Unsaturated Polyester and Epoxy Resins in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is the first edition of the study of the unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins market in Russia.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of polyester and epoxy resins.
The objects of the study are unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information used were data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); the Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; the SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
Research chronological framework: 2019-2023; forecast - 2024-2030.
Research geography: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis.
The report consists of 6 parts, contains 100 pages, including 24 figures, 29 tables and an appendix.
The first chapter provides information on existing technologies for the production of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins, the raw materials required for production.
The second chapter is devoted to the production of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins in Russia in 2019-2023. It presents the requirements of existing regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of manufactured products. The dynamics of production of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023 is presented, and the main Russian manufacturers are described. The prospects for creating new production facilities for the products in question and the raw materials required for production are also identified.
The third chapter of the report provides data on Russia's foreign trade operations with unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins in 2019-2023. The regional structure of imports and exports, as well as the largest exporters and importers of products, are given.
The fourth chapter analyzes information on the price level for unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins in the domestic market, as well as data on changes in export-import prices in 2019-2023.
The fifth chapter examines the consumption of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins in Russia in 2019-2023. The production-consumption balances of these types of products, the industry structure of consumption are presented, and the current state of the main consuming industries is described.
The sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins for the period up to 2030.
The appendix provides addresses and contact information for the main Russian enterprises producing unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins.
The target audience of the study:
- participants in the market of unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and specialists making management decisions working in the chemical products market.
1. Technology of production of polyester and epoxy resins and raw materials used in industry
1.1 Unsaturated polyester resins
1.2. Epoxy resins
2. Production of polyester and epoxy resins in Russia in 2018-2023
2.1. Quality requirements for polyester and epoxy resins
Unsaturated polyester resins
Epoxy resins
2.2. Dynamics of production of polyester and epoxy resins in Russia in 2019-2023
Unsaturated polyester resins
Epoxy resins
2.3. Current status of the largest manufacturing enterprises in the Russian Federation
Unsaturated polyester resins
OOO Dugalak (Yaroslavl region)
OOO Raduga Sintez (Moscow region)
FKP Kamensky Plant (Rostov region)
AO Permskie Polyesters (Perm)
AO Kamteks-Polyesters (Perm)
Epoxy resins
FKP Plant named after Ya.M. Sverdlov (Nizhny Novgorod region)
2.4. New projects for the production of polyester and epoxy resins, as well as raw materials for their production
3. Foreign trade operations with polyester and epoxy resins in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023
3.1. Unsaturated polyester resins
Import of unsaturated polyester resins in 2019-2023
Export of unsaturated polyester resins in 2019-2023
3.2. Epoxy resins
Import of epoxy resins in 2019-2023
Export of epoxy resins in 2019-2023
4. Review of Russian prices for polyester and epoxy resins in 2019-2023
4.1. Domestic prices
4.2. Export-import prices
Unsaturated polyester resins
Epoxy resins
5. Consumption of polyester and epoxy resins in Russia
5.1. Production-consumption balance of polyester and epoxy resins in Russia in 2019-2023
Unsaturated polyester resins
Epoxy resins
5.2. Assessment of the structure of consumption of polyester and epoxy resins in the Russian Federation
5.3. The main sectors of consumption of polyester and epoxy resins in the Russian Federation
Production of composite materials
Production of paints and varnishes
Production of epoxy systems and compounds
Production of building materials
6. Forecast for the development of the market of polyester and epoxy resins in Russia until 2030
Appendix. Contact information of the largest Russian manufacturers of polyester and epoxy resins
Table 1: Main components of unsaturated polyester resins
Table 2: Physical and mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester resins according to GOST 27952-2017
Table 3: Reference properties of unsaturated polyester resins (uncured and cured) according to GOST 27952-2017
Table 4: Physical and mechanical properties of epoxy-diane resins according to GOST 56211-2014
Table 5: Physical and chemical properties of epoxy-diane resins according to GOST 56211-2014
Table 6: Properties of modified epoxy resins (uncured and cured) according to TU 2225-597-11131395-01
Table 7. Production of unsaturated polyester resins in Russia in 2015-2023 by enterprises, t
Table 8. Financial indicators of Dugalak LLC in 2019-2023, million rubles
Table 9. Financial indicators of Raduga Sintez LLC in 2019-2023, million rubles
Table 10. Financial indicators of Permskie Polyesters JSC in 2019-2023, million rubles
Table 11. Financial indicators of Kamtex-Polyesters JSC in 2019-2023, million rubles
Table 12. Import of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, t
Table 13. Main suppliers of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, t
Table 14. Main importers of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, t
Table 15. Export of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, t
Table 16. Exporters of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation in 2022-2023, t
Table 17. Import of epoxy resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, t
Table 18. Main suppliers of epoxy resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, t
Table 19. Main importers of epoxy resins in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, t
Table 20. Export of epoxy resins to the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, t
Table 21. Prices of Russian producers for unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins in 2024, RUB/kg
Table 22. Import prices for unsaturated polyester resins by country in 2019-2023, $/t
Table 23. Export prices for unsaturated polyester resins by country in 2019-2023, $/t
Table 24. Import prices for epoxy resins by country in 2019-2023, $/t
Table 25. Balance of production and consumption of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 26. Balance of production and consumption of epoxy resins in the Russian Federation in 2019-2023, thousand tons, %
Table 27. Volume of production and consumption of finished products from PCM in the Russian Federation, as well as foreign trade operations on the Russian market of PCM and finished products based on them in 2019-2023, billion rubles
Table 28. Industrial production indices in the chemical and paint and varnish industry of the Russian Federation in 2017-2023, % of the previous year
Table 29: Development indicators of the construction and housing and communal services sectors that correspond to the baseline scenario for the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Construction Industry of the Russian Federation
Figure 1: Scheme of the reaction for obtaining epoxy resin
Figure 2: Block diagram of epoxy resin production
Figure 3: Dynamics of unsaturated polyester resin production in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Figure 4: Dynamics of epoxy resin production in Russia in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Figure 5: Dynamics of unsaturated polyester resin production by Dugalak LLC in 2009-2023, tons
Figure 6: Dynamics of unsaturated polyester resin production by Raduga Sintez LLC in 2011-2023, tons
Figure 7: Dynamics of unsaturated polyester resin production by FKP Kamensky Kombinat in 2010-2023, t
Figure 8: Dynamics of production of unsaturated polyester resins by JSC Perm Polyesters in 2009-2023, t
Figure 9: Dynamics of production of unsaturated polyester resins by JSC Kamtex-Polyesters in 2012-2023, t
Figure 10: Dynamics of production of epoxy resins by FKP Plant im. Ya.M.Sverdlova" in 2015-2023, t
Figure 11: Dynamics of foreign trade operations of the Russian Federation with unsaturated polyester resins in 2019-2023, t
Figure 12: Change in the structure of imports of unsaturated polyester resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, %
Figure 13: Dynamics of foreign trade operations of the Russian Federation with epoxy resins in 2019-2023, t
Figure 14: Change in the structure of imports of epoxy resins in the Russian Federation by country in 2019-2023, %
Figure 15: Dynamics of domestic Russian prices for epoxy resins in 2017-2022, RUB/kg
Figure 16: Dynamics of average export-import prices for unsaturated polyester resins in 2019-2023, $/t
Figure 17: Dynamics of average import prices for epoxy resins in 2019-2023, $/t
Figure 18: Dynamics of consumption of unsaturated polyester resins in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons
Figure 19: Dynamics of consumption of epoxy resins in Russia in 2019-2023, thousand tons
Figure 20: Structure of consumption of unsaturated polyester resins in Russia, %
Figure 21: Structure of consumption of epoxy resins in Russia, %
Figure 22: Dynamics of housing commissioning (million m2) and production of works by type of activity "Construction"
Figure 23: Growth forecast production and consumption of unsaturated polyester resins in Russia up to 2030, thousand tons
Figure 24: Forecast of growth in production and consumption of epoxy resins in Russia up to 2030, thousand tons