Mikhail Burstein
Deputy Director for International Cooperation
Education: Graduated from Moscow Steel And Alloys Institute (Department of Nonferrous and Rare Metals and Alloys), postgraduate studies at Institute of Solid Fossil Fuels Preparation (IOTT).
Major professional interests:
Relational databases
Market research of base and rare metals and raw materials
Processing of natural resources,
Environmental studies in engineering.
Experience in market research - over 15 years
Author of over 50 publications in Russian and international journals, books and encyclopedia
Filippov L.O., Burstein M.A. Scale-up in Flotation - Maximilian Lackner (editor), Scale-up in Metallurgy, ProcessEng Engineering GmbH, Vienna, ISBN: 978-3-902655-10-3 (2010).
Flint I.M., Burstein M.A. Flotation: Column cells - Encyclopedia of Separation Science, Academic Press, 2000, Ed. I.D. Wilson, et al., p. 1471-1480.
Rubinstein J.B., Burstein M.A. Flotacion en columna. Procesos, Disenos y Practicas. Editorial Rocas y Minerales, 1997.
Rubinstein J.B., Burstein M.A. Column Flotation: Processes, Design, Practice. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1995.
Burstein M. Copper: reserves, mining and processing in CIS countries - Raw Materials Report, 1993, v. 9, No. 4, p. 24-29.
Burstein M. Lead & zinc output in the C.I.S. - Mining Journal, 1993, vol.321, No.8253, p.388-390.