Filtering Synthetic Fabrics in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the 1st edition of the market research of synthetic filter cloth and fabrics in Russia (woven and non-woven products).
Market monitoring is carried out since 2001.
The purpose of research - analysis of the market of synthetic woven and non-woven filter cloth and fabrics in Russia.
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as web-sites of producers.
Chronological scope of the study: 2001-2014; Forecast - 2015-2025.
Geography of research: Russian Federation.
The report consists of 7 Sections, contains 173 pages, including 85 tables, 19 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter shows the classification and basic properties of the synthetic filter cloths.
The second chapter is devoted to a brief description of innovative materials for air filtration.
In the third chapter the volume of production of filter fabrics in Russia. Described as the main producers of nonwovens and woven filter cloth.
The fourth chapter is devoted to analysis of foreign trade operations with synthetic filter cloth. It presents data on volumes of export / import, analyze the structure of Russian export / import, consumption structure of import filter cloth. The basic suppliers of the company in Russia. If possible, detailed specifications of imported fabrics in Russia.
The fifth chapter is devoted to the review of prices for synthetic filter cloth. A separate section deals with the import prices of suppliers, in another section - the prices of domestic exporters, in the third - domestic prices of some producers.
The sixth chapter is devoted to the analysis of demand for synthetic filter cloth in Russia in 2014. The state of the major Russian industries that use filtration processes. Particular attention is paid to the production of iron ore, copper, gold, apatite, silvinite concentrates, which are the main consumers of woven filter cloth in Russia.
The seventh chapter presents forecast of development of the market of both fabrics and non-woven filter cloth and fabrics. It presents virtually all voiced projects to expand capacity and construction of new processing plants, which will be used in the filtering process of mineral concentrates.
The Appendix presents contact information on the main company-producers and consumers of filter cloth.
The target audience of the research:
- Filter cloth manufacturers, mining companies, metallurgical, chemical plants, heating plants, sugar refineries, etc. Companies that use the filtering process in the processing chain.
- Potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be the reference tool for marketing services and professionals to make managerial decisions, working in the market of filter cloth.
I. Brief characteristics of synthetic filter cloths
2. Innovative filtration
2.1. Fibrebonded filter fabrics to filter the hot gases - Nomex ® KD (DuPont)
2.2. The non-woven fabrics cloth Spunlaced (DuPont)
2.3. Fiberglass filter fabrics for industrial gases with reverse-air (Porcher Industries - BGF)
3. Production of synthetic filtration fabrics in Russia
3.1. Production of non-woven filter materials in Russia in 2000-2014
3.2. The main operating companies for the production of non-woven filter materials
3.2.1. JSC "Komitex" (R. Komi, Syktyvkar)
3.2.2. LLC "Novomaynskaya textile company - Nomateks" (Ulyanovsk region).
3.2.3. CJSC "Factory Inzensky nonwovens" (Ulyanovsk region).
3.2.4. OJSC "NII nonwovens" - NIINM (MO, Serpukhov)
3.2.5. «Factory of nonwovens" The whole world "(Moscow region., Podolsk)
3.2.6. JSC "Promsinteks" (Orenburg)
3.2.7. “Factory of nonwovens UNIS" (Bashkiria)
3.2.8. LLC "Nipromteks" (Kursk region. Zheleznogorsk)
3.2.9. LLC "Tornet-LTV" (MO, Orekhovo-Zuyevo district)
3.2.10. Other manufacturers
3.3. Enterprises for the production of woven filter cloth
3.3.1. JSC “Kursk Factory of technical fabrics" (Kursk region).
3.3.2. JSC "KSHF" Best textile worker "(Moscow region. Korolev)
3.3.3. JSC "Promtestil" (Voronezh)
3.3.4. JSC "Zalesie" (Yaroslavl region., Pereslavl-Zaleski)
3.3.5. JSC "Red Perekop" (Yaroslavl region).
3.3.6. JSC "Shchelkovskaya silk-weaving factory" (Moscow region).
3.3.7. LLC "Filtroteks" - JSC "Voskresensk-Tekhnotkan" (Moscow region).
3.3.8. JSC "Rakhmanovsky Silk Plant" (Moscow Region., Pavlovsky Posad district)
3.3.9. Group companies "Sursky combine technical cloth" (Penza region).
3.3.10. LLC "Maltsevoteks" (MO, Shchelkovo district)
3.3.11. JSC "Khimvolokno" (Moscow Region, Serpukhov)
3.3.12. JSC "Syntex" (Tver) / ZAO "Volbrok" (Moscow) 4
3.3.13. LLC "HC" Spetstehnotkan "(Moscow Region., Krasnogorsk)
3.3.14. LLC "Tekhnotkan" (Moscow)
3.3.15. Other companies
3.4. Companies that cease production of filter cloth
4. Analysis of foreign trade in synthetic filter cloth in Russia in 2007-2014
4.1. Russian import filter cloth
4.1.1. Volumes of Russian import of synthetic filter cloth in 2005-2014
4.1.2. Regional structure of Russian imports of synthetic filter cloth in 2010-2014
4.1.3. Companies importing synthetic filter cloth in Russia in 2010-2014 and the nomenclature of imported products
4.1.4. Brief description of the main foreign suppliers of filter cloth in Russia in 2010-2014
4.1.5. Russian structure of consumption of imported synthetic filter cloth in 2014
4.1.6. The Russian company-consumers of imported synthetic filter cloth in 2010-2014
4.1.7. Manufacturers of filter cloth imported to Russia
4.2. Russian exports of synthetic filter cloth in 2005-2014
4.2.1. The volume of Russian exports of synthetic filter cloth in 2005-2014
4.2.2. Regional structure of Russian exports of synthetic filter cloth in 2010-2014
4.2.3. Companies exporting synthetic filter cloth from Russia in 2010-2014 and the nomenclature of export products
5. Price analysis
5.1. Prices of filter cloth foreign manufacturers on the border of the Russian Federation in 2010-2014
5.2. Export prices for Russian manufacturers of filter cloth in 2010-2014
5.3. Domestic prices for synthetic filter cloth domestic producers
6. Analysis of the demand for synthetic woven filter cloth
6.1. Capacity of the Russian market of synthetic woven filter cloth in 2014
6.2. Capacity of the Russian market of non-woven filter cloth in 2014
6.3. Supply-demand balance of the synthetic filter cloth in Russia in 2014
6.4. Structure of consumption of woven filter cloth in Russia in 2014
6.5. Structure of consumption of non-woven filter cloth in Russia in 2014
6.6. Situational analysis and prospects of major consuming industries
6.6.1. Extraction of ferrous metals
6.6.2. Production of non-ferrous metals Copper market Zink market
6.6.3. Extraction of ore zolotosodezhaschih
6.6.4. Production of apatite concentrate
6.6.5. Extraction of ore silvinovyh
6.6.6. Enrichment classes of thin coking coal
6.6.7. Manufacture of other mineral concentrates
6.6.8. Hydrometallurgy and chemical industry
6.6.9. Food processing industry
7. Prospects and forecast of the market development of synthetic filter cloth in Russia up to 2025
Appendix 1. Contact the main consumers of filter cloth in Russia
Appendix 2. Contact filter cloth manufacturers in Russia
List of sources
Table 1. Profit and loss statement of «Komitex" in 2011-2014, ths. Rub.
Table 2. Profit and loss statement of «Novomaynskaya textile company - Nomateks" in 2008-2013, mln.%
Table 3. Specifications sewed filter cloth manufactured by JSC "Factory Inzensky nonwovens"
Table 4. Specifications needled filter cloth manufactured by JSC "Factory Inzensky nonwovens"
Table 5. Profit and loss statement of «Inzensky Factory nonwovens" in 2008-2013, mln.%
Table 6. Specifications of nonwoven filter media manufactured by JSC "NIINM" air filtration
Table 7. Specifications of nonwoven filter media manufactured by JSC "NIINM" for filtering oils and fuels
Table 8: Specifications of nonwoven filter media manufactured by JSC "NIINM" for filtering liquids, emulsions, solutions, suspensions
Table 9. Specifications of nonwoven filter media manufactured by JSC "NIINM" for filtering gases and aerosols
Table 10. Operational properties of nonwoven filter media manufactured by JSC "NIINM"
Table 11. Profit and loss statement of «NIINM" in 2009-2014, ths. Rub.
Table 12. Technical characteristics of the filter cloths produced by "Factory of nonwovens" The whole world "
Table 13. Profit and loss statement of «Promsinteks» in 2009-2013, mln.
Table 14. Profit and loss statement of «Nipromteks» in 2009-2013, mln.
Table 15. Profit and loss statement of «Kotovsky nonwovens plant" in 2009-2013, mln.
Table 16. Dynamics of production of various types of synthetic fabrics JSC "Factory of technical fabrics Kursk" in 2009-2014, thousand. M2
Table 17. Cost structure of "Kursk Factory of technical fabrics" in 2013-2014,%
Table 18. Profit and loss statement of «KFTT» in 2009-2014, mln.%
Table 19. Range of filter cloth manufactured by JSC "KSHF" Best textile worker "
Table 20. Profit and loss statement of "Leading textile worker" in 2013, mln.
Table 21. The nomenclature for synthetic filter cloth production GOK JSC "Promtextile"
Table 22. The range of synthetic filter cloth for the food industry manufactured by JSC "Promtextile"
Table 23. Profit and loss statement of «Promtextile» in 2009-2013, mln.
Table 24. The range of synthetic and blended filter cloth production of "Zalesie"
Table 25. Profit and loss statement of "Zalesie" in 2010-2014, mln.
Table 26. Dynamics of capacity utilization of "Red Perekop" in 2011-2014,%
Table 27. Dynamics of production of various types of technical fabrics in "Red Perekop" in 2011-2014, thousand. TDG. m m2
Table 28. Profit and loss statement of "Red Perekop" in 2010-2014, mln.
Table 29. Profit and loss statement of «Shchelkovskaya silk-weaving factory" in 2009-2013, mln.
Table 30. Range of polyester filter cloth produced by "Filtroteks"
Table 31. Range of polypropylene filter cloth produced by "Filtroteks"
Table 32. The range of polyamide filter cloth produced by "Filtroteks"
Table 33. Profit and loss statement of «Filtroteks"
Table 34. The range of synthetic filter cloths manufactured by JSC "Rakhmanovsky Silk Mill"
Table 35. Profit and loss statement of «Rakhmanovsky Silk Mill"
Table 36. Profit and loss statement of "SC" SBC "in 2011-2013, mln.
Table 37. The range of synthetic filter fabrics produced by "Maltsevoteks"
Table 38. Profit and loss statement of «Maltsevoteks» in 2010-2013, mln.
Table 39. Technical characteristics of polyamide filter cloth production of JSC "Khimvolokno"
Table 40. Profit and loss statement of "Khimvolokno" in 2011-2014, mln.
Table 41. Range of filter fabrics produced by JSC "Syntex"
Table 42. Technical characteristics of the filter cloth manufactured by JSC "Sintek"
Table 43. Profit and loss statement of "Syntex" in 2008-2013, mln.
Table 44. Profit and loss statement of «Spetstehnotkani» in 2009-2013, mln
Table 45. Profit and loss statement of «Tekhnotkan» in 2008-2013, mln.
Table 46. Dynamics of Russian export and import of synthetic filter cloth in 2005-2014, $ million, tTablitsa 47.
Table 48. Change of regional structure of Russian import of synthetic filter cloth in 2010-2014,%
Table 49. Imports of synthetic filter cloth in Russia by countries in 2010-2014, ths. $ T
Table 50. Table Imports of filter cloth in Russia by major production companies in 2010-2014, t
Table 51. Nomenclature imported into Russia Synthetic filter cloth for the main suppliers in 2007-2014,
Table 52. Changes in the structure of Russian imports of synthetic filter cloth for the main suppliers in 2010 and 2014,%
Table 53. Nomenclature of filter cloth PJSC "Factory of technical fabrics" (Ukraine)
Table 54. Supplies of filter cloth PJSC "Technofilter" Russian consumers in 2007-2014, t
Table 55. Supplies of filter cloth of "Filkon" Russian consumers in 2007-2014, t
Table 56. Supplies of filter cloth Clear Edge Filtration Russian consumers in 2007-2014, t
Table 57. Supplies of filter cloth FINSA Filtros Industriales Russian consumers in 2007-2014, t
Table 58. Supplies of filter cloth Ohki Co., Ltd. Russian consumers in 2007-2014, t
Table 59. Supplies of filter cloth MGF Gutsche Gmbh & Co Russian consumers in 2010-2014, t
Table 60. Technical characteristics of the fabric production Needlona® BWF Envirotec
Table 61. Imports of synthetic filter cloth in Russia for major customers in 2010-2014, ths. $ T
Table 62. Range of filter cloth imported Russian mining, metallurgical and chemical industries
Table 63. Range of filter cloth imported Russian food industry
Table 64. Range of filter cloth imported products Russian producers and dealers
Table 65. Change of regional structure of Russian exports of synthetic filter cloth in 2010-2014,%
Table 66. Exports of synthetic filter cloth from Russia by countries in 2010-2014, ths. $ T
Table 67. Exports of filter cloth in Russia on major companies to producers in 2010-2014, tons (excluding deliveries to Kazakhstan)
Table 68. The nomenclature exported from Russia Synthetic filter cloth for the main suppliers in 2007-2014,
Table 69. Changes in the structure of Russian exports of synthetic filter cloth for the main suppliers in 2010 and 2014,%
Table 70. Dynamics of contract prices (Russian border) on the synthetic filter cloth from different foreign suppliers in 2010-2014, $ / kg
Table 71. Dynamics of export prices for synthetic filter cloth from domestic producers in 2010-2014, $ / kg
Table 72. Prices on the filter cloth production of "FF" Lighthouse "
Table 73. Prices on the filter cloth manufactured by JSC "Factory Inzensky nonwovens"
Table 74. Prices on the filter cloth (sintepon p / e) production of JSC "Plant Kotovsky nonwovens"
Table 75. Calculation of the capacity of the Russian market of woven filter cloth in 2014
Table 76. Supply-demand balance of woven filter cloth and non-woven fabrics for dry filtration in 2014, ths. M2%
Table 77. Emissions of air pollutants from stationary and mobile sources in 2000-2013, th. Tonnes
Table 78. Emissions of pollutants from stationary sources in 2005-2013, th. Tonnes%
Table 79. Caught and neutralized atmospheric pollutants from stationary sources, by economic activity in 2005-2013, th. Tonnes
Table 80. The effectiveness of trapping pollutants in the main branches of industry,%
Table 81. Production of iron ore concentrate by enterprises of Russia in 2009-2013, th. Tonnes
Table 82. Existing concentrators RF processing copper-bearing ore with the release of copper concentrate (2014)
Table 83. The main coal dressing plant of the Russian Federation, using thin filtering classes
Table 84. Budget expenditures in 2014-2016 for the development of textile and light industry
Table 85. Projects to increase production of ores and coal, which is used in the enrichment of fabric filtration concentrates in 2015-2030, mln t
Figure 1. Dynamics of production of nonwoven materials in the Russian Federation * made filaments in 2000-2014, mln m2
Figure 2. Dynamics of production of non-woven materials "Komitex» in 2009-2014, mln m2
Figure 3. The filter-reinforced material produced by "Tornet-LTV"
Figure 4. Dynamics of production of fabrics and nonwovens of "Red Perekop" in 2009-2014, thousand. M2
Figure 5. Dynamics of export shipments of synthetic filter cloth produced by "Filtroteks" (Voskresensk) in 2010-2014, thousand. M2, ths. $
Figure 6. Dynamics of production of polyamide filter cloth in JSC "Khimvolokno" in 2008-2014, thousand. M2
Figure 7. Dynamics of Russian import / export of synthetic filter cloth in money terms in 2005-2014, $ million
Figure 8. Dynamics of Russian import of synthetic filter cloth in 2005-2014, t, $ mln
Figure 9. Structure of consumption of imported filter cloth according to Russian industry segments in 2014
Figure 10. Dynamics of Russian exports of synthetic filter cloth in 2005-2014, t, $ mln
Figure 11. Structure of consumption of woven filter cloth in Russia in 2014
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of iron ore concentrate in Russia in 1998-2014, mln t
Figure 13. Dynamics of Russian production of copper concentrate in 2005-2014, th. Tonnes
Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian production of zinc concentrate in 2005-2014, th. Tonnes
Figure 15. Dynamics of production of apatite concentrate in Russia in 1997-2014, mln t
Figure 16. Dynamics of production of potassium chloride in Russia in 2005-2014, mln t
Figure 17. Processing of coking coal at the concentrators Russia in 2000-2014, mln t
Figure 18. Dynamics of imports of juices in Russia in 2006-2014, th. Tonnes
Figure 19. Forecast of consumption of woven filter cloth in Russia in 2015-2025, mln m2