Aluminium Semis and Rolled Stock in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (4 edition)
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This report is the fourth edition of a completed study of the market for aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products in Russia and the world.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the global and Russian market of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products.
The objects of research are pressing, rolling and forging aluminum products.
The work presented is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.
A distinctive feature of this study is the presence of a detailed examination of the global market for aluminum semi-finished products, a detailed description of the largest manufacturers operating in the market for the products in question, and an industry consumption forecast.
Chronological scope of the study: 2018-2023; forecast – 2024-2030
Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis; world - detailed retrospective market analysis.
The review consists of 6 parts, contains 161 pages, including 14 figures, 121 tables and appendices.
The first chapter of the review provides a brief description of the market for aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products. The structures of global consumption of extruded aluminum products and flat products are presented. The use of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products in various industries (automotive, aircraft, etc.) is shown in detail.
The second chapter provides an assessment of the production volumes of aluminum semi-finished products in 2018-2023. in the world and China. The dynamics of production of extruded aluminum products by the world's main manufacturers in 2018-2023 is presented. A detailed overview of the world's 12 largest companies producing press products is given.
An assessment of the production volumes of aluminum semi-finished products in 2018-2023 is also given. in the world and China. The dynamics of production of rolled aluminum products by the world's main manufacturers in 2018-2023 is presented. A detailed overview of the world's 12 largest companies producing rolled aluminum products is given.
In addition, an overview of the production of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products in Russia is given, and an analysis of the activities of the main Russian companies is carried out.
The third chapter of the review examines export-import operations with aluminum semi-finished products in the world. The structure of supplies by type of product and by export direction has been identified. Similar data are presented for Russia.
The fourth chapter analyzes data on the consumption of aluminum semi-finished products in the world and in Russia. The structure of their use by type of product, industry and region of the world is given, as well as a forecast until 2029. Similar data is presented in detail for the Russian market. The forecast for the balance of production and consumption of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia until 20308 and the drivers of the domestic market are shown.
The fifth chapter is devoted to a review of new projects in the industry of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia and the CIS countries.
The sixth chapter of the review examines the price environment for aluminum semi-finished products and the price forecast until 20230.
The appendix provides address and contact information of the main enterprises producing and consuming aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products in the Russian Federation.
Target audience of the study:
- participants in the market of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products (fibers and threads, products, composite materials) - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the market of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products.
1. Brief description of the market for aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products
2. Production of aluminum semi-finished products in the world and Russia in 2018-2023.
2.1 World
2.1.1 Estimation of production volumes of aluminum semi-finished products by region of the world
2.1.2 Estimation of production volumes of extruded aluminum products
2.1.3 Analysis of the world's main manufacturers of extruded aluminum products
Hydro (Sapa)
Chinalco (Aluminum Corporation of China)
China Zhongwang
Arconic Corporation
Otto Fush
Hindalco Industries
Gulf Extrusions
Kaiser Aluminum
2.1.4 Estimation of production volumes of rolled aluminum products
2.1.5 Analysis of the world's main manufacturers of rolled aluminum products
Gulf Aluminum Rolling Mill (GARMCO)
AMAG Rolling
Chinalco Group
JW Aluminum
Mingtai Aluminum
Yieh Group
2.1.6 Estimation of production volumes of forging aluminum products
2.2 Russia
2.2.1 Estimation of production volumes of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia
2.2.2 Analysis of the main Russian manufacturers of aluminum products
OJSC Kamensk-Ural Metallurgical Plant (KUMZ)
JSC AMR (JSC Aluminum Metallurg Rus)
JSC "VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation"
3. Export-import operations with aluminum semi-finished products in 2020-2023.
3.1 World
3.1.1 Assessment of global exports of aluminum semi-finished products in 2018-2022 by type of product
3.1.2 Assessment of global exports of aluminum semi-finished products in 2018-2022 by type of product
Asian countries (without China)
African countries
Latin America
3.2 Russia
3.2.1 Balance of production and consumption of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia in 2020-2023.
3.2.2 Analysis of exports of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia in 2020-2023.
3.2.3 Analysis of imports of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia in 2020-2023.
4. Consumption of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia and the world in 2018-2023.
4.1 World
4.1.1 Estimation of consumption volumes of extruded aluminum products by type of extrusion, world regions and economic sectors in 2022-2029.
4.1.2 Estimation of consumption volumes of flat rolled aluminum products by type of rolled product, world regions and economic sectors in 2022-2029.
4.1.3 Estimation of consumption volumes of forging aluminum products by world region and economic sector in 2022-2029.
4.2 Russia
4.2.1 Estimation of consumption volumes of rolled aluminum in 2003-2030, structure of consumption by industry
4.2.2 Analysis of government procurement of rolled aluminum in 2022
4.2.3 Analysis of import supplies of rolled aluminum in 2020-2023 G.
4.2.4 Analysis of the main sectors of consumption of rolled aluminum
Aviation industry
Automotive industry
4.2.5 Forecast of the balance of production and consumption of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia until 2028. and drivers of domestic market growth
4.2.6 Sensitivity analysis of identified factors (drivers) of market growth
5. Analysis of new projects in Russia or the CIS countries until 2033.
6. Analysis of price dynamics in 2018-2023. and forecast for prices until 2030
Appendix: Contact information of the main producers and consumers of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products in Russia
Table 1. Production of aluminum semi-finished products in China
Table 2. Location of facilities of the main manufacturers of extruded aluminum products
Table 3. Production of extruded aluminum products by the world's main manufacturers, thousand tons
Table 4. Share of companies in global production of extruded aluminum products, %
Table 5. Hydro (Sapa) Press Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/t) and Gross Profit (2018-2023)
Table 6. Aluminum Corporation of China Extruded Products Sales (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/t) and gross profit (2018-2023)
Table 7. China Zhongwang Pressed Products Sales (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/t) and gross profit (2018-2023)
Table 8. Arconic Corporation Press Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/t) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 9: Constellium Press Products Sales (Kt), Revenue ($M), Price ($/t) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 10. Otto Fushs Pressed Products Sales (Kt), Revenue ($M), Price ($/t) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 11. STEP-G Press Product Sales (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/t) and gross profit (2018-2023)
Table 12. ALUPCO Pressed Products Sales (Thousand Tons), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/T) and Gross Profit (2018-2023)
Table 13. Sales of pressed products of Hindalco Ind. (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/t) and gross profit (2018-2023)
Table 14. Gulf Extrusions Extruded Products Sales (Kt), Revenue ($M), Price ($/t) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 15. Kaiser Aluminum Extruded Products Sales (KTons), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/T) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 16. TALCO Pressed Products Sales (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/t) and gross profit (2018-2023)
Table 17. Location of capacities of the main manufacturers of rolled aluminum products
Table 18. Production of rolled aluminum products by the world's main manufacturers, thousand tons
Table 19. Share of companies in global production of rolled aluminum products, %
Table 20: Hindalco Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 21. UACJ Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 22. Arconic Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD million), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 23: Hydro Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue ($M), Price ($/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 24. Constellium Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (Million USD), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 25. Gulf Aluminum Rolling Mill Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue ($M), Price ($/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 26. AMAG Rolling Flat Products Sales (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/million tons) and gross margin (2018-2023)
Table 27. Chinalco Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 28: JW Aliminium Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 29. Mingtai Aluminum Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 30. Yieh Flat Products Sales (Kt), Revenue (USD Million), Price (USD/Mt) and Gross Margin (2018-2023)
Table 31. KOBELCO Flat Products Sales (thousand tons), revenue (USD million), price (USD/million tons) and gross margin (2018-2023)
Table 32. Volume of production of aluminum semi-finished products in Russia with distribution by enterprise in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 33. Structure of production of aluminum semi-finished products by manufacturing companies in 2020-2023, %
Table 34. Range of aluminum semi-finished products produced by Russian companies
Table 35. Geographical structure of sales of aluminum semi-finished products of KUMZ OJSC in 2020-2023, %
Table 36. Structure of sales of aluminum semi-finished products of KUMZ OJSC by enlarged product range in 2020-2023, %
Table 37. Export supplies of aluminum semi-finished products of KUMZ OJSC by type in 2020-2023, tons
Table 38. Main financial indicators of KUMZ OJSC
Table 39. Main financial indicators of SMZ JSC in 2020-2022, billion rubles.
Table 40. Main financial indicators of Aluminum Metallurg Rus JSC in 2020-2021, billion rubles.
Table 41. Main financial indicators of KraMZ LLC in 2020-2021, billion rubles.
Table 42. Global export volumes of aluminum semi-finished products in 2018-2022, thousand tons
Table 43. Main exporters of aluminum extruded products in the world in 2020-2022
Table 44. Main exporters of flat rolled aluminum products in the world in 2020-2022.
Table 45. Main importers of aluminum extruded products in the world in 2020-2022
Table 46. Main importers of aluminum rolled products in the world in 2020-2022
Table 47. Imports of aluminum semi-finished products by China in 2020-2022
Table 48. Imports of aluminum extruded products by China in 2020-2022
Table 49. Imports of flat rolled aluminum products by China in 2020-2022.
Table 50. Imports of aluminum semi-finished products by Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 51. Imports of pressed products made of unalloyed aluminum by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 52. Import of hollow profiles made of aluminum alloys by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 53. Imports of rods and profiles from aluminum alloys by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 54. Import of flat-rolled unalloyed aluminum by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 55. Import of flat rolled aluminum alloys by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 56. Imports of other flat rolled products from non-alloyed aluminum by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 57. Imports of other flat rolled products from aluminum alloys by individual Asian countries (excluding China) in 2020-2022.
Table 58. Imports of aluminum semi-finished products by African countries in 2020-2022
Table 59. Imports of pressed products made of unalloyed aluminum by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 60. Imports of pressed products from aluminum alloys by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 61. Imports of rods and profiles from aluminum alloys by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 62. Supplier countries of rods and profiles made of aluminum alloys to African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 63. Import of flat-rolled unalloyed aluminum by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 64. Import of flat rolled aluminum alloys by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 91. Imports of other flat rolled products from non-alloyed aluminum by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 66. Imports of other flat rolled products from aluminum alloys by individual African countries in 2020-2022.
Table 67. Imports of aluminum semi-finished products by Latin American countries in 2020-2022
Table 68. Imports of pressed products made of unalloyed aluminum by individual Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 69. Import of hollow aluminum alloy profiles by selected Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 70. Imports of rods and profiles from aluminum alloys by selected Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 71. Supplier countries of rods and profiles from aluminum alloys to Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 72. Imports of flat-rolled unalloyed aluminum by individual Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 73. Imports of flat rolled aluminum alloys by individual Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 74. Imports of other flat rolled products from non-alloyed aluminum by individual Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 75. Imports of other flat rolled products from aluminum alloys by individual Latin American countries in 2020-2022.
Table 76. Balance of production and consumption of rolled aluminum in Russia in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 77. Structure of exports and imports of aluminum semi-finished products in the Russian Federation, %
Table 78. Volume of Russian Federation exports of aluminum semi-finished products by main types in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 79. Main Russian companies exporting pressed products in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 80. Main directions of supplies of pressed products by the main exporting companies in 2020-2023, %
Table 81. Main Russian companies exporting flat products in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 82. Main directions of supplies of flat rolled products by the main exporting companies in 2020-2023, %
Table 83. Main directions of export of pressed aluminum products of the Russian Federation in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 84. Main directions of export of flat rolled aluminum products in the Russian Federation in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 85. Volumes of supplies of pressed steel by the main exporting companies in 2020-2023, tons, thousand $
Table 86. Volumes of flat rolled products supplied by the main exporting companies in 2020-2023, %
Table 87. Volume of Russian Federation imports of aluminum semi-finished products by main types in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 88. Global demand for aluminum extruded products in retrospect 2020-2023 and forecast period until 2029
Table 89. Consumption of aluminum extruded products by region of the world
Table 90. Consumption of aluminum press products by economic sector
Table 91. Consumption of aluminum extruded products in China
Table 92. Consumption of aluminum press products in Asia-Pacific countries (except China)
Table 93. Structure of consumption of aluminum extruded products in the Asia-Pacific countries (including China) in 2020-2023.
Table 94. Consumption of aluminum extruded products in the countries of the Middle East and Africa
Table 95. Structure of consumption of aluminum extruded products in the countries of the Middle East and Africa in 2020-2023.
Table 96. Consumption of aluminum extruded products in Latin American countries
Table 97. Structure of consumption of aluminum extruded products in Latin America (without Mexico) in 2020-2023.
Table 98. Global demand for aluminum flat products in retrospect and forecast period until 2029
Table 99. Consumption of aluminum flat products by regions of the world
Table 100. Consumption of aluminum flat products by economic sectors
Table 101. Consumption of aluminum flat products in China in retrospect and forecast period until 2029
Table 102. Consumption of aluminum flat products in the Asia-Pacific countries (excluding China) in retrospect and the forecast period until 2029.
Table 103. Structure of consumption of aluminum flat products in the Asia-Pacific countries (including China)
Table 104. Consumption of aluminum flat products in the countries of the Middle East and Africa in retrospect and the forecast period until 2029.
Table 105. Structure of consumption of aluminum flat products in the countries of the Middle East and Africa
Table 106. Consumption of aluminum flat products in Latin American countries in retrospect and forecast period until 2029
Table 107. Structure of consumption of aluminum flat products in Latin America (without Mexico)
Table 108. Assessment of global demand for forging products in 2022-2023 and forecast for 2030, billion US dollars
Table 109. Regional structure of sales of forging products in 2023 and forecast for 2030, billion US dollars
Table 110. Main directions and areas of consumption of rolled aluminum
Table 111. Analysis of government procurement of rolled aluminum in 2022
Table 112. Largest Russian importers of aluminum semi-finished products in 2020-2023.
Table 26. Forecast indicators of supplies of domestically produced aircraft by year
Table 114. Forecast of the balance of production and consumption of aluminum semi-finished products in the Russian Federation until 2028, thousand tons
Table 115. Main areas of use of rolled aluminum and drivers of domestic market growth
Table 116. Assessment of the influence of the main factors (drivers) of the aluminum semi-finished products market on the Project
Table 117. Dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators and their correlation with the demand for aluminum semi-finished products in the Russian Federation in 2015-2023.
Table 118. Export-import prices for various types of aluminum semi-finished products in 2017-2023, $/t
Table 119. Sales prices of KUMZ OJSC for various types of aluminum semi-finished products in 2020-2023.
Table 120. Forecast of prices for aluminum semi-finished products in Russia in 2024-2030. (basic option)
Table 121. Forecast of prices for aluminum semi-finished products in Russia in 2024-2030. (optimistic option)
Figure 1. Sectors of consumption of aluminum extruded products
Figure 2. Consumption sectors of aluminum flat products
Figure 3. Use of aluminum alloys in automobiles
Figure 4. Use of aluminum alloys in electrical engineering and electronics
Figure 5. Use of aluminum alloys in mechanical engineering and equipment
Figure 6. Dynamics of global production of aluminum semi-finished products in 2018-2023, million tons
Figure 7. Dynamics of production of aluminum semi-finished products in the Russian Federation in 1993-2023. (fact) and until 2030 (forecast), thousand tons
Figure 8. Structure of production of aluminum semi-finished products and rolled products by type of product, %
Figure 9. Dynamics of export-import of rolled aluminum in Russia in 2003-2023, thousand tons
Figure 10. Dynamics of estimated domestic consumption of rolled aluminum in the Russian Federation in 2003-2023. (fact) and in 2024-2030. (forecast), thousand tons
Figure 11. Structure of consumption of rolled aluminum in the Russian Federation, %
Figure 12. Dynamics of average world prices for aluminum semi-finished products and aluminum prices (LME) in 2018-2023, $/t
Figure 13. Dynamics of LME prices for aluminum in 2020-2024. (monthly), $/t
Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian prices for aluminum semi-finished products and raw aluminum in 2018-2023, thousand rubles/t