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Rare-Earth Elements (REE) in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (11th edition)

页数: 196 表数: 57 的数字的数量: 61
报告语言: Russian
发布: 02.08.2018

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价格: 3 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the 11th edition of the rare earth metals (metals) market research in the CIS countries.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market of rare-earth elements (metals) in the CIS countries and forecast its development to 2020-2025.

The object of the study is the rare-earth elements (yttrium, lanthanum and 13 elements of the lanthanide group: cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, terbium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, ytterbium, lutetium), their concentrates, alloys and chemical compounds.

This work is a desk study. As sources of information on the world market, UNdata, USGS, Lynas, IMCOA, SMM, Molycorp, TMR, BGS and other foreign companies were used. For the analysis of the CIS market, the data of IAC Mineral, Rosstat, the State Statistics Committee of the CIS countries, the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the Statistics Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the branch and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers securities, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of REE, materials of foreign publications, scientific and technical literature. Also, several interviews were conducted with experts in this field.

Chronological framework of the study: 1997-2017 (some indicators since 1993); forecast - until 2020 and 2025.

Geography of the study: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis; world, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries - general market analysis.


Scope of the research: the report consists of 8 parts, contains 196 pages, including 61 figures and 57 tables.

In the first chapter of the report, a brief description of the world REE market is given, data on world reserves, production (2002-2017), consumption, as well as prices for certain types of REE (2006-2018) are given. The situation on the production and export of the REE of China is described in detail.

The second chapter of the report describes in detail the mineral resources base of the REE in the CIS. The characteristics of the existing deposits in the territory of the CIS (Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine) are shown, data on the potential reserves of the REE in the CIS are given.

The third chapter of the report is devoted to projects on the territory of the CIS related to the extraction and processing of rare-earth raw materials. The most promising projects are singled out, their characteristics are given.

The fourth chapter contains data on the extraction and enrichment of ores containing REE. A detailed description of the main enterprises-producers of this product in the CIS countries is given, the main one of which is OOO Lovozero GOK.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the production of rare-earth products in the CIS. It lists the nomenclature of rare-earth products of the CIS, gives a detailed description of enterprises producing rare-earth products, shows the dynamics of production and supplies.

The sixth chapter provides data on the export and import of the REE by Russia in 1997-2017, with the distribution according to the directions of supplies and the types of products. Here, too, the dynamics of prices for various types of REE supplied (compounds and metals) is given. The chapter is supplemented with the description of foreign trade operations with the REE of Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other CIS countries.

In the seventh chapter, the consumption of rare-earth products in Russia is described in detail. This chapter shows the dynamics of consumption of REE in Russia (2000-2017), the structure of consumption by individual REE, the main consumer enterprises. A characteristic of the regions of consumption of rare-earth products in Russia is also given.

The eighth chapter is devoted to the forecast of production and consumption of rare-earth products in Russia / CIS to 2020 and 2025, it presents various options for the development of the situation in the REE market in Russia.

The appendices give data on the quality of the main rare earth products of Silmet, as well as the addresses and contact information of the main enterprises that produce, supply and consume rare-earth products.


The target audience of the study:

- participants in the market of rare-earth products - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed research claims to be a reference tool for specialists working in the REE market and taking management decisions.





1. World market REE

1.1 Mineral reserves and production of REE

1.2. REE production in China

1.3. Export of the REE of China (2003-2017)

1.4 Producers of REE outside of China and new projects

1.5 Consumption of REE

1.5.1 Main areas and trends in the use of REEs

1.5.2 The main consumer countries of the REE

1.6 Prices for REE


2. Mineral and raw materials base of rare-earth elements in the CIS

2.1 Russia

2.2 Kyrgyzstan

2.3 Ukraine

2.4 Kazakhstan

2.5 Potential reserves of the REE in the CIS


3. Projects on the territory of the CIS related to the extraction of processing of rare-earth raw materials

3.1 The Tomtor project

3.2 The project for the processing of man-made raw materials (monazite concentrate)

3.3. Projects for extraction of REE from products of processing of apatite-nepheline ores of the Khibiny Group

3.4 Project for the development of the area of ​​the eudialite-loparite ore Alluaiv

3.5 Other projects


4. Extraction and dressing of ores containing REE (1997-2017)

4.1 Enterprises engaged in the extraction and processing of ores containing REE

4.2 Enterprises that have stopped processing ore containing REE

4.2.1. JSC "Kyrgyz Chemical-Metallurgical Plant" (Kirghizia)

4.2.2 The Caspian Mine (Kazakhstan)


5. Production of rare-earth products in the CIS and Estonia

5.1 Dynamics of production of rare-earth products and its nomenclature in 2002-2017

5.2. The current state of the enterprises producing REE products in the CIS

5.2.1 Enterprises that produce the REE

OJSC Solikamsk Magnesium Plant (Russia)

NPM Silmet (Estonia)

LLP "Irtysh Rare Earth Company" (Kazakhstan)

SARECO (Kazakhstan)

5.2.2 Enterprises that have stopped the production of REEs

JSC "Kyrgyz Chemical and Metallurgical Plant" (Kirghizia)

OJSC "Moscow Plant of Polymetals" (Russia)

JSC Siberian Chemical Plant (Russia)

JSC "Chepetsky Mechanical Plant" (Russia)

OJSC "Uralredmet" (Russia)

JSC "Experimental Chemical and Metallurgical Plant Giredmet" (Russia)


6. Export-import of rare-earth products of the CIS in 1997-2017

6.1 Russia

Connections of the REE

Metals and alloys REE

6.2 Kazakhstan

6.3 Ukraine

6.4 Other CIS countries


7. Consumption of rare-earth products in Russia in 2000-2017

Manufacture of glass products, optics and production of phosphors

Catalysts for oil refining

Manufacture of autocatalysts

Catalysts for the production of rubber


Production of rare earth magnets

Growing of crystals

Other areas


8. Forecast of production and consumption of REE in Russia / CIS until 2020-2025.


Appendix 1: Quality of the main rare-earth products Molycorp Silmet

Concentrate of REE oxides

Solution of REE nitrates

Concentrate of REE fluorides

Cerium dioxide

Carbonate of cerium 45

Carbonate of cerium 60

Lanthanum oxide

Praseodymium oxide

Neodymium metal

The neodymium-iron-boron alloy

Concentrate of oxides of samarium-europium-gadolinium

Polishing Powder

Appendix 2: Address book of the main producers and consumers of REE products in the CIS

Table 1: Characteristics of the deposits of the REE of China

Table 2: Ratio of individual REEs in the ores of a number of Chinese deposits,%

Table 3: World production (production in concentrates) in terms of REE oxides in 2002-2017, t

Table 4: Capacities for the REE release by the main Chinese companies, kt

Table 5: Production quotas for the REE for the provinces of China in 2011-2015, t

Table 6: Production quotas for REE companies of China in 2016-2018, t

Table 7: Export quotas for the REE of China in 2011-2014, kt

Table 8: Volumes and structure of exports of certain types of export supplies of REE by China in 2012-2017, t,%

Table 9: The main importing countries of the REE from China in 2011-2017, kt

Table 10: Financial and operational indicators of Molycorp (2011-2014), Neo Performance Materials (2016-2017)

Table 11: Declared and implemented projects for the extraction of rare earth raw materials in the world outside of China

Table 12: Forecast of world production of REE to 2020 and 2025

Table 13: Use of various REEs in the production of products,%

Table 14: Structure of consumption of the REE in terms of oxides in the world in 2012 and 2016, thousand tons /%

Table 15: Consumption of individual REEs in 2012 and in 2020, 2030 (forecast), kt

Table 16: Main directions and trends of consumption of REE in the world

Table 17: REE content in individual products, kg

Table 18: Capacities for the production of REE magnets of Chinese companies, kt

Table 19: Japan's share in the supply of China of various types of REE products in 2012-2017,%

Table 20: Dynamics of world imports of compounds and metals REE in the main areas of supply in 2005-2017, kt

Table 21: Average annual prices of rare earth oxides of Chinese producers on FOB terms in 2005-2015, $ / kg

Table 22: Average annual prices for individual REE oxides in 2016-2018, $ / kg

Table 23: Characteristics of the main REE deposits in Russia

Table 24: Content and distribution of REE oxides in industrial sources in the CIS,%

Table 25: Financial performance of LLC Lovozero GOK in 2006-2015, million rubles.

Table 26: Volumes of production of REE in the CIS (in terms of oxides) in 1999-2017, t

Table 27: Nomenclature of REE products at enterprises of the former USSR

Table 28: Characteristics of carbonates of OJSC Solikamsk Magnesium Plant

Table 29: Deliveries by OAO "SMZ" of divided REE for export in 2013-2016, t

Table 30: Financial performance of JSC Solikamsk Magnesium Plant in 2002-2017, million rubles.

Table 31: Directions of deliveries of rare-earth products Molycorp Silmet in 2010-2017, t

Table 32: Nomenclature and characteristics of REE products produced by Irtysh Rare-Earth Company LLP

Table 33: Quality requiREEents for REE nitrates produced by IRPC

Table 34: Composition of rare earth raw materials and finished products SARECO

Table 35: Export of REE compounds from Russia by recipient countries in 1999-2017, t

Table 36: Import of REE connections by Russia for supplying countries in 1999-2015, t

Table 37: The main companies supplying REE compounds to Russia in 2004-2017, t

Table 38: Structure of supply of REE compounds by types of products and elements in 2007-2017,%

Table 39: Prices for REE connections of various suppliers to Russia in 2004-2015, $ / kg

Table 40: Export of rare earth metals from Russia by countries in 1999-2017, kg

Table 41: Import of rare earth metals and alloys in Russia by sending countries in 1999-2017, kg

Table 42: Companies-suppliers of rare-earth metals and alloys to Russia in 2004-2017, t

Table 43: Prices for imported rare earth metals and alloys in Russia in 2004-2017, $ / kg

Table 44: Export of REE compounds from Kazakhstan (tons and thousands of dollars) and prices ($ / kg) in 2001-2015

Table 45: Import of REE connections by Ukraine for sending countries in 2001-2017, t, thousand dollars.

Table 46: Import of metals and alloys of REE by Ukraine for sending countries in 2001-2017, kg,

Table 47: Balance of production-consumption REE (in terms of oxides) in Russia in 2000-2017, kt

Table 48: The main enterprises-consumers of REE compounds (in terms of oxides) in Russia in 2006-2017, t (excluding traders)

Table 49: Parameters of quality of polishing powders produced by JSC "Chepetsky Mechanical Plant"

Table 50: Technical characteristics of anti-Stokes luminophors manufactured by ZAO NPF "Luminophor"

Table 51: Technical characteristics of rare-earth catalysts of cracking of Russian manufacturing enterprises

Table 52: Dynamics of production of synthetic rubber brand SKD in Russia in 2003-2017, kt

Table 53: Composition of a modifier for processing steel grade INSTEEL produced by NPP Technology,%

Table 54: Typical composition of the rare-earth alloy of JSC "Klyuchevsky Ferroalloy Plant"

Table 55: Composition of iron-based modifiers (ligatures) produced by OOO Complex Modificators

Table 56: Forecast of the demand for REE of nuclear energy in Russia up to 2050, t

Table 57: Scenarios and indicators for the development of the REE industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

Figure 1: Geographical structure of confirmed REE reserves in the world,%

Figure 2: Distribution of the REE in the confirmed mineral resources of the world,%

Figure 3: Provinces of China, extracting REE "light" and "heavy" group

Figure 4: Estimation of REE production in China (taking into account illegal mining) in 2006-2017, kt

Figure 5: China's exports of compounds REE, metals and REE-magnets in 2003-2017, kt

Figure 6: China's exports of rare earth products

Figure 7: Structure of exports of the REE of China by product type

Figure 8: Production and sales of the REE of Lynas

Figure 9: Basic directions of using REE

Figure 10: Dynamics (2011-2017) and forecast (2020, 2025, 2030) of sales of hybrid cars and electric vehicles (PHEV + EV), thousand pieces

Figure 11: Dynamics of the world wind power market in 1997-2017 and forecast in 2018-2020, GW

Figure 12: Consumption of REE in China and other countries in the world in 2005-2017 and to 2020-2025 (forecast), kt

Figure 13: Structure of consumption of REE in China,%

Figure 14: Japan's imports of REE and China's share in 2005-2017, kt,%

Figure 15: Dynamics of the average weighted price of REE (basket) Lynas oxides in 2001-2018, $ / kg

Figure 16: Dynamics of prices for NdPr in 2014-2018 (domestic prices of China with VAT), USD / kg

Figure 17: Dynamics of the average weighted price of RZM carbonates produced by SMZ, USD / kg

Figure 18: Distribution of REE reserves by regions of Russia

Figure 19: Production of REE in loparite concentrate LLC "Lovozero GOK" in 1997-2017, kt

Figure 20: Dynamics of loparite concentrate processing

Figure 21: Dynamics of shipments of rare-earth products of JSC "Solikamsk magnesium plant" in 1993-2017, (in terms of oxides), t

Figure 22: Distribution of shipments of RZM carbonates produced by SMZ to importers in 2006-2017,%

Figure 23: Structure of deliveries of JSC "SMZ" of separated REEs

Figure 24: Dynamics of supply of REE compounds of the Solikamsk magnesium plant to the domestic market in 2009-2017, t

Figure 25: Dynamics of import of Silmet smelting of chlorides and carbonates REE with JSC "Solikamsk magnesium plant" in 1997-2017, t

Figure 26: Dynamics of exports of Silmet REE compounds to Russia in 1997-2017, t

Figure 27: Dynamics of the Estonian exports of compounds of the REE Silmet in 2001-2017, kt

Figure 28: Directions of supplies of raw materials for the production of rare-earth products Molycorp Silmet in 2010-2017,%

Figure 29: The PRCM process flow diagram

Figure 30: Dynamics of imports of REE compounds by Irtysh Rare Earth Company LLP in 2004-2017, t

Figure 31: Dynamics of REE production of Irtysh Rare Earth Company LLP in 1997-2017, t (in terms of oxides)

Figure 32: Dynamics of export supplies of RZM compounds to Irtysh Rare Earth Company LLP in 2000-2017, t (in physical terms)

Figure 33: Process flow diagram of SARECO production

Figure 34:. Structure of commodity production of the RZM of JSC Acron in 2017,%

Figure 35: Principal technological scheme for processing group rare-earth concentrate (SMZ carbonates) LLC LIT

Figure 36: Dynamics of output of rare earth products of JSC "Kyrgyz KMZ" in 1999-2007, t

Figure 37: Dynamics of REE supplies from Kyrgyzstan to the Russian market in 2004-2007, t

Figure 38: Dynamics of exports and imports of REE compounds of OJSC "Uralredmet" in 1998-2004, t

Figure 39: Export and import of rare-earth compounds of Russia in 1999-2017, t (in physical terms)

Figure 40: Dynamics of exports of REE compounds from Russia

Figure 41: Dynamics of imports of REE compounds to Russia

Figure 42: Dynamics of exports and imports of rare earth metals in Russia in 1999-2017

Figure 43: Dynamics of exports and imports of rare earth metals and alloys in monetary terms in 1999-2017, thousand dollars.

Figure 44: Structure of imports of REE and alloys by Russia in 2006-2017,%

Figure 45: Structure of imports of the REE by Russia in 2004-2013 and in 2014-2017,%

Figure 46: Dynamics of imports of the Russian Federation of other metal products containing REE in 2007-2017, t

Figure 47: Dynamics of imports of REE compounds by Kazakhstan in 2001-2017, t

Figure 48: Dynamics of exports of REE compounds by Kazakhstan in 2001-2017, t, thousand dollars

Figure 49: Dynamics of imports of REE compounds, rare earth metals and alloys by Ukraine in 2001-2017, t, thousand dollars

Figure 50: Belarus import dynamics of REE compounds

Figure 51: Dynamics of consumption of REE (in terms of oxides) in Russia in 2000-2017, kt

Figure 52: Estimated structure of consumption of REE in Russia

Figure 53: Estimated structure of the use of the REE in Russia

Figure 54: Dynamics of production of phosphors in ZAO NPF "Luminophor" in 1999-2017, t

Figure 55: Dynamics of the production of cracking catalysts in Russia in 2002-2017, t

Figure 56: Dynamics of output of autocatalysts of OJSC "Ural Electrochemical Combine" / LLC "Eco-Alliance" in 1998-2017, thousand pieces

Figure 57: Dynamics of imports of the Russian misch metal in 2005-2017, t

Figure 58: Dynamics of imports of mischmetall LLC "New Perspective Products Technology" in 2005-2017, t

Figure 59: Forecast of REE production (in terms of oxides) in Russia to 2020 and 2025, kt

Figure 60: Directions of using REE in various types of military equipment

Figure 61: Forecast of consumption of REE (in terms of oxides) in Russia to 2020-2025, kt



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