Carbon Fiber in Russia, the CIS and the World: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition)
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This report is the third edition of the carbon fiber market research in the world and CIS countries.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the carbon fiber market in the world and the CIS countries.
The object of research is carbon fiber, as well as materials based on it.
Chronological scope of the study: 2010-2021; forecast - 2022-2030
Research geography: Russian Federation, Belarus - detailed market analysis; world market - general information about the dynamics and characteristics.
This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), data from customs statistics of the Russian Federation, data from the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, materials from industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, websites of manufacturers and consumers of carbon fiber and materials based on it.
A distinctive feature of this work, compared with other studies presented on the Russian marketing market, is a wider time frame - Infomine has been monitoring the carbon fiber market since 2010, as well as the geographical breadth of the study - the review presents an analysis of the carbon fiber market in CIS countries, as well as a brief analysis of the world market.
The report consists of 7 chapters, contains 186 pages, 52 tables, 35 figures and an appendix.
The first chapter provides an overview of carbon fibers, their technical characteristics and applications. Also in this chapter, the main types of raw materials for the production of carbon fibers are considered and the technology for their production is described.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to an overview of the global carbon fiber market. It examines the history of the development of the industry, provides data on the main global manufacturers of these products, indicating their production capacities and characteristics of the products. This chapter provides carbon fiber materials price analysis, carbon fiber industry consumption structure, and global market forecast.
The third chapter explores the carbon fiber market in the CIS. The data on the main market players, their production capacities, the range of manufactured products, and the dynamics of production in 2010-2021 are provided.
The fourth chapter analyzes data on Russia's foreign economic transactions with carbon fiber and materials based on it in 2010-2021. The main exporters and directions of export deliveries are determined, the regional structure of imports of these products is given, the largest Russian importers are identified.
In the fifth chapter, a price analysis is carried out on the Russian carbon fiber market. It contains data on export, import prices for products, as well as prices of Russian producers in the domestic market.
The sixth chapter is devoted to the consumption of carbon fiber in Russia. This chapter provides a balance of production, consumption, exports and imports of these products in Russia in 2010-2021, assesses the sectoral consumption structure, and identifies the main consumers of carbon fiber and products based on it.
The seventh chapter provides a forecast for the development of the Russian carbon fiber market until 2030.
The Appendix contains contact information for manufacturers of carbon fiber and materials based on it in the CIS.
Target audience of the study:
- participants in the market of carbon fiber and materials based on it - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision makers working in the carbon fiber and materials based on it market.
1. General characteristics, raw materials and production technology
1.1. General characteristics of carbon fibers
1.2. Raw materials and technology for the production of carbon fibers
1.3. Technology for obtaining PAN-precursor
2. Overview of the global market
2.1. History of the industry
2.2. Production dynamics, main players, consumption structure
2.3. Price analysis
2.4. Forecast of the development of the global carbon fiber market
3. Carbon fiber production in the CIS (2010-2021)
3.1. Provision with raw materials
3.2. quality requirements
3.3. Production of carbon fiber and materials based on it
3.3.1. Russia
3.3.2. Belarus
4. Foreign economic operations of Russia with carbon fiber (2010-2021)
4.1. Export of carbon fiber and materials based on it
4.2. Import of carbon fiber and materials based on it
5. Analysis of prices for carbon fiber products in Russia (2013-2021)
5.1. Import prices for carbon fiber and materials based on it
5.2. Prices of Russian manufacturers for carbon fiber and materials based on it
6. Consumption of carbon fiber in Russia (2010-2021)
6.1. Production-demand balance, sectoral structure of carbon fiber consumption in Russia
6.2. The main areas of carbon fiber consumption, the largest consumers
7. Forecast for the development of the carbon fiber market in Russia until 2030
Appendix Contact details of manufacturers of carbon fiber and materials based on it in the CIS
Table 1. Comparative characteristics of reinforcing fibers
Table 2. Comparative characteristics of carbon fibers based on various types of raw materials
Table 3. Evolution of the strength of carbon fiber based on pitches and various types of PAN fibers, GPa
Table 4. Comparative characteristics of various structural materials
Table 5. Change in global carbon fiber production capacities in 1992-2019, thousand tons
Table 6. TORAY Carbon Fiber Specifications
Table 7. Toho Tenax Carbon Fiber Specifications
Table 8. Hexcel Carbon Fiber Specifications
Table 9. Global capacity for the production of carbon fiber based on pitches
Table 10 Specifications of Mitsubishi Chemical Pitch Carbon Fiber
Table 11 Nippon Graphite Fiber Pitch Carbon Specifications
Table 12. Technical characteristics of polyacrylonitrile yarns produced by JSC "VNIISV"
Table 13. Technical characteristics of carbon thread in accordance with GOST 28008-88
Table 14. Technical characteristics of carbon structural tape in accordance with GOST 28006-88
Table 15. Production volume of products based on carbon fiber in Russia in 2010-2021, tons
Table 16. Technical characteristics of carbon fiber produced by Argon LLC
Table 17. Technical characteristics of carbon filaments produced by Argon LLC
Table 18. Technical characteristics of high-modulus carbon fibers produced by Argon LLC
Table 19. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Argon LLC in 2009-2021, million rubles
Table 20. Technical characteristics of carbon fiber produced by Alabuga-Volokno LLC
Table 21. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Alabuga-Volokno LLC in 2012-2021, million rubles
Table 22. Types of discrete fibers produced by ZUKM LLC
Table 23. Technical characteristics of carbon bundles manufactured by ZUKM LLC
Table 24. Technical characteristics of high-modulus carbon bundles manufactured by ZUKM LLC
Table 25. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of ZUKM LLC in 2009-2021, million rubles
Table 26. Key financial and economic performance indicators of Prepreg-SKM JSC in 2011-2021, RUB mln
Table 27. Key financial and economic performance indicators of Prepreg-Dubna LLC in 2013-2021, million rubles
Table 28. Performance indicators of Porsche Modern Materials LLC in 2014-2021, million rubles
Table 29. Technical characteristics of carbon fiber produced by Balakovo Carbon Production LLC
Table 30. Key performance indicators of Balakovo Carbon Production LLC in 2014-2021, million rubles
Table 31. Main financial and economic performance indicators of LLC "ITEKMA" in 2015-2021, million rubles, million rubles
Table 32
Table 33. Technical characteristics of graphite carbon fibers produced by OAO SvetlogorskKhimvolokno
Table 34. Technical characteristics of activated carbon fibers produced by OAO SvetlogorskKhimvolokno
Table 35. The volume of exports of carbon materials of Belarus in 2013-2021, tons
Table 36. Key financial and economic performance indicators of JSC SvetlogorskKhimvolokno in 2018-2021, mln BYN rub
Table 37. The volume of exports of Russian manufacturers of hydrocarbons and types of products in 2010-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 38. The volume of exports of hydrocarbons in the regional context in 2012-2021, tons
Table 39. The volume of exports of PCM based on carbon fiber by type of product in the regional context in 2019-2021, tons
Table 40. The volume of imports of hydrocarbons in the regional context in 2010-2021, tons, thousand $
Table 41. Main suppliers of carbon materials to Russia in 2010-2021, tons
Table 42. Main importers of carbon fiber and materials based on it in the Russian Federation in 2012-2021, tons
Table 43. Average prices for some types of imported carbon fiber products in 2013-2021, $/kg
Table 44. Prices for some types of products of Argon LLC in 2016-2019, RUB/kg, excluding VAT
Table 45. Prices for carbon fiber from Russian and foreign manufacturers in 2016-2022, thousand rubles/kg, including VAT
Table 46. Average export prices for products of Russian manufacturers in 2012-2021, $/kg
Table 47. Prices for some types of products of JSC "Prepreg-SKM" in 2017-2022, rub / linear m
Table 48. Production-demand balance of carbon fiber in the Russian Federation in 2015-2021, t
Table 49. Export-import balance of fabrics/prepregs based on carbon fiber in the Russian Federation in 2015-2021, tons
Table 50. Production-demand balance of carbon fiber and materials based on it in Russia in 2010-2021, tons
Table 51. The share of composite materials in various types of equipment,%
Table 52. The volume of purchases of carbon materials by Russian companies in 2013-2021, million rubles
Figure 1. Modulus of elasticity and tensile strength of various materials
Figure 2. Thermal conductivity and electrical resistance of various materials
Figure 3. Varieties of weaving structural fabrics
Figure 4. Basic scheme for the manufacture of a prepreg by impregnation
Figure 5. Change in fiber structure during heat treatment
Figure 6. Scheme of the production process for obtaining carbon fiber based on PAN
Figure 7. Dynamics of global consumption of carbon fiber in 1970-2021, thousand tons
Figure 8. Industry structure of global carbon fiber consumption, %
Figure 9. Capacities of the world's main carbon fiber producers in 2015 and 2019, thousand tons
Figure 10. Classification of carbon fibers by quality characteristics and their scope
Figure 11. The evolution of the use of composite materials in Boeing aircraft
Figure 12. The use of composite materials in the Airbus A380 aircraft
Figure 13. Carbon fiber consumption forecast up to 2024, kt
Figure 14. Dynamics of PAN fiber production by Composite-Fiber LLC in 2011-2021, t
Figure 15. Dynamics of carbon fiber production in Russia in 2010-2021, tons
Figure 16. Dynamics of carbon fiber production by Argon LLC, t
Figure 17. Dynamics of imports of PAN precursor (t) by Alabuga-Volokno LLC and its average price ($/t) in 2015-2021
Figure 18. Dynamics of production and export of carbon fiber by Alabuga-Volokno LLC in 2015-2021, tons
Figure 19. Export dynamics of Prepreg-SKM JSC in 2015-2021, tons
Figure 20. Export dynamics of Prepreg-Dubna LLC in 2017-2021, tons
Figure 21. Dynamics and structure of exports of carbon materials by OJSC SvetlogorskKhimvolokno in 2013-2021, tons
Figure 22. Dynamics of foreign trade operations with carbon fiber and materials based on it in 2010-2021, tons
Figure 23. Dynamics of exports of carbon fiber and materials based on it in 2010-2021, tons, mln $
Figure 24. Dynamics of exports of carbon fiber and materials based on it
Figure 25. Dynamics of imports of materials based on carbon fiber in 2007-2021, tons, mln $
Figure 26. Regional structure of Russian imports of carbon fiber and materials in 2010-2021, %
Figure 27. Commodity structure of imports of carbon fiber and materials based on it in 2016-2021
Figure 28. Sectoral structure of consumption of imported hydrocarbons in Russia in 2016-2021, %
Figure 29. Dynamics of production, consumption, export and import of carbon fiber and materials based on it in Russia in 2010-2021, tons
Figure 30. Dynamics of consumption of imported carbon materials for the production of wind turbine blades in the Russian Federation in 2018-2021, tons
Figure 31. Structure of carbon fiber consumption in Russia in 2016-2021, %
Figure 32. Structure of the world market of composite materials in physical terms, %
Figure 33. The volume of consumption of composite products per capita in different countries, kg
Figure 34. Installed capacity of wind farms in the top 10 countries in 2018-2021, MW (MW)
Figure 35. Forecast for the development of the carbon fiber market in Russia until 2030, t