Engineering Services for the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals in Russia: Market and Forecast
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This report is the first edition of a study of the market of engineering services for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia.
The purpose of the study - an analysis of the market of engineering services for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from scientific, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, documents of procurement commissions, Internet sites of engineering service providers, the SBiS database, data from customs statistics of the Russian Federation, the results of a survey of a number of domestic experts.
Chronological framework of the study: 2016-2018, the forecast for 2019-2025.
Geography research: Russian Federation.
The report consists of 6 chapters, contains 147 pages, including 32 tables, 17 figures and 7 annexes.
The introduction gives an understanding of the term "engineering services".
The first chapter contains an assessment of the capacity of the engineering services market and its structure.
The second chapter provides information on domestic suppliers of engineering services in the Russian Federation for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry of the Russian Federation.
The third chapter provides information on foreign suppliers of engineering services in the Russian Federation for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry of the Russian Federation in 2016-2018.
The fourth chapter reviewed the situation of the largest companies-consumers of engineering services in the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals of the Russian Federation.
The fifth chapter provides a price analysis of the main engineering services in the Russian Federation in 2016-2018.
The sixth chapter presents the forecast of consumption of engineering services in the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals of the Russian Federation until 2025.
The annexes summarize the tenders of a number of companies related to the purchase of engineering services, as well as the contacts of the main suppliers of engineering services.
Target audience of the study:
- participants of the engineering market in Russia - researchers, developers, manufacturers, consumers;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of reference for professionals making management decisions working in this market.
Introduction Objects and research methodology
1. Estimation of the volume of engineering services for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia in 2016-2018. and their structure
2. The main Russian companies-suppliers of engineering services for the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals in Russia in 2016-2018
RIVS Group (JV “IVS”)
JSC "Irgiredmet"
Gipronickel Institute LLC
TOMS Group
3. Foreign suppliers of engineering services for the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals in Russia
3.1 Outotec
3.2 Metso
3.3 FLSmidth
4. The main consumers of engineering services for the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals in Russia in 2016-2018
"MMC" Norilsk Nickel "
Polyus Gold Group
PJSC "Polymetal"
Arkonik SMZ
Group "Russian Platinum"
Other companies
5. Price analysis of engineering services for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia in 2016-2018.
6. Forecast of demand for engineering services in the Russian Federation for the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia until 2023, major projects in the industry
Appendix 1. SWOT-analysis of the largest engineering companies
Appendix 2. Import of main types of technological equipment by large Russian companies in the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in 2016-2017, ths. Dollars
Appendix 3. Open procurement of by the Norilsk Nickel group in 2016-2018, mln rub.
Appendix 4. Topics of individual requests for the Rusal Management Campus (4th quarter, 2018)
Appendix 5. Open procurement by the UMMC group in 2016-2018, mln rub.
Appendix 6. Open Procurement of the Institution "Krastsvetmet" in 2016-2018, mln rub.
Appendix 7. Address book of the main engineering companies in Russia
Table 1: The main types of engineering services
Table 2: The main engineering companies in Russia in the field of non-ferrous and precious metals
Table 3: Main projects and works of the RIVS Group in 2015-2018
Table 4: Volumes of import of equipment of the RIVS Group and JSC Irgiredmet in 2015-2017, million dollars
Table 5:. The main financial indicators of the JV “IVS” CJSC in 2015-2017, mln. Rub.
Table 6: Main financial indicators of LLC Mashzavod RIVS in 2010-2017, mln. Rub.
Table 7: Main projects and works of JSC Irgiredmet in 2015-2018
Table 8: Main financial indicators of JSC Irgiredmet in 2010-2017, mln rub.
Table 9: Major projects and works of Gipronickel Institute LLC in 2015-2018
Table 10: Main financial indicators of Gipronickel Institute LLC in 2010-2017, mln rub.
Table 11: Main projects and works of TOMS Group of Companies in 2015-2018
Table 12: Main financial indicators of the TOMS Group of Companies in 2010-2017, mln rub.
Table 13: Main financial indicators of JSC RUSAL YOU in 2010-2017, mln rubles
Table 14: Main financial indicators of CJSC "Outek SPb" in 2013-2017, mln. Rub.
Table 15: Outotec supplies of mining and processing and metallurgical equipment and components to Russian enterprises in 2015-2017, thousand dollars
Table 16: Main financial indicators of Metso LLC in 2015-2017, mln rubles
Table 17: Metso supplies of equipment and components to Russian enterprises in 2015-2017, thousand dollars
Table 18. Main financial indicators of LLC FLSmidt Rus in 2013-2017, mln rub.
Table 19: Supplies of FLSmidth equipment and components to Russian enterprises in 2015-2017, ths. Dollars
Table 20: Volume of shipment of products, work performed and services by the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals in Russia in 2014-2017
Table 21: Key performance indicators of MMC Norilsk Nickel in 2013-2017
Table 22: Main financial performance of RUSAL, billion dollars
Table 23: Main financial indicators of PJSC "VSMPO-AVISMA" in 2010-2017, billion rubles
Table 24: Main financial indicators of JSC "Arkonik SMZ" in 2010-2017, billion rubles
Table 25: Main financial indicators of AO Arkonik SMZ in 2010-2017, billion rubles
Table 26: Main financial indicators of Krastsvetmet OJSC in 2010-2017, billion rubles
Table 27: Cost ranges of the main types of engineering services for enterprises of the non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia in 2016-2018, mln rubles.
Table 28: Cost ranges of the main types of engineering services for enterprises of non-ferrous and precious metals industry in Russia in 2016-2018, mln rubles.
Table 29: Cost of individual engineering services associated with the design and technical solutions for a number of mining companies in Russia in 2015-2018, mln rubles.
Table 30: Projects for the development of new deposits of non-ferrous metals in Russia
Table 31: Projects for the development of new deposits of precious metals in Russia
Table 32: Forecast of the volume of the market of engineering services in the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals for 2020 and 2025, billion rubles.
Figure 1: Estimated structure of consumption of engineering services for the mining and metallurgical industries of the Russian Federation,%
Figure 2: Estimated structure of consumption of engineering services in the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals of the Russian Federation,%
Figure 3: Summary industry structure of equipment supplies by the largest suppliers (Metso, FLSmidth, Outotec) in 2015-2017,%
Figure 4: Dynamics of import supplies of Outotec mining equipment to Russia in 2015-2017, million dollars
Figure 5: Summary structure of equipment supplies by Outotec in 2015-2017,%
Figure 6: Summary structure of the supply of equipment Metso in 2015-2017,%
Figure 7: Summary structure of equipment supplies FLSmidth in 2015-2017,%
Figure 8: Estimated volume of consumption of engineering services by the largest enterprises of the industry of non-ferrous and precious metals, billion rubles
Figure 9: Estimated structure of acquired engineering services of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel,%
Figure 10: Dynamics of aluminum production in Russia in 2005-2018, mln. Tons
Figure 11: Estimated structure of acquired engineering services by RUSAL,%
Figure 12: Dynamics of gold mining by the company “Polyus” in 2008-2018, t
Figure 13: Estimated structure of the acquired IU PJSC Polyus,%
Figure 14: UMMC copper cathode production in 2011-2017, kt
Figure 15: Estimated structure of UMMC acquired IU holding,%
Figure 16: Dynamics of gold production by the company "Polymetal" in 2008-2017, t
Figure 17: Estimated structure acquired by Polymetal,%