Metal and Fiberglass Tanks and Vessels in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of metal and fiberglass tanks and reservoirs in Russia and in the analysis of their application. The report consists of 6 Sections, contains 140 pages, including 13 Figure, 40 Tables and 2 Appendices.
Methodologically, the work was carried out in a "desk" research. Analyzed information sources, we used data of state bodies - Federal Service of State Statistics of Russia, also data of companies, the Internet media materials and scientific and technical literature.
The first chapter discusses the classification of and specifications used tanks and reservoirs.
The second chapter describes the practice of metal tanks and vessels by type of use.
In the third chapter of the report presents the practice of fiberglass tanks and reservoirs by type of use.
The fourth chapter analyzes the price of metal and fiberglass tanks.
The fifth Section of the report is an analysis of an assortment of tanks and reservoirs provides data on current commodity nomenclature of major Russian enterprises producing reservoirs and tanks.
The sixth chapter describes the regulatory framework of production of tanks and reservoirs.
The appendix contains a table of current prices in the tank or the main producers in June 2012, as well as contact information on the main players in this market.
1. Characteristics of reservoirs and tanks
1.1. Classification of reservoirs
1.2. Classification of vessels
1.3. Technical characteristics
1.3.1. Metal tanks
1.3.2. Glass-fiber tanks
1.4. Production Technology
1.4.1. Metal tanks
1.4.2. Fiberglass tanks
2. Practical Application of metal tanks
2.1. Horizontal steel tanks for the underground storage of petroleum and ground (CSG)
2.2. Vertical steel tanks (PBC)
2.3. Capacity underground drainage type EP and EPP
2.4. Vessels welded horizontal and vertical (SEE, EEE, HCC, HCE)
2.5. Oil sumps
2.6. Storage tanks for compressed gases (air, oxygen, argon, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen, etc.)
2.7. Spherical tanks and gas tanks
2.8. Horizontal cylindrical vessels for liquefied petroleum gas
2.9. Transport tanks
2.10. Silo bulk materials
2.11. Insulated containers
2.12. Neftegazoseparatory (NHS)
2.13. Equipment for hydraulic fracturing (HF)
2.14. Capital equipment, workover and cementing.
2.15. Electric dehydrators
2.16. Air collectors, receivers gas
2.17. Autoclaves and separators for the production of alumina
2.18. Refrigerators drum
2.19. Drying machines (dryers)
3. The practice of applying fiberglass tanks
3.1. Water tanks, fire tanks
3.2. Stormwater treatment facilities (livnevki)
3.2.1. Distribution wells
3.2.2. Cyclone separator
3.2.3. Oil-benzootdeliteli
3.2.4. Sorption filters
3.2.5. Monitoring wells
3.3. Industrial waste water treatment
3.3.1. Pumping Stations
3.3.2. Tanks for sewage
3.3.3. Septic Tank
3.3.4. Flotation
3.3.5. Grease
3.3.6. Wastewater disinfection station (ADD)
3.3.7. Separation chamber
3.3.8. Fiberglass rotary shafts
3.4. Oil storage tank
3.5. Capacity for aggressive media
4. Prices for the metal and fiberglass tanks
5. Assortment analysis of metal tanks and containers
6. Regulatory framework of production of tanks and reservoirs
Appendix № 1: Current prices on the Russian market of tanks and reservoirs
1. Metal containers
1.1. Prices for horizontal bevel capacity LLC "InTehProm" (Fabrication Facility - Moscow)
1.2. Prices for storage tanks LLC "Soltek" (V. Novgorod)
1.3. Prices for storage tanks LLC "Soltek" (V. Novgorod)
1.4. Prices for silo (storage for bulk materials) LLC "Soltek" (V. Novgorod)
1.5. Prices for metal construction of horizontal and vertical tanks LLC "Transmash"
1.6. Prices for metal structures underground drainage tanks (EP) Ltd. "Transmash"
1.7. Prices for horizontal steel tanks underground installation climatic version 1 (art. VSt3ps) and climatic version 2 and 3 (art. 09G2S) with heating device and without
1.8. Prices for horizontal steel tanks above ground climatic version 1 (art. VSt3ps) and climatic version 2 and 3 (art. 09G2S) with heating device and without
1.9. Prices for steel vertical tanks climatic version 1 and climatic version 2 and 3
1.10. Prices CJSC "Teploelektromontazh" on fire tanks
1.11. Prices CJSC "Teploelektromontazh" on tanks for oil and petroleum products
1.12. Prices of Rolex Group
1.13. Prices LLC "Teplokor-M" on the vessel steel metal underground horizontal drainage (EP, EPR)
1.14. Prices for gas reservoirs
2. Fiberglass tanks
2.1. Price list for fiberglass storage tanks LLC "Ecostroy" (Yaroslavl)
2.2. Price list for fiberglass tank fire LLC "Ecostroy" (Yaroslavl)
2.3. Price list for fiberglass tanks for fuel storage LLC "Ecostroy" (Yaroslavl)
2.4. Price list for fiberglass vertical tank with a flat bottom of "Vanguard" (Smolensk region).
2.5. Price list of the Moscow dealer for fiberglass septic tank
2.6. Price list Ltd. "Ekoprovod" (Moscow region). For fiberglass tanks
2.7. Price list for nakopitelshnye capacity "YUNILOS"
Appendix 2: Contact information on the main players in the market
1. Manufacturers of metal tanks and containers
2. Manufacturers of fiberglass tanks and vessels
Table 1. Geometric characteristics of the reservoir type RVS
Table 2. Categories of warehouses for storage of oil and oil products
Table 3. The main characteristics of the groups of tanks
Table 4. Types of storage and transportation of oil and oil products
Table 5. Recommended for use Russian steel grades
Table 6. Sheet thickness wall tanks
Table 7. Comparative characteristics of fiberglass tanks
Table 8. Comparative characteristics of fiberglass tanks for the food industry
Table 9. Standard sizes for horizontal steel tanks
Table 10. Specifications and drawings of typical single-metal horizontal tanks
Table 11. Weight and dimensions and drawings of typical double-walled metal tanks
Table 12. Basic weight and sizes of standard vertical tanks
Table 13. Technical characteristics
Table 14. Standard sizes for drainage tanks
Table 15. Material design of capacitive devices
Table 16. Body material cylindrical steel welded vessels and equipment (GOST 9931-79)
Table 17. Characteristics of oil sumps exhaust
Table 18. Technical data on storage tanks for compressed gases
Table 19. Types of oil and oil products transported by tankers
Table 20. Specifications of tank cars
Table 21. Specifications insulated containers
Table 22. Specifications Capacity gelnoy
Table 23. Lineup of air receivers and air collectors
Table 24. Technical characteristics of the autoclaves and separators for the production of alumina
Table 25. Specifications distribution wells
Table 26. Specifications Desander
Table 27. Specifications maslobenzootdeliteley
Table 28. Specifications sorption filters
Table 29. Specifications of control wells
Table 30. Table mounting dimensions and prices for ANC of "SBM Group"
Table 31. Basic hygienic characteristics of wastewater using septic tanks (using technologies of soil purification)
Table 32. Comparative characteristics of fiberglass septic tanks and specialized systems of biological treatment
Table 33. Specifications grease traps
Table 34. Specifications station ADD
Table 35. Key features and prices of the separation chamber
Table 36. Specifications and prices rotary wells
Table 37. Comparative prices fiberglass and metal filling tanks.
Table 38. The company specializes in producing tanks and containers
Table 39. The company specializes in producing tanks and containers (cont.)
Table 40. Basic regulations, operating in tanks and containers in their production and use
Figure 1. General view of the horizontal steel tank
Figure 2. Tank equipment
Figure 3. General view of the capacity of the drainage
Figure 4. General view of the vertical capacitive apparatus
Figure 5. General view of the settler OH
Figure 6. General view of the oil-gas separator
Figure 7. General view of a tractor trailer with a special capacity topping EBC
Figure 8. General view of a tractor trailer with a special capacity-cleaning osrednitelno EOOK
Figure 9. Standard structure stormwater treatment system
Figure 10. Prices for steel vertical tanks climatic version 1 (art. VSt3ps) and climatic version 2 and 3 (art. 09G2S)
Figure 11. Comparison of different types of horizontal steel tanks,%
Figure 12. Prices LLC "Soltek" (V. Novgorod) to storage tanks with varying wall thickness, th.
Figure 13. Prices for storage tanks of different materials, th. (VAT included)