28 December 2024
In 2024, the Infomine Research Group completed over 80 studies.
13 December 2024
Company news
On December 12, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the XIX International Conference "Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid 2024", organized by CREON Conference, where she gave a report "Overview of the Russian Sulfuric Acid Market".
06 December 2024
Company news
On December 5, the company's CEO Igor Petrov gave a presentation on "Russia's export potential in the field of non-ferrous and rare metals and issues of limiting supplies to the external market" at the Mining Industry 2024 Forum (organized by Creon Energy).
29 November 2024
Company news
On November 29, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the VII Industry Conference “Water Treatment and Purification 2024”, organized by CREON Energy, where she persented a report “Overview of the Russian Market of Inorganic Coagulants”.
22 November 2024
Company news
Director Igor Petrov took part in the 3rd international forum "Non-ferrous metals of Russia and the CIS: mining, construction and modernization of enterprises" (November 19-20, 2024, Moscow), organized by Vostock Capital.
03.07.2019Articles of our staff
In the journal “Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management ” (No. 1/2019) published an article by Dr. Igor Petrov "Market of lead concentrate and lead in the CIS countries."
The editorial board of the journal, with which the InfoMine has been cooperating for many years, congratulated our company on the past 25th anniversary.
Participation in the conference
General director of INFOMINE Dr. Igor. Petrov took part in the III All-Russian Conference "Mining Waste Management" (MaxConference, February 28, 2019, Moscow) and presented report "The development of technogenic deposits and objects in Russia - the current state and prospects."
Articles of our staff
In the journal “Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management ” (No. 6/2018) published an article by the head of the company E. B. Belousova, "World and Russian markets of titanium raw materials."
Results of the company in 2018
In 2018, the Research Group InfoMine performed over 65 studies.
Articles written by our staff
In the journal "News of universities. Non-ferrous metallurgy ”(No. 4/2018) published an article by the company’s CEO Igor Petrov, “Some trends in the world market of rare-earth metals and the prospects for Russia” (co-authored with A.A. Gasanov, A.V. Naumov, O. Yurasova and T. E. Litvinova)
Company news
The celebration of the 25th anniversary of the company continued within the walls of InfoMine.
Company news
General Director of INFOMINE Mr. Igor Petrov took part in the conference "Additive and digital technologies in mechanical engineering", held on November 15, 2018 in the framework of the 24th International Exhibition "Metal Expo". He presented a report “The market of metal powders for additive technologies in Russia”.
Company news
INFOMINE Research Group Ltd. received a letter of thanks from one of the largest metallurgical companies in Russia - LLC Management Company METALLOINVEST.
Company news
By tradition, the next anniversary of the company was marked by a collective trip abroad.
This time our direction was Turkey
Company's news. We are 25 years old!
Over 25 years, the company has carried out 1,252 large-scale studies and over 1,500 operational monitoring of the market.