovsky Quarry Management" (JSC "KKU", Vladimir region)
PJSC "Combine Magnezit" (Chelyabinsk region)
JSC Chusovskoy Metallurgical Plant, LLC White Stone (Perm Territory)
LLC "Capital Magnezit" (Vladimir region)
OJSC "Kavdolomit" (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania)
LLC "Kvarts-NN" (Nizhny Novgorod region)
3.3. Mining and production of dolomite in Kazakhstan (2000-2022)
JSC Sokolovo-Sarbay Mining and Processing Production Association
3.4. Mining and production of dolomite in Belarus (2005-2022)
JSC "Dolomit" (Vitebsk region)
4. Foreign trade operations with dolomite in Russia (2000-2022)
4.1. Export of dolomite
4.2. Import of dolomite
5. Review of prices for dolomite products
5.1. Review of export-import prices in Russia (2000-2022)
5.2. Domestic prices for dolomite in Russia and Belarus2
6. Dolomite consumption
6.1. Balance of production and consumption of dolomite in Russia (2000-2022)
6.2. Structure of dolomite consumption in Russia
6.2.1. Industry structure of dolomite consumption
6.2.2. Regional structure of dolomite consumption
6.3. Main consumer enterprises of dolomite in Russia
PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (Chelyabinsk region)
Cherepovets metallurgical plant "Severstal" (Vologda region)
Asahi Glass Company Co Ltd. (Japan)8
AGC Flat Glass Clean LLC (Moscow region)
JSC "AGC Bor Glass Factory" (Nizhny Novgorod region)
Larta Glass Ramenskoye LLC (Moscow region, formerly Pilkington Glass LLC)
Guardian Glass Rostov LLC
JSC "Saratovstroysteklo" (Saratov region)
Group of companies "Rusjam"
7. Prospects and forecast for the development of the dolomite market
7.1. Current state and forecast for the development of consuming industries
Ferrous metallurgy
Glass production
7.2. Forecast for the development of the dolomite market in Russia
Application. Contact information of dolomite manufacturing companies
Table 1. Geographical distribution of dolomite reserves for metallurgy in Russia, million tons
Table 2. Developed dolomite deposits for metallurgy in the Russian Federation
Table 3. Geographical distribution of dolomite reserves for the glass industry in Russia, million tons
Table 4. Developed and explored Russian dolomite deposits for the glass industry
Table 5. Requirements for the chemical composition of raw metallurgical dolomite
Table 6. Quality requirements for calcined metallurgical dolomite
Table 7. Quality requirements for lump dolomite for the glass industry
Table 8. Quality requirements for ground dolomite for the glass industry
Table 9. Extraction of dolomite for metallurgy and glass industry in the Russian Federation in 2001-2022, thousand tons
Table 10. Production of commercial dolomite in Russia in 2001-2022, thousand tons
Table 11. Volume of dolomite production, production and shipment of dolomite products by JSC Dolomite in 2001-2022, thousand tons
Table 12. Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite to the metallurgical JSC Dolomit in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Table 13. Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite flour to JSC Dolomite in 2006-2022, thousand tons
Table 14. Main financial and economic indicators of JSC Dolomite in 2004-2022.
Table 15. Characteristics of ferruginous dolomite produced by Magnitogorsk Cement-Refractory Plant LLC
Table 16. Production volume of the main types of products of Kovrovskoye Quarry Management JSC in 2012-2015, thousand tons, thousand rubles
Table 17. Volumes of supplies of raw dolomite by Kovrovskoye Quarry Management JSC in 2006-2022, thousand tons
Table 18. Main financial and economic indicators of Kovrovsky Quarry Management JSC in 2002-2022.
Table 19. Volumes of supplies of ground dolomite to ZAO KDM Plant in 2012-2022, thousand tons
Table 20. Main financial and economic indicators of KDM Plant CJSC in 2014-2022.
Table 21. Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite to PJSC Magnezit Plant in 2006-2018, thousand tons
Table 22. Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite to Chusovsky Metallurgical Plant JSC in 2006-2015, thousand tons
Table 23. Quality indicators of dolomite products of Capital Magnezit LLC
Table 24. Main financial and economic indicators of the activities of Capital-Magnezit LLC in 2006-2022, million rubles
Table 25. Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite flour to Capital Magnezit LLC in 2006-2022, thousand tons
Table 26. Average chemical composition of dolomites from the Bosninsky deposit
Table 27. Production volumes of JSC “Kavdolomit” in 2009-2022, thousand tons
Table 28. Directions and volumes of supplies of dolomite products of JSC Kavdolomit in 2006-2022, thousand tons
Table 29. Main financial and economic indicators of the activities of JSC Kavdolomit in 2010-2022, million rubles
Table 30. Supplies of dolomite flour produced by Kvarts-NN LLC in 2015-2022, thousand tons
Table 31. Main financial and economic indicators of the activities of Kvarts-NN LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles
Table 32. Requirements for the quality of dolomite produced by Balkhash LLP
Table 33. Characteristics of dolomite products produced by JSC SSGPO
Table 34. Chemical composition of dolomites from the Gralevo section of the Ruba deposit, mined by OJSC Dolomite
Table 35. Characteristics of raw lump dolomite for metallurgy produced by JSC Dolomit
Table 36. Technical characteristics of dolomite powders for the glass industry produced by JSC Dolomit
Table 37. Volumes of Russian dolomite exports by destination in 2000-2022, thousand tons, thousand $
Table 38. Volumes and directions of dolomite exports by Russian enterprises in 2006-2022, thousand tons
Table 39. Volumes of Russian imports of dolomite in 2000-2022. by direction, thousand tons
Table 40. Average annual export prices for dolomite products of JSC Kavdolomit and LLC BZMN in 2017-2022, $/t
Table 41. Average export prices for dolomite products of the Russian Federation by destination in 2000-2022. ($/t)
Table 42. Average import prices for dolomite products in the Russian Federation by region in 2000-2022. ($/t)
Table 43. Average wholesale prices for dolomite products of Dolomite JSC (Lipetsk region) in 2002-2022, rub/t excluding VAT
Table 44. Prices for ferruginous dolomite produced by JSC MTsOZ, rub/t with VAT
Table 45. Prices for products of Balakovo Mineral Fillers Plant LLC in 2013, 2016, rubles/t, including VAT
Table 46. Prices for dolomite products of JSC Dolomite (Belarus) in 2016, 2023, white. RUB/t, RUB/t, excluding VAT, on FCA terms
Table 47. Prices for dolomite products of Capital-Magnezit LLC, rub/t, including VAT
Table 48. Balance of dolomite production and consumption in Russia in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Table 49. Volumes of dolomite consumption by ferrous metallurgy enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Table 50. Volumes of dolomite supplies to Russian glass industry enterprises in 2007-2022, thousand tons
Table 51. Volume of dolomite supplies to other consumers in Russia in 2011-2022, thousand tons
Table 52. Production growth rates in selected industries in Russia in 2002-2023, %
Figure 1. Regional structure of distribution of dolomite reserves for metallurgy in Russia as of 01/01/2022, %
Figure 2. Dynamics of dolomite production for the metallurgical and glass industries in the Russian Federation in 2015-2022, million tons
Figure 3. Dynamics of dolomite mining and production by JSC Dolomite in 2001-2022, million tons
Figure 4. Dynamics of dolomite production by PJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of ferruginous dolomite LLC Magnitogorsk Cement-Refractory Plant in 2001-2022, thousand tons
Figure 6. Dynamics of dolomite mining and lump dolomite production at Kovrovskoe Quarry Management JSC in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of production of flux dolomite by PJSC Magnezit Plant in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 8. Dynamics of dolomite production by Chusovsky Metallurgical Plant JSC in 2000-2015, thousand tons
Figure 9. Dynamics of dolomite production by Capital Magnezit LLC in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 10. Dynamics of dolomite production by JSC Kavdolomit in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 11. Dynamics of dolomite production by Sokolovo-Sarbayskoye Mining and Processing Production Association JSC in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of dolomite products by JSC Dolomite (Belarus) in 2005-2022, million tons
Figure 13. Dynamics of Russian foreign trade operations with dolomite in 2000-2022, thousand tons
Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian exports of dolomite products in physical and monetary terms in 2000-2022, thousand tons, million $
Figure 15. Dynamics of Russian imports of dolomite products in physical and monetary terms in 2000-2022, thousand tons, million $
Figure 16. Geographical structure of Russian dolomite imports in 2000-2022, %
Figure 17. Dynamics of average annual export and import prices for dolomite in Russia in 2000-2022, $/t
Figure 18. Dynamics of dolomite consumption in Russia in 2000-2022, million tons
Figure 19. Industry structure of dolomite consumption in Russia in 2012-2022, %
Figure 20. Dynamics of iron ore sinter production in the Russian Federation in 2010-2022, million tons
Figure 21. Regional structure of dolomite consumption in Russia in 2015 and 2022, %
Figure 22. Dynamics of steel production (million tons) and dolomite consumption (thousand tons) of NLMK PJSC in 2006-2022.
Figure 23. Dynamics of steel production (million tons) and consumption of roasted dolomite (thousand tons) of PJSC MMK in 2006-2022.
Figure 24. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and dolomite consumption (thousand tons) of AGC Flat Glass Clean LLC in 2007-2022.
Figure 25. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and dolomite consumption (thousand tons) of AGC Bor Glass Plant OJSC in 2007-2022.
Figure 26. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and dolomite consumption (thousand tons) of Larta Glass Ramenskoye LLC in 2007-2022.
Figure 27. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and dolomite consumption (thousand tons) of Guardian Glass Rostov LLC in 2012-2022.
Figure 28. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and dolomite consumption (thousand tons) of Saratovstroysteklo JSC in 2007-2022.
Figure 29. Dynamics of dolomite consumption by enterprises of the Rusjam group of companies in 2009-2022, thousand tons
Figure 30. Dynamics of production of the main types of ferrous metallurgy products in 2002-2022, million tons
Figure 31. Dynamics of production of flat glass (million m2) and glass containers (billion pieces) in Russia in 2007-2022.
Figure 32. Dynamics of housing commissioning in Russia in 2000-2022, million m2
Figure 33. Dynamics of passenger car production in the Russian Federation in 2009-2022, million units.
Figure 34. Forecast of production and consumption of dolomite in Russia in 2016-2030, million tons