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Chalk-filled polymer products in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

页数: 104 表数: 34 的数字的数量: 24
报告语言: Russian
发布: 19.10.2018

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价格: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of a market research on polymer products produced using chalky fillers in Russia.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for polymer products produced using chalky fillers in Russia.

The object of the research is polymer products produced using chalky fillers.

This review is a desk study. The sources of information were data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), customs statistics of the Russian Federation, statistics of rail transportation of the Russian Federation; materials of the sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet sites of enterprises-producers and consumers of chalk additives, as well as data obtained during telephone interviews with representatives of enterprises.

Chronological framework of the study: 2015-2017; forecast for the period up to 2023

Geography research: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


The report consists of 7 parts, contains 104 pages, including 34 tables, 24 figures and appendices.

The first chapter of the report contains general information about polymer products produced using chalky fillers, presents the main qualitative and quantitative characteristics of this product.

The second chapter of the report is devoted to the production of polymer products manufactured using chalky fillers in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017. This section provides information on the main manufacturers of products, estimated data on production volumes in 2015-2017. Also, this chapter provides data on the volumes of supplies of chalk-filled plastics for the domestic market of Russia and for export, data on raw materials required for the production of the products in question. In addition, an analysis of the cost of production.

The third chapter discusses the consumption of polymer products produced using chalky fillers in Russia in 2015-2017. The sectoral, product, and regional consumption patterns are estimated, and key trends that determine the level of demand are noted. Also in this chapter, data on the volumes and directions of imports of the products in question are presented.

The fourth chapter provides a forecast of production and consumption of polymer products produced using chalky fillers in Russia for the period up to 2023

The fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of prices for polymer products produced using chalky fillers.

The sixth chapter of the report presents the main conclusions of the study.

The seventh chapter assesses the prospects for the production of new types of polymer products using chalky fillers.

The appendices show the grades of the main types of polymer raw materials used in the domestic market of chalk-filled plastic products, as well as the addresses and contact information of the largest enterprises producing the products in the Russian Federation.



1. General characteristics of products

1.1. Product Description

1.2. Qualitative characteristics (brands, classes)

1.3. Quantitative characteristics


Chemical composition

Physical and technical properties


2. Production of chalk-filled polymer products

2.1. Production by company / enterprise

2.1.1. Production of plastics manufactured using finely dispersed chalk

2.1.2. Production of plastics produced using chalk concentrates

2.2. Deliveries to the domestic market by supplier

2.3. Deliveries for export from Russia with a breakdown by countries, suppliers

2.4. Suppliers of basic raw materials for the production of polymer products (polymers, monomers, other additives)

2.5. Cost analysis with the inclusion of transport costs analysis (expert assessment)


3. Consumption of chalk-filled polymer products in Russia

3.1. Total demand by consumers / types of products

3.2. Key trends determining the demand for products

3.3. Basic requirements for polymer products

3.4. Product consumption structure

3.5. Sectoral structure of consumption

3.6. Regional structure of consumption by regions of the Russian Federation

3.7. The largest consumers in Russia

3.8. Imports to Russia in the context of supplier / consumer countries


4. Forecast of production and consumption of chalk-filled polymer products in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2023

4.1. Forecast of production and capacity changes, assessment of the probability of project implementation

4.2. Forecast of development of consumer industries in the Russian Federation

4.3. Applications to industry forecasts (a detailed description of the prerequisites for each of the consuming industries)

4.4. Forecast of consumption of chalk-filled plastic products

4.5. Export / Import Forecast by Country, Supplier and Consumer


5. Prices for chalk-filled polymer products, broken down by main types

5.1. Pricing scheme in the market

5.2. Dynamics of prices by types of products and sales regions

5.3. Evaluation of the price level in the free market

5.4. Price forecast (expert assessment)


6. General conclusions


7. Identification of the prospects for the production of new types of chalk-filled polymer products, their new market niches, the definition of consumer requirements for the raw materials used


Appendix 1: Main grades of polyethylene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride produced in the Russian Federation and imported

Appendix 2: Contact information of the largest producers of chalk-filled polymers in Russia

Table 1: Some characteristics of the most common plastics

Table 2: Mechanical properties of general purpose thermoplastics

Table 3: Changes in the properties of the film LDPE with the introduction of various amounts of chalk concentrate

Table 4: Some financial performance indicators of Rehau Products LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 5: Some financial indicators of the activity of LLC Veka Rus in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 6: Some financial performance indicators of LLC Bashplast in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 7: Some financial indicators of the activity of PJSC “Vladimir Chemical Plant” in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 8: Some financial performance indicators of JSC Bashkir Soda Company in 2013-2016, million rubles

Table 9: Some financial performance indicators of Europolimer Trading LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 10: Some financial performance indicators of LLC APO Aleko Polymers in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 11. The main stages of development of the production of plastic containers in LLC "I-Plast"

Table 12: Some financial performance indicators of I-Plast LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles

Table 13. The main stages of development of the production of flexible packaging in LLC Danafleks

Table 14: Some financial performance indicators of Danaflex LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 15: Some financial indicators of JSC "Artplast" in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 16: Some financial performance indicators of Biosphere Polymer LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 17: Some financial performance indicators of Mosoblpolimer LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 18: Some financial performance indicators of Mosoblpolimer LLC in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 19: Some financial performance indicators of LLC Baltmarin in 2013-2016, million rubles.

Table 20. Volumes and directions of Russian exports of plastic products (by main categories) in 2015-2017, kt, million

Table 21: Capacities for the production of PP, PE and PVC in the Russian Federation (at the beginning of 2018)

Table 22: Capacities for the production of fine chalk in the Russian Federation (at the beginning of 2018)

Table 23: Capacities for the production of chalk concentrates in the Russian Federation (at the beginning of 2018)

Table 24: Railway supplies of fine chalk for the production of polymer products by enterprises in 2015-2017, t

Table 25: Volume of consumption of fine chalk for the production of products from polymers by consumption sectors in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017, kt

Table 26: Volume of consumption of melon-filled concentrate for the production of products from polymers by consumption sectors in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017, kt

Table 27: Polymer Additives to Meet the Basic Requirements for Polymer Products

Table 28. Volumes and directions of Russian imports of plastic products (by main categories) in 2015-2017, kt, million

Table 13. Production growth rates in selected industries of Russia in 2014-2017,%

Table 30. Changes in macroeconomic indicators in Russia to the level of 2013, %

Table 31. Social indicators of the baseline scenario of the forecast of economic development of Russia, increase in%

Table 32. Selected indicators of the baseline forecast scenario

Table 33. Indicators of the plastics processing sub-sector in the Russian Federation in the period from 2014 to 2025, thousand tons

Table 34. Prices for various plastic products by region of the Russian Federation in 2015-2018

Figure 1: Structure of consumption of fillers for polymeric materials

Figure 2: The composition of the polymer composition for the production of products for various purposes,%

Figure 3: The largest Russian producers of plastic products manufactured using finely dispersed hydrophobic chalk,%

Figure 4: Dynamics of Russian exports of plastic products in 2014-2017, thousand tons

Figure 5: Structure of the use of modifying additives and concentrates for use in various polymers,%

Figure 6: Structure of the cost of production of plastic products,%

Figure 7: Structure of consumption of suspension PVC in Russia in 2017,%

Figure 8: Product structure of consumption of chalky additives in Russia in 2015-2017,%

Figure 9: Product structure of consumption of polymer products in Russia in 2015-2017,%

Figure 10: Product structure of consumption of polymer products, produced using hydrophobic fine dispersed chalk in Russia in 2015-2017,%

Figure 11: Product structure of consumption of polymer products produced using chalk-filled concentrates in Russia in 2015-2017,%

Figure 12: Regional structure of production for the heading "Plastic plates, sheets, pipes and profiles",%

Figure 13: Regional structure of production for the heading "Bags and bags, including conical, of ethylene polymers",%

Figure 14: Regional structure of production for the heading “Bags and bags, including conical, from other plastics, except ethylene polymers”,%

Figure 15: Dynamics of Russian imports of plastic products in 2014-2017, thousand tons

Figure 11: Dynamics of production of PVC window profiles in Russia in 2012-2017, million m2

Figure 17: Dynamics of production of certain types of cable and wire products in the Russian Federation in 2004-2017, thousand km

Figure 18: Dynamics of production of the main types of polymer packaging in Russia in 2012-2017, billion pieces

Figure 19: Factors of development of the Russian market of polymer products

Figure 20: Basic pricing

Figure 21: Dynamics of average producer prices for some plastic products in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017, rub. / T

Figure 22: Dynamics of average producer prices for some types of plastic packaging in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017, rubles / thousand pieces

Figure 23: Dynamics of average producer prices for plastic windows and doors in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017, rub / m2

Figure 24: Dynamics of average producer prices for the main types of polymers in the Russian Federation in 2015-2017, rub. / T



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