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Molybdenum in Russia, CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (12th edition)

页数: 185 表数: 57 的数字的数量: 48
报告语言: Russian
发布: 29.06.2022

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

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价格: 3 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the 13th edition of the study of the molybdenum market in Russia, the CIS and the world.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the molybdenum market and its products.


The object of the study is molybdenum concentrate, the report also gives a brief description of the manufacturers of other molybdenum products - ferromolybdenum, metallic molybdenum, etc.

This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), Russian Railways (railway traffic statistics), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FTS RF), and the Infomine database were used. The data of industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, websites of producers and consumers of molybdenum concentrate were also involved.

This review is the most complete among those presented on the information market on this topic, and claims to be a reference tool. The use of data without additional thorough analysis can lead to the adoption of erroneous management decisions by marketing services and specialists working in the market of molybdenum raw materials.


Timeline of the study: 1998-2021; forecast - until 2030

Research geography: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis; Armenia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan - general market analysis; the rest of the world - general information about the dynamics and characteristics of the market.

Scope of the study: the report consists of 6 parts, contains 185 pages, including 57 tables, 48 ​​figures, 2 appendices.


The first chapter of the report provides information on the mineral resource base of molybdenum and the extraction of molybdenum-containing ores abroad. The main areas of application of molybdenum concentrates, as well as world prices for molybdenum products, are highlighted.

The second chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of the mineral resource base of molybdenum-containing ores in Russia and the CIS.

The third chapter provides information on the dynamics and structure of production of molybdenum concentrate in 1998-2021, a description and characteristics of the main producers of molybdenum concentrate in the CIS are given. Sales markets and consumers, export activity are considered.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the analysis of foreign trade operations of Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Ukraine with molybdenum concentrates in 1998-2021. It provides information about the directions of supply, exporters and importers of molybdenum concentrate.

The fifth chapter considers the consumption of molybdenum concentrate in the CIS. In this section, the “production-consumption” balance of these products for Russia (1998-2021) is compiled, a description of the main consumer enterprises is given. Also in this section, manufacturers of ferromolybdenum and other molybdenum products in Russia and the CIS are considered.

The final, sixth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of molybdenum raw materials until 2030.

The appendices contain address and contact information of the main enterprises producing molybdenum concentrates, as well as consumers of molybdenum raw materials.


Target audience of the study:

- market participants of molybdenum raw materials - producers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision makers working in the market of molybdenum raw materials.





1. Brief description of the state of the world molybdenum market in 2001-2021 (stocks, production, prices)


2. Mineral resource base of molybdenum in the CIS in 2021


3. Market of molybdenum raw materials in the CIS

3.1. Requirements for the quality of molybdenum concentrate, its production technology

3.2. Production of molybdenum concentrate in the CIS in 1998-2021

3.2.1. Production of molybdenum concentrate in Russia in 1998-2021

CJSC Management Company Soyuzmetallresurs

3.2.2. Production of molybdenum concentrate in Armenia in 1998-2021

Zangezur Copper-Molybdenum Plant CJSC

CJSC "Agarak Copper-Molybdenum Combine"

CJSC "Teghout"

3.2.3. Production of molybdenum concentrate in Uzbekistan in 1998-2021

JSC Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant (JSC Almalyk MMC)

3.2.4. Production of molybdenum concentrate in Kazakhstan in 2005-2021

KAZ Minerals

LLP "Kyzyltu"

3.2.5. Enterprises that have ceased production

OJSC Zhirekensky GOK

OOO Kalgutinskoe (Russia)

OJSC "Tyrnyauz GOK" (Russia)

JSC Hydrometallurg (Russia)

OAO Priargunsky Production Mining and Chemical Association (Russia)

MoliKen LLP (Kazakhstan)

Akchatau GOK JSC (Kazakhstan)

3.3. Projects and investments in the molybdenum industry of the CIS

3.3.1. Russia

Tyrnyauz field (Kabardino-Balkaria)

Agaskyrskoye field (Republic of Khakassia)

Ak-Sugskoye field (Republic of Tyva)

Peschanka deposit (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

Bugdainskoye field (Zabaikalsky Krai)

Zharchikhinsky field (Republic of Buryatia)

Deposits transferred to the unallocated subsoil fund

3.3.2. Kazakhstan and Armenia

Koksay Project of KAZ Minerals PLC Group

Dastakert field development project (Armenia)


4. Export-import of molybdenum raw materials in the CIS in 1998-2021

4.1. Export-import of molybdenum raw materials in Russia in 1998-2021

4.2. Export-import of molybdenum raw materials in Kazakhstan in 2000-2020

4.3. Export-import of molybdenum raw materials in Armenia in 2000-2021

4.4. Export-import of molybdenum raw materials in Ukraine in 2007-2021


5. Consumption of molybdenum raw materials in the CIS in 1998-2021

5.1. Ferromolybdenum production in the CIS in 1999-2021

5.1.1. Russia

Sorsk Ferromolybdenum Plant LLC

OOO "Moliren"

OOO Nizhnevolzhsky Ferroalloy Plant

OOO "Enterprise" Kristall "

LLC "Unechsky Plant of Refractory Metals"

Other enterprises

Enterprises that stopped the production of ferromolybdenum

Zhirekensky Ferromolybdenum Plant LLC

CJSC "Kamyshinsky Casting and Ferroalloy Plant"

LLC "Ryazan plant of ferroalloys and ligatures"

Zubtsovsky Machine-Building Plant LLC

OOO "Enterprise" Kristall "

Export-import of ferromolybdenum in Russia in 2013-2021

5.1.2. Armenia

JSC Pure Iron Plant

Armenian Molybdenum Production

5.1.3. Ukraine

PJSC "Electrometallurgical plant" Dneprospetsstal "named after. A. M. Kuzmina

5.2. Production of molybdenum and other products in 1999-2021

5.2.1. Russia

JSC Polema

JSC "Uralredmet"

JSC "Pobedit"

Export-import of metallic molybdenum and molybdenum trioxide in Russia in 2012-2021

5.2.2. Armenia

JSC Pure Iron Plant

5.2.3. Uzbekistan

NPO for the production of rare metals and hard alloys (formerly JSC "Uzbek combine of refractory and heat-resistant metals")

5.3. Production and consumption of molybdenum concentrates in Russia in 1998-2021

5.4. Production and consumption of ferromolybdenum in Russia in 2013-2021


6. Forecast for the development of the molybdenum market in Russia until 2030


Appendix 1. Contact information of enterprises-manufacturers of molybdenum-containing raw materials

Appendix 2. Contact information of enterprises-consumers of molybdenum-containing raw materials

Table 1. Molybdenum reserves of the leading countries, thousand tons

Table 2. The volume of molybdenum production in China and the world in 2016-2021, thousand tons

Table 3. The volume of world production of molybdenum in concentrate in 2012-2021, thousand tons

Table 4. The main deposits of molybdenum-containing ores in the CIS

Table 5. Geographic distribution of reserves and production of molybdenum in the Russian Federation in 2021, thousand tons of molybdenum

Table 6. Main deposits of molybdenum in Russia

Table 7. Requirements for molybdenum concentrates obtained as a result of flotation enrichment (GOST 212-76)

Table 8. Requirements for molybdenum concentrates obtained as a result of hydrometallurgical processing (GOST 212-76)

Table 9. Fields of application of various grades of molybdenum concentrates

Table 10. Production of molybdenum concentrate in the CIS in 1998-2021, thousand tons of molybdenum

Table 11. Production of molybdenum concentrate and molybdenum content in it by Russian enterprises in 1999-2021 , t

Table 12. Export of molybdenum concentrate by Sorsky GOK LLC in 1999-2006, tons and mln $

Table 13. Key financial performance indicators of Sorsky GOK LLC in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 14. Deliveries of molybdenum concentrate to Russia by Zangezur MMK in 1999-2003, t and $ thousand/t

Table 15

Table 16. Financial performance of JSC Zhirekensky GOK in 2010-2014, million rubles

Table 17. Export of molybdenum concentrate produced by OAO Tyrnyauz GOK in 1999-2001, tons

Table 18. Production of hydrometallurgical molybdenum concentrate by OAO Hydrometallurg in 1998-2007, tons

Table 19. Main projects for the development of molybdenum deposits in the Russian Federation

Table 20. The volume of Russian exports of molybdenum concentrate by directions in 1998-2021, tons

Table 21. Import supplies of molybdenum concentrate from Russia by country and average annual price in 1998-2021, t, $/kg

Table 22. Dynamics of Russian molybdenum concentrate imports by suppliers in 2012-2021, tons

Table 23. Main recipients of molybdenum concentrate in Russia in 2012-2021, t

Table 24. Directions of export of molybdenum concentrate from Kazakhstan in 2004-2020, tons

Table 25. The volume of imports of molybdenum concentrate of Kazakhstan by directions in 2000-2017, tons

Table 26. Directions of export of molybdenum concentrate of Armenia in 2000-2021, tons

Table 27. Volume of imports of molybdenum concentrate of Armenia by directions in 2002-2021, t

Table 28. The volume of imports of molybdenum concentrate of Ukraine by directions in 2007-2021, tons

Table 29. Recipients of imported molybdenum concentrate in Ukraine in 2007-2021, t

Table 30. Chemical composition of ferromolybdenum (GOST 4759-91),%

Table 31. Chemical composition of ammonium paramolybdate (52% Mo), % (GOST 2677-78)

Table 32. The main producers of molybdenum products in the CIS and their assortment

Table 33. Dynamics of ferromolybdenum production in the CIS in 1999-2021, thousand tons

Table 34. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Sorsky FZ LLC in 2013-2021, million rubles

Table 35. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Moliren LLC in 2010-2021, RUB mln

Table 36. Financial indicators of OOO NFZ in 2017-2021, million rubles

Table 37. Financial performance of Kristall Enterprise LLC in 2014-2021, million rubles

Table 38. Financial performance of OOO Unechsky Plant of Refractory Metals of Metals in 2016-2021, million rubles

Table 39. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of Zhirekensky Ferromolybdenum Plant LLC in 2011-2017, million rubles

Table 40. Main indicators of financial and economic activity of CJSC Kamyshinsky LFZ in 2011-2017, million rubles

Table 41. Indicators of financial and economic activity of Ryazan Plant of Ferroalloys and Ligature LLC in 2011-2015, million rubles

Table 42. Russian exporters of ferromolybdenum in 2013-2021, tons

Table 43. Volume of output of molybdenum products by the largest manufacturers in the Russian Federation in 2017-2021, t

Table 44. Chemical composition of molybdenum powders produced by OJSC Polema, %

Table 45. The volume of imports of molybdenum products of JSC "Polema" in 2013-2021, t

Table 46. Financial performance of JSC "Polema" in 2003-2021

Table 47

Table 48. Key financial and economic performance indicators of Uralredmet JSC in 2011-2021, million rubles

Table 49. Export of molybdenum and products from it by Pobedit OJSC in 1999-2019, tons

Table 50. Key financial and economic performance indicators of Pobedit JSC in 2012-2021, million rubles

Table 51. The volume of Russia's foreign trade operations with metallic molybdenum in 2012-2021, tons, million $, thousand $/t

Table 52. Main consumers of imported oxide and molybdenum trioxide in 2012-2021, t

Table 53. Export volume and average export prices for metallic molybdenum of UzKTZhM JSC by directions in 2010-2021, t, $/kg

Table 54. Export volume and average export prices for molybdenum trioxide JSC "UzKTZhM" by directions in 2010-2021, t, thousand $ / t

Table 55. Dynamics of export of molybdenum products of JSC "UzKTZhM" to Russia in 1999-2021, tons

Table 56. Balance "production-consumption" of molybdenum concentrates in Russia in 1998-2021, tons

Table 57. Balance "production-consumption" of ferromolybdenum in Russia in 2013-2021, thousand tons

Figure 1. Dynamics of world production of molybdenum in concentrate in 2001-2021, thousand tons

Figure 2. Dynamics of world production and consumption of molybdenum in 2016-2021, thousand tons

Figure 3. The structure of the world production of molybdenum in 2012-2020 %

Figure 4. Structure of world consumption of molybdenum by purpose,%

Figure 5. Dynamics of quarterly prices for molybdenum on the London Stock Exchange in 2012-2022, $/kg

Figure 6. Main deposits of molybdenum, distribution of its reserves and predicted resources by constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Figure 7. Main deposits of molybdenum in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Armenia

Figure 8. Dynamics of production of molybdenum concentrate in the CIS in 1998-2021, tons of molybdenum

Figure 9. Dynamics of production of molybdenum in concentrate in Russia by enterprises in 1998-2021, t

Figure 10. Production of molybdenum concentrate by Sorsky GOK LLC in 1998-2021, thousand tons

Figure 11. Dynamics of molybdenum concentrate production and molybdenum content in concentrate in Armenia in 2013-2021, t

Figure 12. Technological performance indicators of the Kajaran molybdenum processing plant

Figure 13. Dynamics of production of molybdenum in concentrate in Kazakhstan in 2005-2021, t

Figure 14. Production of molybdenum concentrate by JSC Zhirekensky GOK in 2000-2013, thousand tons

Figure 15. Production of molybdenum concentrate by OAO Tyrnyauz GOK in 1998-2002, tons

Figure 16. Molybdenum concentrate production dynamics of MoliKen LLP in 2005-2009, tons

Figure 17. Dynamics of export-import of molybdenum concentrates in Russia in 1998-2021, thousand tons

Figure 18. Dynamics of average annual export prices for molybdenum concentrate in Russia in 1998-2021, thousand $/t

Figure 19. Dynamics of average annual import prices for molybdenum concentrate in 1998-2021, thousand $/t

Figure 20. Dynamics of export-import of molybdenum concentrates of Kazakhstan in 2000-2020, tons

Figure 21. Dynamics of export-import of molybdenum concentrates in Armenia in 2000-2021, tons

Figure 22. Dynamics of imports of molybdenum concentrate in Ukraine in 2007-2021, tons, mln $

Figure 23. Structure of imports of molybdenum concentrate in Ukraine in 2012-2021, %

Figure 24. Dynamics of ferromolybdenum production in the CIS in 1999-2021, thousand tons

Figure 25. Dynamics of production and export of ferromolybdenum by Sorsky FMZ LLC in 2005-2021, thousand tons

Figure 26. Dynamics of ferromolybdenum production by Moliren LLC in 2012-2021, t

Figure 27. Dynamics of ferromolybdenum production at the Nizhnevolzhsky Ferroalloy Plant in 2017-2021, t

Figure 28. Dynamics of production and export of ferromolybdenum by Zhirekensky FMZ LLC in 2004-2013, thousand tons

Figure 29. Dynamics of production and export of ferromolybdenum by Kamyshinsky LFZ CJSC in 2006-2016, thousand tons

Figure 30. Dynamics of production of ferromolybdenum by Ryazan Ferroalloy and Ligature Plant LLC in 2010-2013, thousand tons

Figure 31. Dynamics of Russian ferromolybdenum exports in physical and value terms in 2013-2021, thousand tons, million $

Figure 32. Dynamics of Russian imports of ferromolybdenum in physical and value terms in 2013-2021, t, mln $

Figure 33. Dynamics of Russia's average annual export and import prices for ferromolybdenum in 2013-2021, $/kg

Figure 34. Dynamics of ferromolybdenum production in Armenia in 2003-2021, thousand tons

Figure 35. Dynamics of purchases of imported molybdenum concentrate by PJSC "Dneprospetsstal" in 2012-2021, t

Figure 36. Dynamics of production of metallic molybdenum and products from it in the CIS in 1999-2021, tons

Figure 37. Dynamics of production of molybdenum products by OJSC Polema in 1999-2021, t

Figure 38. Dynamics of supplies of molybdenum products of Polema JSC for export and domestic market in 1999-2021, tons

Figure 39. Dynamics of imports of molybdenum oxide JSC "Uralredmet" in 2001-2021, tons

Figure 40. Dynamics of supplies of molybdenum concentrate from Armenia to Pobedit JSC in 1999-2003, tons

Figure 41. Production of molybdenum in the products of Pobedit JSC in 1998-2021, t

Figure 42. Dynamics of the production of metallic molybdenum by JSC "Pure Iron Plant" in 1999-2016, t

Figure 43. Production of molybdenum and molybdenum products of UzKTZhM JSC in 1996-2021, t

Figure 44. Dynamics of production, consumption and foreign economic transactions with molybdenum concentrate in Russia in 1998-2021, thousand tons

Figure 45. Dynamics of production, consumption and foreign economic operations with ferromolybdenum in Russia in 2013-2021, thousand tons

Figure 46. Forecast of production of molybdenum concentrates in Russia until 2030, thousand tons

Figure 47. Structure of final consumption of molybdenum products in the world, %

Figure 48. Forecast of consumption of molybdenum concentrate in Russia until 2030, thousand tons



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