Blue Vitriol in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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I. Production technology, quality of copper sulphate and resources used
I.1. Technology of production of copper sulphate
I.2. Requirements of the industry for quality products
II. Production of copper sulfate in the Russian Federation (1997-2010)
II.1. Dynamics of production of copper sulphate
II.2. The main enterprise-producers of copper sulfate in the Russian Federation
II.2.1. JSC "Uralelectromed" (Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Sverdlovsk region)
II.2.2. "Kishtimsky Copper Electrolytic Plant" (Kyshtym, Chelyabinsk region)
II.2.3. JSC "necks" (Chelyabinsk)
II.2.4. LLC "Intermiks Met" (JSC "Hydrometallurgical Plant"), the Lermontov, Stavropol Territory
III. Export-import of copper sulfate in the Russian Federation
III.1. Export-import of copper sulfate in Russia in 2000-2010
III.2. Tendencies and features of export-import supplies of copper sulfate in the Russian Federation
III.3. The main directions of export-import supplies of copper sulfate in the Russian Federation
IV. Review of prices for copper sulphate
IV.1. Current domestic prices of copper sulphate
IV.2. Dynamics of export-import prices on copper sulphate in Russia
V. Consumption of copper sulphate in Russia
V.1. Supply-demand balance of copper sulphate
V.2. Structure of consumption of copper sulphate in Russia
V.3. Main industries and enterprises - consumers of copper sulphate
V.3.1. Agriculture
V.3.2. The mining industry
V.3.2.1. JSC "Uchalinskiy GOK"
V.3.2.2. JSC "Svyatogor"
V.3.2.3. JSC "Gold Mining Company "Polus"
VI. Forecast of production and consumption of copper sulphate in Russia up to 2015
Annex 1: Contact information on the main Russian producers of copper sulphate
Annex 2: Contact the main Russian consumers of copper sulphate
Table 1: Technical characteristics and basic properties of copper sulphate (according to GOST 19347-99)
Table 2: Physico-chemical properties of technical fine copper sulphate (according to TU 2141-100-00194429-2003)
Table 3: Physical and chemical properties of food and feed fine copper sulfate
Table 4: Companies that produce copper sulphate in the Russian Federation, and their processes
Table 5: Specifications of copper sulphate (according to GOST 4165-78)
Table 6: Production of copper sulfate in the Russian enterprises in 1997-2010, Kt
Table 7: The greatest foreign consumers of copper sulfate produced by JSC "Uralelectromed" in 2007-2010, Kt
Table 8: Russian consumers of copper sulfate produced by JSC "Uralelectromed" in 2007-2010, t
Table 9: Total revenue of "Uralelectromed" (million rubles). And the share of vitriol in its entirety (%) in 2007-2010
Table 10: Major buyers of copper sulphate production company "KMEZ" in 2007-2010, Kt
Table 11: The greatest Russian consumers of copper sulphate production company "KMEZ" in 2005-2010, Kt
Table 12: Total sales of JSC "KMEZ" (million rubles). And the share of vitriol in its entirety (%) in 2007-2010
Table 13: The greatest foreign consumers of copper sulphate production of "necks" in 2007-2010, Kt
Table 14: Russian consumers of copper sulphate production of "necks" in 2007-2010, Kt
Table 15: Total revenue of "necks" (thousand rubles) and the share of vitriol in its entirety (%) in 2008-2011
Table 16: The largest foreign recipient of copper sulfate produced by JSC "GMZ" in 2007-2010, Kt
Table 17: Foreign trade of copper sulfate in Russia in 2000-2010, Kt, mln $
Table 18: Exports of copper sulfate by Russian producers in 2005-2010, Kt
Table 19: The main country-consumers of Russian copper sulfate in 2005-2010, Kt
Table 20: The main country-suppliers of copper sulfate in Russia in 2005-2010, t
Table 21: Main producers of copper sulfate, delivered by Russia in 2005-2010, t
Table 22: Russian import of copper sulfate recipients in 2005-2010, t
Table 23: Prices of the main producers of copper sulfate at the end of 2010 rubles / t including VAT
Table 24: Prices of traders in the copper sulfate at 2010 rubles / t including VAT
Table 25: Price of copper sulfate filling with VAT as of 2010 rubles
Table 26: Average export and import prices for copper sulfate in Russia in 2005-2010, $ / t
Table 27: Average export prices on Russian copper sulphate in 2007-2010, $ / t
Table 28: Average export prices on Russian copper sulphate in 2007-2010 for consumer countries, $ / t
Table 29: Prices of imports to Russia vitriol, depending on the supplier countries and the brand vitriol in 2007-2010, $ /
Table 30: Balance of production and consumption of copper sulfate in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt,%
Table 31: Structure of consumption of copper sulphate in the RF fields in 2008-2010,%
Table 32: Key consumers of copper sulfate in Russia in 2005-2010, Kt
Table 33: Sown area (ha) and harvest (tons) in Russia in 2010
Table 34: Number of agricultural enterprises (farms) and the total area of land by farm in Russia (million hectares)
Table 35: Consumers of copper sulphate in the agricultural sector in 2007-2010, t
Table 36: Prices include VAT at the vitriol of purchased "UGOK" thousand rubles / t
Table 37: Supplies of vitriol in "Svyatogor" in 2007-2010, Kt
Table 38: Supplies of vitriol in OJSC "Polyus Gold" in 2003-2010, t
Figure 1: The overall dynamics of copper sulfate in Russia in 1997-2010, Kt
Figure 2: Structure of production of copper sulfate in Russia in 2005-2010,%
Figure 3: Planned and actual production of copper sulphate in JSC "Uralelectromed" in 2007-2010, Kt
Figure 4: The level of capacity utilization of "Uralelectromed" for the production of copper sulphate and refined copper in 2006-2010,%
Figure 5: Major consuming countries of blue vitriol "Uralelectromed" in 2010,%
Figure 6: Dynamics of production (tonnes) and percentage of capacity utilization for the production of copper sulphate (%) of JSC "KMEZ" in 2005-2010.
Figure 7: Major consuming countries of copper sulfate JSC "KMEZ" in 2010,%
Figure 8: Dynamics of production of copper sulphate of "necks" in 2006-2010, Kt
Figure 9: Major consuming countries of blue vitriol of "necks" in 2010,%
Figure 10: Dynamics of production of copper sulphate JSC "GMZ" in 2003-2010, Kt
Figure 11: Major consuming countries of blue vitriol "GMZ" in 2010,%
Figure 12: Dynamics of export-import supplies of copper sulfate in Russia in 2000-2010, Kt
Figure 13: Quarterly change in volume of export-import supplies of copper sulfate in Russia in 2008-2010, Kt
Figure 14: Changes in the structure of exports of copper sulfate by grades in 2000-2010,%
Figure 15: Exports of copper sulfate and its share of production in 2000-2010,%
Figure 16: Share of export of Russian copper sulfate in the bulk of its production by Russian producers in 2005-2010,%
Figure 17: Structure of Russian exports of copper sulfate on countries in 2010,%
Figure 18: Dynamics of average export and import prices for copper sulfate in Russia in 2005-2010, $ / T
Figure 19: Dynamics of production, "visible" consumption, import and export of copper sulfate in Russia in 1999-2010, Kt
Figure 20: The main use of copper sulfate in Russia in 2010,%
Figure 23: Supply of vitriol in JSC "Uchalinskiy GOK" in 2003-2010, Kt
Figure 21: Production of copper and zinc concentrate by JSC "Uchalinskiy GOK" in 2005-2010, Kt
Figure 22: Share of profits from sales of JSC "UGOK" in 2008-2010,%
Figure 24: Production of zinc concentrate by JSC «Svyatogor" in 2005-2010, Kt
Figure 25: Gold production at the Olimpiada deposit OJSC "Polyus Gold" in 2005-2010, t
Figure 26: Dependence of the consumption of sulfate on the volume of gold production at OJSC "Polyus" in 2005-2010, t
Figure 27: Forecast of production and consumption of copper sulfate in the Russian Federation until 2015, kt