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Zirconium compounds (zirconium dioxide, zirconium carbonate and zirconium oxychloride) in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)

页数: 96 表数: 32 的数字的数量: 26
报告语言: Russian
发布: 04.09.2024

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

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价格: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the market of zirconium dioxide, carbonate and oxychloride.

The object of the study is zirconium dioxide (natural and synthetic), as well as zirconium carbonate and oxychloride.

This work is a desk study. The following sources of information were used: data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), WorldBank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UNComtrade, TradeMap); the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of companies-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), the FIPS patent database; the InfoMine database, as well as websites of companies-producers of zirconium compounds.

Chronological framework of the study: 2000-2023; forecast - 2024-2030.

Geography of the study: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market; the world - a general retrospective analysis of the market.


The report consists of 7 parts, contains 96 pages, including 26 figures, 32 tables and 3 appendices.

The first chapter of the report provides a brief description of the world zirconium dioxide market. It provides information on zirconium reserves and resources, the main world manufacturers of zirconium compounds, highlights the main areas of application of this product, production dynamics, and presents large world projects for the production of zirconium compounds.

The second chapter examines the quality requirements for zirconium dioxide, provides a brief description of production technologies, and shows the main raw materials for the production of ZrO2.

The third chapter is devoted to the production of zirconium dioxide in Russia in 2000-2023, provides an estimated production dynamics, provides information on manufacturing enterprises, and describes Russian projects for the creation of new capacities.

The fourth chapter analyzes Russia's foreign trade operations with natural zirconium and zirconium compounds in 2000-2023. The volumes and directions of export and import deliveries, as well as the main supplier companies and the main Russian importers of zirconium dioxide are shown.

The fifth chapter provides information on Russian export-import prices for zirconium compounds.

The sixth chapter examines the consumption of zirconium compounds in Russia, estimates the market capacity and structure of use, and describes the main areas of consumption and consumer enterprises. The final, seventh chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian zirconium compounds market until 2030.

The appendices provide volumes of zirconium dioxide imports in 2002-2008, as well as addresses and contact information for the main participants in the zirconium compounds market in Russia.


The target audience of the study:

- participants in the zirconium compounds market and products based on them - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and specialists making management decisions working in the zirconium compounds market.





1. World market of zirconium and its compounds in 2010-2023

1.1. World reserves and resources of zirconium

1.2. Dynamics of production of zircon-containing concentrates in the world

1.3. Structure of consumption of zircon-containing concentrates and assessment of production of zirconium compounds

1.4. Enterprises producing zirconium compounds

1.4.1. Guangdong Orient Zirconic Ind Sci & Tech Co., Ltd. (China)

1.4.2. Zhejiang Shenghua Biok Biology Co., Ltd. Zr-Valley Branch Company (China)

1.4.3. Zibo Guangtong Chemical Co., Ltd. (China)

1.4.4. Foskor Zirconia (South Africa)

1.4.5. Tosoh Corporation (Japan)

1.4.6. Saint Gobain Group (France)

1.4.7. Doral Fused Materials – DFM (Australia)

1.4.8. Imerys SA (China, France)

1.4.9. Daiichi Kigenso Kadaku Kogyo (DKKK) (Japan)

1.4.10. Stanford Materials Corporation (USA)

1.4.11. Zhengzhou Zhenzhong Fused Zirconia (China)

1.4.12. Treibacher (Germany)

1.4.13. Other enterprises with capacities for the production of zirconium compounds


2. Raw materials used and technologies for obtaining zirconium compounds


3. Production of zirconium compounds in Russia in 2000-2023, main manufacturing enterprises, projects for the creation of new capacities

3.1. JSC Kovdorsky GOK (Murmansk region)

3.2. JSC Chepetsky Mechanical Plant (Udmurt Republic)

3.3. Projects for the creation of new capacities


4. Foreign trade operations with zirconium compounds in the Russian Federation in 2000-2023

4.1. Export of baddeleyite concentrate in 2000-2023

4.2. Export of zirconium dioxide in 2012-2023

4.3. Import of zirconium dioxide in 2000-2023

4.4. Import of zirconium carbonate in 2017-2023

4.5. Import of zirconium oxychloride in 2017-2023


5. Export-import prices of the Russian Federation for zirconium compounds

5.1. Export prices for baddeleyite concentrate in 2000-2023

5.2. Import prices for zirconium dioxide in 2000-2023

5.3. Import prices for zirconium carbonate and zirconium oxychloride in 2017-2023


6. Consumption of zirconium compounds in Russia - assessment of market capacity and consumption structure

6.1. Balance of consumption of zirconium compounds in the Russian Federation

6.2. Structure of consumption of zirconium compounds in the Russian Federation in 2017-2023

6.3. Main consumers of zirconium compounds in the Russian Federation

JSC Uralredmet (Sverdlovsk region)

JSC DINUR (Sverdlovsk region)

JSC Borovichi Refractory Plant (Novgorod region)

6.4. Other consumers of zirconium compounds in the Russian Federation


7. Forecast of zirconium compounds consumption in Russia until 2030


Appendix 1. Russian importers of zirconium dioxide in 2002-2008, kg

Appendix 2. Contact information of zirconium compounds manufacturers in the Russian Federation

Appendix 3. Contact information of zirconium compounds consumers in the Russian Federation 

Table 1. World production of zircon concentrate in 2010-2023. by country in physical terms and in terms of ZrO2, thousand tons

Table 2. The main world producers of zirconium compounds

Table 3. Production capacity for zirconium products of Guangdong Orient Zirconic, thousand tons

Table 4. Characteristics of zirconium dioxide produced by Guangdong Orient Zirconic

Table 5. Chemical composition of yttria-stabilized zirconium dioxide produced by Guangdong Orient Zirconic

Table 6. Chemical composition of fused zirconium dioxide produced by Guangdong Orient Zirconic

Table 7. Chemical composition of zirconium oxychloride produced by Guangdong Orient Zirconic

Table 8. Production capacity for zirconium products of Zibo Guangtong Chemical Co., thousand tons

Table 9. Chemical composition monoclinic fused zirconium dioxide produced by Foskor Zirconia

Table 10. Characteristics of zirconium dioxide powders by Tosoh

Table 11. Chemical composition and properties of various grades of zirconium dioxide produced by DKKK

Table 12. Chemical composition of baddeleyite concentrate of JSC Kovdorsky GOK

Table 13. Characteristics and chemical composition of technical zirconium dioxide of JSC ChMZ, %

Table 14. Characteristics and chemical composition of stabilized zirconium dioxide of JSC ChMZ, %

Table 15. Characteristics and chemical composition of zirconium dioxide of JSC ChMZ for plasma spraying, %

Table 16. Directions and volumes of export deliveries from the Russian Federation of baddeleyite concentrate to 2000-2023, t, thousand $

Table 17. Directions and volumes of export supplies from the Russian Federation of zirconium dioxide (2012-2023), kg

Table 18. Directions and volumes of import supplies to the Russian Federation of zirconium dioxide in 2000-2023, t, thousand $

Table 19. The main companies-suppliers of zirconium dioxide to the Russian Federation in 2009-2023, t

Table 20. The main Russian companies-importers of zirconium dioxide in 2009-2023, t

Table 21. Directions and volumes of import supplies to the Russian Federation of zirconium carbonate in 2017-2023, t, thousand $

Table 22. The main Russian companies-importers of zirconium carbonate in 2017–2023, t

Table 23. Directions and volumes of zirconium oxychloride imports to the Russian Federation in 2017–2023, t, thousand $

Table 24. Main Russian companies importing zirconium oxychloride in 2017–2023, t

Table 25. Balance of zirconium compounds consumption in Russia in 2017–2023, thousand t

Table 26. Financial indicators of Uralredmet JSC in 2016–2023, billion rubles

Table 27. Physical and technical indicators of materials for the submersible nozzle of DINUR JSC

Table 28. Financial indicators of DINUR JSC in 2016–2023, billion rubles

Table 29. Characteristics of zirconium dioxide refractory products of Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC

Table 30. Characteristics of zirconium dioxide refractory materials of Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC

Table 31. Financial indicators of Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC in 2016-2023, billion rubles

Table 32. Volumes of zirconium dioxide consumption by Russian enterprises in 2009-2023, tons 

Figure 1. Structure of world reserves of zircon concentrate in 2023, %

Figure 2. Dynamics of world production of zircon concentrate in terms of zirconium dioxide in 2010-2023, million tons

Figure 3. Structure of world production of zircon concentrate in 2017-2023, %

Figure 4. Structure of world production of chemical compounds of zirconium by type in 2023, %

Figure 5. World structure of consumption of synthetic zirconium dioxide, %

Figure 6. World structure of consumption of zirconium-containing concentrates, %

Figure 7. Schematic diagram of obtaining zirconium dioxide by the method of opening zircon concentrate by sintering it with chalk

Figure 8. Schematic diagram of obtaining zirconium dioxide (foreign practice)

Figure 9. Production of baddeleyite concentrate at Kovdorsky GOK in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Figure 10. Dynamics of natural zirconium dioxide (baddeleyite) exports by the Russian Federation in 2000-2023, thousand tons, million $

Figure 11. Change in the shares of the main countries importing Russian baddeleyite concentrate in 2014-2023, %

Figure 12. Dynamics of Russian imports of synthetic zirconium dioxide in 2000-2023, thousand tons, million $

Figure 13. Change in the shares of the main countries exporting zirconium dioxide to the Russian Federation in 2014-2023, %

Figure 14. Consolidated structure of foreign suppliers of zirconium dioxide to the Russian market in 2020-2023, %

Figure 15. Structure of zirconium carbonate supplies to the Russian Federation by country in 2017-2023, %

Figure 16. Dynamics of Russian export prices for baddeleyite concentrate in 2000-2023, $/kg

Figure 17. Dynamics of Russian import prices for zirconium dioxide in 2000-2023, $/t

Figure 18. Dynamics of Russian import prices for zirconium carbonate and oxychloride in 2017-2023, $/t

Figure 19. Structure of baddeleyite consumption in the Russian Federation in 2017-2023, %

Figure 20. Structure of consumption of imported zirconium dioxide in the Russian Federation in 2017-2023, %

Figure 21. Structure of consumption of imported zirconium carbonate in the Russian Federation in 2017-2023, %

Figure 22. Structure of consumption of imported zirconium oxychloride in the Russian Federation in 2017-2023, %

Figure 23. Dynamics of imports of synthetic zirconium dioxide by Uralredmet JSC in 2009-2023, t

Figure 24. Dynamics of imports of zirconium dioxide by DINUR JSC in 2009-2023, t

Figure 25. Dynamics of imports of synthetic zirconium dioxide by Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC in 2009-2023, t

Figure 26. Forecast of zirconium dioxide consumption in Russia up to 2030



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