Lithium Metal and Lithium Carbonate in the world and Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the first edition of the study of the lithium and lithium carbonate market in the world and in Russia.
The market has been monitored since 2000.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for lithium and its main compound - lithium carbonate.
The objects of the study are lithium-containing ores and brines, lithium-containing mineral concentrates, lithium compounds (mainly lithium carbonate), and metallic lithium.
This work is a desk study. The following sources of information were used: data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); the Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; the SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
Chronological framework of the study: 2018-2023; forecast - 2024-2040.
Geography of the study: world market and the market of the Russian Federation.
The report consists of 3 parts, contains 105 pages, including 56 tables, 8 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to an overview of the world market of lithium and lithium carbonate. The mineral resource base of lithium and types of lithium raw materials are briefly considered. Lithium production by main countries in 2018-2023 is given. The companies - the largest producers of lithium raw materials and compounds are described. The price situation for lithium carbonate is analyzed. Data on the export and import of lithium carbonate by different countries in 2018-2023 are presented. The main global projects to increase lithium production are considered. An overview of the use of lithium for the production of lithium-ion batteries and a forecast until 2040 are also given.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to an overview of the Russian lithium and lithium carbonate market. The characteristics of the mineral resource base of lithium are given, and the characteristics of promising raw material objects are given. Foreign trade operations with lithium carbonate in 2018-2023 are analyzed, and the regional supply structure is assessed. An overview of lithium and lithium carbonate consumption in Russia is made, and enterprises consuming lithium products are described. The calculation of the lithium production-consumption balance in 2018-2023 is given, and the structure of lithium consumption by industry is given. A forecast of lithium production and consumption in Russia up to 2040 has been made.
The third chapter of the report presents the conclusions of the study.
The appendix provides contact information for producers and consumers of lithium and its compounds.
The target audience of the study:
- lithium product manufacturing market participants – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and decision-makers working in the lithium market.
1. World Lithium and Lithium Carbonate Market for 2018-2023
1.1 General characteristics of the world lithium and lithium carbonate market
1.2 World lithium production in 2018-2023
1.3 Major global lithium product manufacturers
1.3.1 Albemarle Corporation
1.3.2 Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile S.A. (SQM)
1.3.3. Tianqi Lithium Corporation
1.3.4 Ganfeng Lithium Group
1.4. Review of the price situation for lithium carbonate in 2018-2023
1.5. Main world trade flows (export-import) of lithium carbonate and hydroxide in 2018-2023
1.6. World lithium consumption in 2018-2023
1.7. Forecast for the development of the world lithium market in 2024-2040
2. Review of the lithium and lithium carbonate market in Russia in 20018-2023
2.1 Lithium production in Russia
2.2 Status of lithium and lithium carbonate producers in Russia
Projects for the extraction of ore lithium
Projects for the extraction of associated lithium from brines of oil and gas fields
2.3 Import of lithium carbonate by Russia
2.4 Export of lithium carbonate from Russia
2.5 Price situation for lithium carbonate in Russia
2.6 Consumption of lithium in Russia
2.7 Forecast for the development of the lithium market in Russia in the period 2024-2040
2.7.1 Forecast of lithium production in Russia
2.7.2 Forecast of lithium consumption in Russia
3. Conclusions of the study
Appendix 1: Contact information of Russian producers of lithium and lithium compounds
Appendix 2: Contact information of the main Russian consumers of lithium compounds
Table 1. World production of lithium in raw materials in 2018-2023, thousand tons LCE/share, %. Table 2. Spodumene concentrate producing companies in Australia
Table 3. Lithium products producing companies from brines in Chile
Table 4. Major global lithium products producers
Table 5. Financial results of Albemarle and the Energy Storage business segment in 2018-2023, billion US dollars
Table 6. Mineral and chemical composition of spodumene concentrate grades produced by Albemarle in Australia, %
Table 7. Lithium production at Albemarle* mineral assets in 2020-2023, thousand tonnes
Table 8. Albemarle lithium reserves as of 1 January 2023
Table 9. Albemarle lithium resources as of 1 January 2023
Table 10. Financial performance indicators of SQM in 2018-2023, billion US dollars
Table 11. Production performance indicators of SQM in 2018-2023, thousand tons
Table 12. Key events in the development of Tianqi Lithium Corp.
Table 13. Tianqi Lithium production indicators in 2018-2023, thousand tons
Table 14. Tianqi Lithium financial indicators in 2018-2023, billion US dollars
Table 15. Major shareholders of Tianqi Lithium Corporation
Table 16. Key events in the development of Ganfeng Lithium Group
Table 17. Ganfeng lithium raw material sources
Table 18. Ganfeng Lithium production indicators in 2018-2022, thousand tons
Table 19. Major shareholders of Ganfeng Lithium
Table 20. Lithium carbonate price dynamics in 2018-2023, USD/kg
Table 21. Price dynamics for various grades lithium carbonate
Table 22. General factors affecting pricing
Table 23. Main exporters of lithium carbonate in 2018-2023, thousand tons/million dollars
Table 24. Regional structure of lithium carbonate imports in 2018-2023, %
Table 25. Regional structure of lithium hydroxide imports in 2018-2023, %
Table 26. Lithium carbonate imports by country in 2018-2023, thousand tons/million dollars
Table 27. Lithium hydroxide imports by country in 2018-2023, thousand tons
Table 28. Parameters of the global lithium market and its dynamics in 2018-2023
Table 29. Changes in the industry structure of lithium consumption in 2018-2023, %
Table 30. Structure of lithium-ion battery use by main areas in 2022-2023, %
Table 31. Volume of global demand for automotive lithium-ion batteries (in GWh) and lithium for their production (LCE, thousand tons)
Table 32. Volume of global sales of electric vehicles in 2018-2023,
Table 33. Main global manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries in 2023
Table 34. Forecast structure of production of batteries for electric vehicles in Europe by chemical composition up to 2040, %
Table 35. Forecast of the global lithium market up to 2040
Table 36. Forecast of lithium production in the world by main to producing countries from primary raw materials until 2040, in equiv. LCE thousand tons
Table 37. Major lithium deposit development projects in the world
Table 38. Structure of ongoing projects by region and type of raw material, %
Table 39. Lithium carbonate production in the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, tons
Table 40. Characteristics of the main Russian lithium compound mining projects
Table 41. Feasibility assessment of the main lithium carbonate production projects in the Russian Federation
Table 42. Lithium carbonate imports by Russia by supply directions (country of origin) in 2018-2023, tons
Table 43. Regions of lithium carbonate supply to Russia in 2018-2023, tons
Table 44. Directions of import deliveries (supplier country) of lithium carbonate in Russia in 2018-2023, t
Table 45. Lithium carbonate export from Russia in 2018-2023, t, million $
Table 46. Average import prices for lithium carbonate of Russian importers in 2018-2023, $/kg
Table 47. Average import prices for lithium carbonate of various Russian producers in 2018-2023, $/kg
Table 48. Average import prices for lithium carbonate of Russian importers in 2018-2023, $/kg
Table 49. Lithium consumption balance in Russia in 2018-2023, t LCE
Table 50. Estimated consumption structure of imported commercial lithium carbonate in Russia in 2018-2023 %
Table 51. Estimated lithium consumption structure in Russia in 2018-2023, %
Table 52. Main areas of lithium carbonate use and consumer companies in Russia
Table 53. Russian lithium-ion battery manufacturers in 2018-2023
Table 54. Analysis of tenders and competitions for the sale of lithium carbonate in Russia in 2019-2024, kg, rubles, rubles/kg
Table 55. Forecast of lithium production in Russia
Table 56. Forecast of lithium consumption in Russia for the period 2024-2040, thousand tons LCE
Figure 1. Dynamics of the global lithium market in 2018-2023, billion USD
Figure 2. Cost structure of lithium carbonate production from spodumene ore
Figure 3. Cost structure of lithium carbonate production from brines
Figure 4. Dynamics of lithium carbonate imports in physical and value terms in Russia in 2018-2023, t, million USD
Figure 5. Seasonality of Russian import supplies of lithium carbonate in 2021-2023, t
Figure 6. Dynamics of average import prices for lithium carbonate in Russia in 2021-2023, $/kg
Figure 7. Dynamics of global and Russian average import prices for lithium carbonate in 2021-2023, $/kg
Figure 8. Dynamics of domestic Russian consumption of lithium compounds in 2018-2023 (in LCE), t