Aluminum Alloy Sections and Extrusion Equipment in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)
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This report is the 3rd edition of the market research of aluminum alloy.
The purpose of research - analysis of the market of aluminum alloy and equipment for their production.
The objects of study are profiles of aluminum alloys and equipment for the production of profiles.
This is a desk study. As information sources, data of Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat), JSC "Russian Railways" (statistics of rail transport), Federal Customs Service (FCS), the database of "InfoMine". Also, data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of company-producers and business and consumer of aluminum alloy.
The chronological scope of the study: 2000-2014.; forecast - up to 2020.
Geography studies: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; rest of the world - general information about the characteristics of the market.
Scope of the study: report consists of 9 Sections, contains 215 pages, including 79 tables, 46 figures, 3 appendices.
In the first chapter of the report summarizes the world market of aluminum and aluminum profiles.
The second chapter is devoted to the raw materials used for the manufacture of aluminum profiles.
The third chapter discusses the technology and extrusion equipment for the production of aluminum alloy.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the requirements of the quality of aluminum profiles.
In the fifth chapter of the report presents information on the dynamics and structure of production of aluminum sections in Russia in 2000-2014 years. The description and characteristics of the main producers of aluminum alloy sections in Russia. Examined the proportion of players in the market, markets and consumers, the export activity.
The sixth chapter is devoted to analysis of foreign trade operations of Russia with aluminum profiles in the 2000-2014 period. It provides information about the destinations of the supplies, exporters and importers of aluminum profiles. Considered an export-import prices on aluminum profiles in Russia in 2000-2014.
In the seventh chapter presents the dynamics of export-import prices on aluminum alloy profiles, as well as the prices of the main Russian producers.
In the eighth chapter describes consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia. This section is made up the balance of "production-consumption" of the product for Russia (2000-2014), a description of the main enterprise-consumers.
In the final, the ninth chapter of the report presents forecast of production and consumption of aluminum profiles in Russia up to 2020 in 3 versions - the optimistic, pessimistic and basic developments in the market of this product.
The Appendixes are various cross-sections of aluminum profiles, address and contact information on the main companies producing and consuming profiles of aluminum alloys.
The target audience of the study:
- Participants of the market of aluminum alloy - producers, consumers, traders;
- Potential investors.
This research claims to be the reference for marketing services and for decision management solutions, working in the market of aluminum alloy.
1 Overview of global production of aluminum and aluminum alloy profiles
2 Raw materials for production of aluminum alloy and its delivery to specialized plants
2.1. Raw materials for the production of aluminum alloy
Primary aluminum
Secondary aluminum
Wrought aluminum alloys
2.2. Major suppliers of aluminum raw materials
2.3. Directions and volumes of supplies of aluminum raw materials
3 Technology and equipment for the production of aluminum alloy
3.1. Technology of production of aluminum alloy
3.2. Extrusion equipment for the production of aluminum alloy
4 Requirements, imposed on quality of aluminum alloy sections in Russia
4.1. Structural profiles and profiles for special purposes
4.2. Sections for walling
5 Production of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2000-2014.
5.1. Dynamics and pattern of production of aluminum alloy sections in 2000-2014.
5.2. Enterprise-producers of aluminum alloy sections
5.2.1. JSC "TATPROF" (Resp. Tatarstan)
5.2.2. LLC "LPZ" Segal "(Krasnoyarsk Territory)
5.2.3. Ltd. "Agrisovgaz" (Kaluga region).
5.2.4. LLC "Plant of aluminum sections" Realit "(Kaluga region).
5.2.5. JSC "System Aluminum" (Krasnodar region)
5.2.6. LLC "International aluminum company" (Moscow region).
5.2.7. Ltd. "Alkhan-" (Moscow region).
5.2.8. Ltd. "Altec" (Belgorod region).
5.2.9. LLC "CMC-Invest" (Kaluga region).
5.2.10. CJSC "Alunext" (Rostov region).
5.2.11. Companies that have stopped output
"Plant Mosmek" (Moscow region).
JSC "Energotekhmash" / Open Company "Volga Metallurgical Company" (Samara region).
JSC "Voronezh aluminum plant" (Voronezh region).
5.3. Projects on creation of new and modernization of existing facilities
6 Foreign trade operations in aluminum profiles in the 2000-2014.
6.1. Exports of aluminum profiles
6.1.1. Regional exports of aluminum profiles from Russia in 2000-2014.
6.1.2. Providers and recipients of exported aluminum profiles from Russia in 2006-2013.
6.1.3. Commodity structure of exports of aluminum profiles from Russia in 2013
6.2. Imports of aluminum profiles
6.2.1. Regional pattern of import of aluminum profiles in Russia in 2000-2014
6.2.2. Providers and recipients of imported aluminum profiles in Russia in 2006-2013
6.2.3. Merchandise imports of aluminum extrusions in Russia in 2013
7 Export-import and domestic prices of aluminum profiles in 2007-2014.
7.1. Export-import prices on aluminum profiles in the years 2007-2013.
7.2. Prices on aluminum alloy sections in Russia
8 Consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2000-2014.
8.1. Supply-demand balance of aluminum alloy sections in 2000-2014
8.2. Structure of consumption of aluminum alloy sections
8.3. Consumers (processors) of aluminum alloy
9 Outlook and Market Forecasts
9.1. Current status and prospects of development of end-uses
9.1.1. Construction
9.1.2. Mechanical Engineering
9.2. Forecast of production and consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia up to 2020
Appendix 1: Cross section of aluminum profiles
Appendix 2: Contact information on enterprise-producers of aluminum alloy sections
Appendix 3: Contact information on company-consumers of aluminum alloy
Table 1: Applications of aluminum alloy
Table 2 Marks primary aluminum, their chemical composition
Table 3: The main brands of deformable aluminum alloys and their chemical composition
Table 4: Group of wrought aluminum alloys
Table 5: Dynamics of production of primary aluminum production in Russia by enterprises in 1993-2013, kt
Table 6: Supplies of aluminum to producers of sections in 2005-2013, t
Table 7: Supplies of aluminum alloys to producers of sections in 2005-2013, t
Table 8: Supply of aluminum poles and rods to producers of sections in 2005-2013, t
Table 9: Imports of aluminum to producers of sections in 2005-2013. t
Table 10: Characteristics of rod-profile press, manufactured in Russia
Table 11: Imports of extrusion equipment in Russia in 2002-2013
Table 12: Limit deviations cross-sectional dimensions of profiles of aluminum and aluminum alloys, mm
Table 13: Limit deviations cross-sectional dimensions of profiles of aluminum alloys of grades and AMg5 AMg6
Table 14: Requirements for the mechanical properties of normal strength sections
Table 15: Characteristics of the internal cavities of hollow sections for walling
Table 16: Requirements for the nominal wall thickness and flange profiles for walling
Table 17: Requirements for limiting the magnitude of deviation of nominal dimensions of the walls and shelves sections for walling
Table 18: Requirements for limiting the magnitude of deviation in the size of channel and profiles of P and C-shaped cross-section, used for production of walling
Table 19: Requirements for the magnitude of the transverse curvature profiles for walling
Table 20: Requirements for the largest torsion angle sections for walling
Table 21: Requirements for the longitudinal deviation from linearity for the profiles for the production of walling
Table 22: Requirements for the mechanical properties of sections for walling
Table 23: Production of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2000-2013, kt
Table 24: Regional pattern of production of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2007, 2013,%
Table 25: Volumes of supplies of raw materials to the Company "TATPROF" in 2005-2008, t
Table 26: Characteristics of forging equipment JSC "TATPROF"
Table 27: Directions of export supplies of aluminum alloy JSC "TATPROF" in 2007-2014, t
Table 28: Foreign recipients of aluminum alloy sections of JSC "TATPROF" in 2007-2014, t
Table 29: Results of financial-economic activity of JSC "TATPROF" in 2007-2012, mln.
Table 30: Volumes of raw materials supplies to LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2005-2013, t
Table 31: Areas of export of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2007-2014, t
Table 32: Foreign recipients of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2007-2014, t
Table 33: Results of financial-economic activity of LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2007-2012, mln.
Table 34: Specifications of press equipment Ltd. REC "Real"
Table 35: Volumes of raw materials supplies to LLC ZAP "Realit" in 2005-2007, t
Table 36: Results of financial-economic activity of JSC "System Aluminum" in 2009-2012, mln.
Table 37 Characteristics of forging equipment LLC "MAK"
Table 38: Dynamics of import of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "MAC" in 2006-2014, t
Table 39 Results of financial-economic activity of LLC "International aluminum company" in 2007-2013, mln.
Table 40: Areas of export of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "DorHan" in 2006-2014, t
Table 41: Foreign recipients of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "DorHan" in 2007-2014, t
Table 42: Results of financial-economic activity of LLC "Altec" in 2008-2012, mln.
Table 43 Financial performance of OOO "VMK-Invest" in 2010-2012, mln.
Table 44: Areas of export of aluminum alloy sections of JSC "Alunext" in 2007-2014, t
Table 45 Foreign recipients of aluminum profiles JSC "Alunext" in 2007-2014, t
Table 46 Results of financial-economic activity of JSC «Alunext" in 2008-2013, mln.
Table 47 Volumes of raw materials supplies to JSC "Plant Mosmek" in 2005-2008, t
Table 48 Indicators of production-financial activity of JSC "Plant Mosmek" in 2007-2012
Table 49 Characteristics of general machine-building sections of JSC «Energotekhmash"
Table 50 Volumes of raw materials supplies to JSC "Energotekhmash" in 2005-2008, t
Table 51 Destinations export of aluminum alloy sections of "Energotekhmash" / Open Company "CMC" in 2007-2012, t
Table 52 Foreign recipients of aluminum alloy sections of "Energotekhmash" / Open Company "CMC" in 2007-2012, t
Table 53 Volumes of supplies of raw materials to the JSC "Voronezh aluminum plant" in 2005-2007, t
Table 54 Destinations of exports of aluminum profiles from Russia in 2000-2014, t, thousand. $
Table 55 The main Russian exporters of aluminum profiles in 2006-2013, t
Table 56 The main foreign recipients of aluminum profiles from Russia 2007-2013, t
Table 57: Areas of imports of aluminum profiles in Russia in 2000-2014, t, thousand. $
Table 58: The main Russian recipients of aluminum profiles in 2006-2013, t
Table 59: Main exporters of aluminum profiles in Russia in 2007-2013, t
Table 60 Average annual prices on exported aluminum alloy sections in 2006-2013, $ / t
Table 61 Average prices on imported aluminum alloy sections in 2006-2013, th. $ / T
Table 62 Prices of profiles of aluminum alloys, produced by JSC "TATPROF", and in 2014, Ruble / pm
Table 63 Prices of profiles of aluminum alloys, produced by LLC "LPZ" Segal "in 2014, $ / kg
Table 64 Prices of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2014, Ruble / pm
Table 65 Prices of staining profile, LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2014, Ruble / m2
Table 66 Prices of profiles of aluminum alloys, produced by JSC "System Aluminum", and in 2014, Ruble / pm
Table 67 Supply-demand balance of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2000-2013, kt,%
Table 68 Performance of work on construction contracts in Russia in 2000-2012, bln.
Table 69 Average living area in square meter per person in 2009-2011, m2
Table 70 Dwelling houses in Russia in 2002-2013, thousand. m2
Table 71 Dynamics of the total floor area of non-residential buildings by Federal Districts of Russia in 2001-2013, mln m2
Table 72 Targets Program "Providing affordable and comfortable housing and communal services of citizens of the Russian Federation" in the annual volume of housing construction in the regions of the Russian Federation in 2011-2020, mln m2
Table 73 Targets for the annual volume of housing construction of regional programs of subjects of the Russian Federation in 2011-2015, mln m2
Table 74 Dynamics of production of engineering products in 2007-2013, pieces, thousand. Pcs
Table 75 Dynamics of production index in the engineering sector,% change. year
Table 76 Targets of automobile production in 2014-2020, th. Pcs
Table 77 Targets output transport engineering in 2014-2020
Table 78 Tariff rates on imports of aluminum extrusions in Russia in 2012-2016,%
Table 79 Forecast of production and consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia until 2020, kt
Figure 1: Structure of the global aluminum consumption in 2012,%
Figure 2: Geographic pattern of consumption of aluminum alloy sections in 2013,%
Figure 3: The structure of the global consumption of aluminum alloy sections in 2013,%
Figure 4: Structure of consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Europe in 2013,%
Figure 5: Dynamics of production of primary aluminum in Russia in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 6: Dynamics of production and export of secondary aluminum alloys in Russia in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 7: Dynamics of production of aluminum products of LLC "KraMZ" in 2005-2013, kt
Figure 8: Flow sheet of production of aluminum profiles
Figure 9. Pressing Profile direct method
Figure 10: Schematic profile by pressing "joint to joint"
Figure 11: Schematic pressing Profile inverse method
Figure 12: Dynamics of imports of extrusion equipment in Russia in 2001-2013, pieces
Figure 13: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2000-2014, kt
Figure 14: Dynamics of production of aluminum profiles JSC "TATPROF" in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 15: Dynamics of export supplies of aluminum alloy sections of JSC "TATPROF" in 2001-2014, t
Figure 16: Dynamics of production of aluminum profiles, LLC "LPZ" Segal "in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 17: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 18: Dynamics of export of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Agrisovgaz" in 2000-2013, t
Figure 19: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy REC LLC "Realit" in 2003-2013, kt
Figure 20: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of JSC "System Aluminum" in 2003-2013, kt
Figure 21: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "MAC" in 2003-2013, kt
Figure 22: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Alkhan-" in 2005-2013, kt
Figure 23: Dynamics of export of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Alkhan-" in 2006-2014
Figure 24: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "Altec" in 2007-2013, kt
Figure 25: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of LLC "CMC-Invest" in 2010-2013, kt
Figure 26: Dynamics of production of aluminum profiles JSC "Alunext" in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 27: Dynamics of export of aluminum alloy sections of JSC "Alunext" in 2000-2014, t
Figure 28: Dynamics of production of aluminum alloy sections of JSC "Plant Mosmek" in 2000-2012, kt
Figure 29: Dynamics of production of aluminum profiles of "Energotekhmash" / Open Company "CMC" in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 30: Dynamics of production of aluminum profiles JSC "Voronezh aluminum plant" in 2000-2008, kt
Figure 31: Dynamics of export of aluminum profiles from Russia in 2000-2013, t, thousand. $
Figure 32 exports of aluminum profiles from Russia in 2001-2013,%
Figure 33: Commodity structure of Russian exports of aluminum profiles in 2013,%
Figure 34: Dynamics of import of aluminum sections in Russia in 2000-2013, t, thousand. $
Figure 35: Regional structure of imports of aluminum profiles in Russia in 2001-2013,%
Figure 36: Commodity structure of Russian import of aluminum sections in 2013,%
Figure 37: Dynamics of average annual export and import prices on aluminum alloy sections in 2000-2013, th. $ / T
Figure 38: Balance of production of consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2000-2014, kt
Figure 39: Dynamics of import supplies of metal from aluminum in Russia in 2000-2013, kt
Figure 40: Regional pattern of consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2007 and 2013,%
Figure 41 Sectoral pattern of consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia in 2007 and 2013,%
Figure 42 Dynamics of production of aluminum metal and glass in Russia in 2000-2013
Figure 43: Dynamics of housing in Russia in 2000-2013, mln m2,% change. year
Figure 44: Regional structure of housing construction in operation in Russia in 2013,%
Figure 45: Forecast of consumption of aluminum alloy sections in Russia until 2020, kt
Figure 46: Forecast of production of aluminum profiles in Russia until 2020, kt